Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission

Aquaculture technical reports

This is a curated collection of technical documents that are relevant to aquaculture in the Asia-Pacific region. This are technical outputs of APFIC workshops or the APFIC Secretariat. There are also FAO publications relevant to the APFIC region.

Miao W., Mohan C.V., Ellis W., Brian D. (eds.) (2013) Adoption of Aquaculture Assessment Tools for Improving the Planning and Management of Aquaculture in Asia and the Pacific. FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand. RAP Publication 2013/11, 136 pp. Global capture fish production has been stagnant since the 1990s. The major part of increased fish production during the last two decades has come from aquaculture, largely the result of progress in...


RFLP engaged WorldFish to undertake an assessment of the current aquaculture situation in Timor-Leste and thereafter to facilitate the development of a national strategy for aquaculture development for Timor-Leste by the NDFA with input from other key stakeholders. This document is the Portuguese version of the strategy.


The FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific was requested to conduct a review of the development potential for fisheries and aquaculture in Nepal. This document is the output of this mission. The document provides a brief status of the sector in Nepal based on a literature review and interviews with main stakeholders in the sector. The document also list of number of priority areas where the Government of Nepal and FAO potentially...