tiles_intersect(latlim, lonlim, product_name)

Creates a list of server-side filenames for tiles that intersect with latlim and lonlim for the selected product.

  • latlim (list) – Latitude limits of area of interest.

  • lonlim (list) – Longitude limits of area of interest.

  • product_name (str) – Name of the product to download.


Server-side filenames for tiles.

Return type


url_func(product_name, fn)

Returns a url at which to collect COPERNICUS data.

  • product_name (str) – Name of the product to download.

  • fn (str) – Name of the server-side filename to download.


The url.

Return type


default_vars(product_name, req_vars)

Given a product_name and a list of requested variables, returns a dictionary with metadata on which exact layers need to be requested from the server, how they should be renamed, and how their dimensions are defined.

  • product_name (str) – Name of the product.

  • req_vars (list) – List of variables to be collected.


Metadata on which exact layers need to be requested from the server.

Return type


default_post_processors(product_name, req_vars=['z'])

Given a product_name and a list of requested variables, returns a dictionary with a list of functions per variable that should be applied after having collected the data from a server.

  • product_name (str) – Name of the product.

  • req_vars (list, optional) – List of variables to be collected, by default [“z”].


Functions per variable that should be applied to the variable.

Return type


download(folder, latlim, lonlim, product_name='GLO30', req_vars=['z'], variables=None, post_processors=None, **kwargs)

Download COPERNICUS data and store it in a single netCDF file.

  • folder (str) – Path to folder in which to store results.

  • latlim (list) – Latitude limits of area of interest.

  • lonlim (list) – Longitude limits of area of interest.

  • timelim (list) – Period for which to prepare data.

  • product_name (str, optional) – Name of the product to download, by default “GLO30”.

  • req_vars (list, optional) – Which variables to download for the selected product, by default [“z”].

  • variables (dict, optional) – Metadata on which exact layers need to be requested from the server, by default None.

  • post_processors (dict, optional) – Functions per variable that should be applied to the variable, by default None.


Downloaded data.

Return type
