FAO emergencies and resilience

Ongoing projects
Title Kenya: Global Health Security (GHS) Project - enhancing animal health and one health capacities to mitigate zoonotic diseases and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) risks and threats
Start date 01/10/2023
End date 30/09/2024
Recipient / Target Areas Kenya
Budget USD 1 000 000
Project Code OSRO/KEN/124/USA
Title Côte d'Ivoire: Activités de préparation et de riposte de la FAO pour faire face à l'épidémie mondiale de nouveau coronavirus (COVID-19)
Start date 21/12/2022
End date 31/03/2024
Budget USD 800 000
Project Code OSRO/IVC/042/USA
Title Guatemala: Fortalecimiento de los sistemas de vigilancia de sanidad animal y de preparación
Start date 01/10/2023
End date 30/09/2024
Recipient / Target Areas Guatemala
Budget USD 1 000 000
Project Code OSRO/GUA/045/USA
Title Bangladesh: Global Health Security Project - Improvement of public health through mitigating risks of avian influenza, AMR and emerging threats
Start date 01/10/2023
End date 30/09/2024
Recipient / Target Areas Bangladesh
Budget USD 1100 000
Project Code OSRO/BGD/098/USA
Title Gambia: Emergency assistance to build resilience against HPAI
Start date 15/10/2023
End date 30/09/2024
Recipient / Target Areas Gambia
Budget USD 156 250
Project Code OSRO/GAM/050/UK
Title Nepal: Food security and livelihoods recovery and enhancement of vulnerable earthquake affected farmers in jajarkot and rukum-west districts
Start date 15/12/2023
End date 14/12/2024
Recipient / Target Areas Nepal
Budget USD 500 000
Project Code OSRO/NEP/083/BEL
Title Madagascar: Actions d`anticipation dans les Districts de Betroka (Anosy), Ambovombe et Bekily (Androy) Madagascar pour faire face à la sècheresse induite par El Niño.
Start date 15/07/2023
End date 31/03/2024
Recipient / Target Areas Madagascar
Budget USD 1 000 000
Project Code OSRO/MAG/116/BEL
Title Lesotho: Emergency livelihood support and resilience building among food insecure households affected by floods
Start date 03/11/2022
End date 31/03/2024
Recipient / Target Areas Lesotho
Budget USD 5 000 000
Project Code UTF /LES/058/LES
Title Somalia: Supporting the sustainable increase of fish for consumption by Somali coastal fishing communities
Start date 01/10/2022
End date 30/09/2024
Recipient / Target Areas Somalia
Budget USD 12 552 000
Project Code UTF /SOM/069/SOM
Title Uganda: Achieving self-reliance of refugees through economic integration into agro-processing value chains
Start date 12/12/2022
End date 11/12/2024
Recipient / Target Areas Norway
Budget USD 408 456
Project Code OSRO/UGA/202/NOR
Title Madagascar: Mionjo, Soutien aux moyens de subsistence résilients dans le sud
Start date 28/01/2022
End date 31/12/2023
Recipient / Target Areas Madagascar
Budget USD 6 810 870
Project Code UTF /MAG/108/MAG
Title Afghanistan: CCHF outbreak Emergency Health response in Kabul, Balkh, Nagarbar, Takhar, Kunduz, Herat, and Kandahar
Start date 23/10/2023
End date 15/01/2024
Recipient / Target Areas Afghanistan
Budget USD 354 438
Project Code OSRO/AFG/136/WHO
Title Philippines: Conflict transformation in areas affected by armed conflict in BARMM through area-based community driven development
Start date 08/08/2022
End date 31/12/2023
Recipient / Target Areas Philippines
Budget USD 198 003
Project Code UNJP/PHI/074/UNJ
Title Global: Desert locust response to mitigate impacts on food security and livelihoods
Start date 03/04/2020
End date 31/12/2023
Recipient / Target Areas Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Uganda
Budget USD 21 232 947
Project Code OSRO/GLO/013/MTC
Title South Sudan: UN Joint Program for Strengthening Inclusive Social Cohesion and Economic Resilience in Abyei
Start date 25/08/2021
End date 31/12/2023
Recipient / Target Areas South Sudan
Budget USD 975 345
Project Code UNJP/SSD/024/IOM
Title Bagladesh: Strengthening skills and entrepreneurship in agro-food systems for the host communities
Start date 01/01/2022
End date 31/12/2024
Recipient / Target Areas Bangladesh
Budget USD 1 546 233
Project Code UNJP/BGD/091/ILO
Title Haiti: Projet d`urgence d`Agriculture Résiliente pour la Sécurité Alimentaire (PARSA)
Start date 16/11/2023
End date 31/08/2026
Recipient / Target Areas Haiti
Budget USD 5 000 000
Project Code UTF /HAI/048/HAI
Title Madagascar: Emergency livelihood and nutrition assistance to improve the resilience of vulnerable households affected by the drought
Start date 01/01/2023
End date 30/09/2024
Recipient / Target Areas Madagascar
Budget USD 2 500 000
Project Code OSRO/MAG/114/USA
Title Sudan: Addressing emergency agriculture needs for the most vulnerable farming households affected by the ongoing war in Gezira, River Nile and Northern states
Start date 02/07/2023
End date 01/01/2024
Recipient / Target Areas Sudan
Budget USD 2 000 000
Project Code OSRO/SUD/118/CHA
Title Senegal: Global Health Security (GHS) Project
Start date 01/10/2023
End date 30/09/2024
Recipient / Target Areas Senegal
Budget USD 2 400 032