
download(fp, product_name, coords, variables, post_processors, url_func, gdal_config_options={}, waitbar=True, ndv=-9999)

Download data from a Cloud Optimized Geotiff hosted on a remote server.

  • fp (str) – Path to file in which to download.

  • product_name (str) – Name of product.

  • coords (dict) – Coordinate names and boundaries.

  • variables (dict) – Keys are variable names, values are additional settings.

  • post_processors (dict) – Processors to apply to specific variables.

  • url_func (function) – Function that takes product_name as input and return a url.

  • gdal_config_options (dict, optional) – Additional options passed to gdal.SetConfigOption, by default {}.

  • waitbar (bool, optional) – Show a download progress bar or not, by default True.

  • ndv (int, optional) – No data value to use in new file, by default -9999.


Dataset with the downloaded data.

Return type
