Hundreds of activities and events are being organized worldwide to promote the International Year of Camelids. Click on the map below to find an activity or event near you. 

Whether you’re an NGO, journalist, government, city, civil society or research and development organization, or an individual, take advantage of this opportunity to call for action! 

Plan a #YearofCamelids event online or in person, or spread the word on your channels, and let us know if you need our help. We can provide you with a range of promotional materials in several languages – from posters to designs for branded merchandise, videos and event banners. Remember to upload your event to the map and create a free dedicated event page by completing the form below. 

Discover more about the global launch event. 

WebcastPress release

Hybrid Event, Moscow (Russia)

Report on "The Importance of Camelids in Human Life. International Year of Camelids"

The short report "The Importance of Camelids in Human Life. International Year of Camelids" was presented at the scientific and practical conference...

Paris (France)

Camelids Parade in Paris

Join us for a unique event in Paris on April 20th! The French Federation for the Development of Camelids in France and Europe is organizing a parade...

Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia)

Workshop on “Mongolian Camel Milk Cluster - New Organization for Effective Cooperation and Export Promotion"

Dedicated to the International Year of Camelids, Dairy Asia, the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry of Mongolia, FAO, and the EU funded...

Vienna (Austria)

The Curious Case of the Camel in Modern Japan: (De)Colonialism, Orientalism, and Imagining Asia? Lecture by Ayelet Zohar (English) - On the Backs of Camels

In her lecture, Ayelet Zohar critically analyzes camel images as a metonymy for Asia as well as Japanese attitudes towards the continent. The lecture...

Hybrid Event, Lima (Peru)

Round Table on “Challenges in the Vicuña Fiber Market”

The Round Table on "Challenges in the Vicuña Fiber Market" has been organized within the framework of the International Year of Camelids. Its objective...

Puno (Peru)

Problematica de la Crianza de la Alpaca y Llama con la Intervencion de la Mineria

Se organiza el primer foro sobre la problemática de la crianza de los camélidos sudamericanos, tales como la alpaca y llama, y los efectos que causa...

Santa Catalina (Argentina)

Schoolchildren and camelids in Santa Catalina, Jujuy, Argentina

Vicam organized the first workshop with Puna school children, celebrating the International Year of the Camelids 2024. The workshop involved girls...

Virtual Event

Webinar Storia dell'Alpaca

Sabato 6 aprile 2023, dalle ore 11:30, si terrà il webinar dal titolo "Storia dell'alpaca" a cura di Sara Fresi (giornalista e laurata magistrale...

Hybrid Event, (Peru)

Webinar about the Importance of the inclusion of the Guanaco in the Convention on Migratory Species

The inclusion of the guanaco in Appendix II of the Convention on Migratory Species will make it possible to promote actions to maintain the integrity...

Virtual Event

GECS News №11

GECS News is an annual publication of the South American Camelid Specialist Group (GECS), which is part of the Species Survival Commission of the...

Lima (Peru)

Officialization and establishment of the Multisectoral Commission in the framework of the International Year of Camelids 2024

The Commission will be made up of the ministries of Agrarian Development and Irrigation, Production, Foreign Trade and Tourism, and Foreign Relations....

Santa Catalina (Argentina)

Vicuñas and llamas at school
15/03/2024 - 15/12/2024

We will develop workshops on environmental education for students and teachers in the altiplano schools in northwestern Argentina, particularly in...

Vienna (Austria)

Hybrid Camels in Western Anatolia. Lecture by Onur İnal - On the Backs of Camels

The Anatolian or so-called Turkmen camel is a cross between a male two-humped Bactrian camel and a female one-humped dromedary (Arabian camel). The...

Vienna (Austria)

Alpacas in Peru: Bridging Threads of Science and Culture

The seminar will highlight current alpaca research in Peru - from genetics and rangeland management to animal welfare. The event will also show the...

Hybrid Event, Moscow (Russia)

Launch of IYC activities in the Russian Federation at the World Wildlife Day 2024

The FAO Liaison Office with the Russian Federation, within the framework of the World Wildlife Day 2024 «Connecting People and Planet: Exploring...

Vienna (Austria)

Ships of the desert - From ancient camels to sustainable livestock under climate change

Public discussion about the "Ships of the desert", the evolution and origin of camels and their purpose in the modern world under climate change.



Vienna (Austria)

On the Backs of Camels
27/02/2024 - 26/01/2025

Living together with camels and their close relatives shapes cultures. It is a source of livelihood for people around the world and part of their cultural...

Macusani (Peru)

Launching of IYC activities in Macusani - Puno

In Macusani, located at over 4,300 meters above sea level in the Carabaya province, Puno Region, the activities of the International Year of Camelids,...

Nagaur (India)

Cross-cultural Exchange on Camel Well-Being
15/02/2024 - 16/02/2024

The purpose of this workshop is to discuss the status quo and the factors that currently undermine camel well-being and conservation in Rajasthan and...

Lima (Peru)

Launch of the International Year of Camelids 2024 by the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation of Peru

For Peru, the declaration of 2024 as the International Year of Camelids means reflecting on what South American camelids represent as an ancestral...

All Events


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