
Functions to automatically decorate all the functions inside the et_look_v2 and et_look_dev submodules so that et_look can be run when not all inputs variables are available. This allows to run only parts of et_look, e.g. when only et_ref_24_mm as output is required, pre_et_look doesn’t need to download and process all variables.

decorate_mod(module, decorator)

Apply a decorator to all the functions inside a module.

  • module (module) – Module to decorate.

  • decorator (function) – Function to decorate with.

decorate_submods(module, decorator)

Apply a decorator to all the functions inside all the submodules of a module.

  • module (module) – Module of which the functions inside its submodules to decorate.

  • decorator (function) – Function to decorate with.


Checks if the DataArrays contain data or are None.


func (function) – Function for which to check the inputs.