FAO emergencies and resilience

Ongoing projects
Title Iraq: Improving delivery of animal health services and disease surveillance in Anbar
Start date 20/08/2019
End date 17/11/2023
Recipient / Target Areas Iraq
Budget USD 3 505 221
Project Code OSRO/IRQ/904/USA
Title Global: health security project - emergency stockpile and outbreak response
Start date 01/10/2022
End date 30/09/2024
Budget USD 1 501 000
Project Code OSRO/GLO/902/USA
Title Global: Health security project - emergency stockpile and outbreak response
Start date 01/10/2022
End date 30/09/2024
Budget USD 1 501 000
Project Code OSRO/GLO/1164/USA
Title Global: Health Security (GHS) Project - Africa
Start date 01/10/2022
End date 30/09/2027
Recipient / Target Areas Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania
Budget USD 7 270 000
Project Code OSRO/GLO/1148/USA
Title Senegal: Project for the governance and surveillance of AMR support
Start date 24/11/2020
End date 23/03/2023
Recipient / Target Areas Senegal
Budget USD 1 275 176
Project Code OSRO/SEN/002/UK
Title Malawi: Emergency response to mitigate negative effects of the tropical cyclone freddy in the southern region of malawi among smallholder farmers
Start date 01/04/2023
End date 31/03/2024
Recipient / Target Areas Malawi
Budget USD 500 000
Project Code OSRO/MLW/085/NOR
Title Ecuador: Acciones Anticipatorias para la protección de los medios de vida agropecuarios frente al impacto del Fenómeno de El Niño
Start date 06/11/2023
End date 30/03/2024
Recipient / Target Areas Ecuador
Budget USD 542 088
Project Code OSRO/ECU/111/GER
Title Syria: Emergency agriculture support for earthquake affected farmers and livestock keepers
Start date 01/04/2023
End date 31/03/2024
Recipient / Target Areas Syrian Arab Republic
Budget USD 535 000
Project Code OSRO/SYR/036/BEL
Title Democratic Republic of Congo: Strengthening smallholder farmers' value chains in the purchase for progress
Start date 01/11/2016
End date 31/12/2024
Recipient / Target Areas Democratic Republic of the Congo
Budget USD 9 025 055
Title Global: Ept-2 results framework and performance monitoring system
Start date 01/10/2015
End date 31/12/2023
Budget USD 2 920 351
Project Code OSRO/GLO/508/USA
Title Global: Stockpile for emergency animal diseases
Start date 01/10/2015
End date 31/12/2023
Recipient / Target Areas Egypt, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Nigeria, South Sudan, Sudan
Budget USD 4 500 000
Project Code OSRO/GLO/504/USA
Title Global: Building tripartite international guidance tools for the national implementation of one health: surveillance & information sharing operational tool
Start date 15/02/2019
End date 13/07/2024
Recipient / Target Areas Egypt
Budget USD 1 164 310
Project Code OSRO/GLO/813/OIE
Title Egypt: Global Health Security Program (GHSP) for enhancing prevention, detection and response to emerging, re-emerging and endemic zoonoses and AMR threats
Start date 01/10/2020
End date 31/12/2023
Recipient / Target Areas Egypt
Budget USD 1 640 000
Project Code OSRO/EGY/100/USA
Title Global: Supporting the global health security agenda (GHSA) to address zoonotic disease and animal health in africa
Start date 01/10/2015
End date 31/12/2023
Recipient / Target Areas Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania
Budget USD 104 815 695
Project Code OSRO/GLO/507/USA
Title Yemen: Providing agricultural and pastoral livelihood support for responding to immediate needs of internally displaced persons and host communities
Start date 29/10/2021
End date 28/06/2024
Budget USD 7 026 320
Project Code OSRO/YEM/106/JPN
Title Palestine: Support fishers livelihoods through improved public services and sustainable fishing practices
Start date 22/03/2023
End date 21/03/2024
Recipient / Target Areas Gaza Strip, West Bank
Budget USD 438 750
Project Code OSRO/GAZ/025/JPN
Title Global: Strengthening global coordination of animal health emergencies of international concern (AHEIC) - PHASE 5
Start date 01/01/2023
End date 30/09/2024
Recipient / Target Areas Jordan, Mauritania
Budget USD 1 900 000
Project Code OSRO/GLO/1138/USA
Title Yemen: Support to the food security and agriculture cluster
Start date 01/12/2023
End date 26/11/2024
Recipient / Target Areas Yemen
Budget USD 1 392 000
Project Code OSRO/YEM/055/USA
Title Global: Capturing emerging and good practices to improve community engagement in anticipatory action
Start date 26/07/2022
End date 25/07/2024
Recipient / Target Areas Bangladesh, Guatemala, Niger, Zimbabwe
Budget USD 1 000 000
Project Code OSRO/GLO/211/USA
Title Türkiye: Safeguarding the livelihoods of rural households in areas of affected by the earthquake
Start date 01/01/2023
End date 31/03/2024
Recipient / Target Areas Türkiye
Budget USD 500 000