Hundreds of activities and events are being organized worldwide to promote the International Year of Camelids. Click on the map below to find an activity or event near you. 

Whether you’re an NGO, journalist, government, city, civil society or research and development organization, or an individual, take advantage of this opportunity to call for action! 

Plan a #YearofCamelids event online or in person, or spread the word on your channels, and let us know if you need our help. We can provide you with a range of promotional materials in several languages – from posters to designs for branded merchandise, videos and event banners. Remember to upload your event to the map and create a free dedicated event page by completing the form below. 

Discover more about the global launch event. 

WebcastPress release

Hybrid Event, Puno (Peru)

Celebration of National Vicuña Day: National Vicuña Forum
14/11/2024 - 15/11/2024

Through Ministerial Resolution No. 0458-2017-MINAGRI, November 15 of each year is the “National Vicuña Day”, with the purpose of revaluing this wildlife...

Arequipa (Peru)

II National Seminar on the meat of domestic South American camelids

The event will convene actors in the meat value chain of domestic South American camelids (alpaca and llama) to evaluate the progress and limitations...

Hybrid Event, Kuwait City (Kuwait)

Camels and Food Security Conference
29/10/2024 - 30/10/2024

Despite its profound cultural and economic significance, camel rearing is confronted with several challenges in many regions around the world....

Arequipa (Peru)

Alpaca Fiesta & Peru Moda Deco 2024
21/10/2024 - 26/10/2024

The International Alpaca Association (IAA) in alliance with PROMPERU-MINCETUR will carry out the eighth edition of ALPACA FIESTA, the most important...

Tunbridge (United States)

Vermont Sheep & Wool Festival
05/10/2024 - 06/10/2024

The 2024 Vermont Sheep & Wool Festival celebrates the International Year of Camelids. Visit the llamas and alpacas, shop camelid fiber and yarn...

Arequipa (Peru)

Chaccu - Vicuña Ecotourism Festival and value-added tourist route

Chaccu is an ancestral activity inherited from the Inca empire that consists of herding, capturing live vicuñas with the aim of extracting their...

Virtual Event

II Jornadas Argentinas de Camélidos Silvestres Sudamericanos
25/09/2024 - 27/09/2024

En el Año Internacional de los Camélidos, los invitamos a participar de las SEGUNDAS JORNADAS ARGENTINAS PARA LA CONSERVACIÓN Y MANEJO...

Ayacucho (Peru)

I International Symposium of Guanaco

Within the framework of the International Year of the Camelids and the inclusion of the guanaco in Appendix II of the Convention on the Conservation...

Ondores (Peru)

Chaccu - Vicuña Ecotourism Festival and value-added tourist route
13/09/2024 - 14/09/2024

Chaccu is an ancestral activity inherited from the Inca empire that consists of herding, capturing live vicuñas with the aim of extracting their...

Puno (Peru)

National Fair of South American Camelids, Agricultural and Handicraft Products Macusani, Carabaya - FECASAM
24/08/2024 - 29/08/2024

Fair of regional and national importance that takes place in August at the “Julio E. Barreda Aragón” fairground in the district of Macusani, province...

Arequipa (Peru)

National Guanaco Festival
23/08/2024 - 24/08/2024

Within the framework of the International Year of Camelids 2024, it is of utmost importance to recognize the importance of the Peruvian subspecies...

Cusco (Peru)

National Agricultural, Agroindustrial, Artisanal, Gastronomic and Cultural Fair "Señor de Pampacucho"

Fair of regional and national importance that takes place in August at the “Señor de Pampacucho” fairground in the district of Sicuani, province...

Cusco (Peru)

International Camelid Festival, Cusco 2024
01/08/2024 - 04/08/2024

Event led by the Regional Government of Cusco, which seeks to promote and enhance the development of the value chains of South American camelids...

Cusco (Peru)

Chaccu - Vicuña Ecotourism Festival and value-added tourist route

Chaccu is an ancestral activity inherited from the Inca empire that consists of herding, capturing live vicuñas with the aim of extracting their...

Huancavelica (Peru)

Chaccu - Vicuña Ecotourism Festival and value-added tourist route
20/07/2024 - 21/07/2024

Chaccu is an ancestral activity inherited from the Inca empire that consists of herding, capturing live vicuñas with the aim of extracting their...

Lima (Peru)

III International Seminar on Sustainable Production of South American Camelids: Securing Biodiversity
10/07/2024 - 12/07/2024

The III International Seminar on Sustainable Production of South American Camelids: Securing Biodiversity will be held from July 10th to 12th on...

Hybrid Event, Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia)

Discussion on "Camel milk: Use and health benefits"

Did you know that despite the high traditional consumption of camel milk in Mongolia, its use and processing are still limited and seasonal?...

Ninacaca (Peru)

Officialization and celebration of the National Llama Day - 1st Gastronomic Festival

Peru is the second largest producer of llamas in the world. Its main product is meat, which is one of the main sources of protein...

Macusani (Peru)

"VIII Expo Alpaca - Llama" Munaypaqocha 2024
27/06/2024 - 29/06/2024

La "VIII Expo Alpaca - Llama" Munaypaqocha 2024 es una de las Ferias más resaltantes e importante en el ámbito alpaquero de la capital alpaquera...

Kochi (India)

Side Event on the International Year of Camelids - IDF Regional Dairy Conference Asia Pacific

The First IDF Regional Dairy Conference – Asia Pacific 2024 will include a side event on the International Year of Camelids will focus on the current...

All Events


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