Climate Change


Green Climate Fund will finance two new projects in Argentina and Guatemala

The Green Climate Fund (GFC) approved a US $82 million project to combat deforestation and promote sustainable forest management in Argentina, and...

5 ways a sustainable and circular bioeconomy can help us build back better

Single-use plastics and the myriad of disposable goods, along with unsustainable agricultural practices are...

Mozambique farmers reinvent themselves after a cyclone and a pandemic

Just recovering from Cyclone Idai, João is now facing the COVID-19 pandemic

Finding climate solutions in the livestock sector

Five key takeaways from FAO regional workshops on climate action in the livestock sector

Just a fad or a new economic model?

Recent webinars look at how a sustainable and circular bioeconomy can transform food systems

Mobile money transfers give Somali farmers a one-up on the climate

Cash+ helps farmers in Somalia through the lean season

Zero-deforestation cocoa sweetens World Food Day

This World Food Day, you can have your chocolate and fight climate change too! Cocoa that...

World Food Day 2020

World Food Day 2020

From founders to partners, Quebec and FAO join forces to enhance food security in Senegal and Haiti

On October 16th, 1945, delegates from nearly forty countries met in Quebec City, Canada, for the founding of the Food...