Bureau des urgences et de la résilience de la FAO

FAO and the Government of Japan have provided emergency assistance to highly vulnerable Haor wetland communities in Bangladesh affected by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. 

Interventions to enable farmers and pastoralists to resume agricultural production


FAO welcomes new allocation to aid surveillance and control in the Horn of Africa

FAO’s growing Cash+ programme helps farmers, pastoralists and fisherfolk build their own resources for resilience to future shocks to food security.
FAO supports the fight against the spread of COVID-19 in livestock value chain in Cameroon
The project is being implemented in Afar and Somali regions, benefiting over 21 000 pastoral and agro-pastoral households.
With each day that passes, more lives are at stake as hunger tightens its grip in southern Madagascar
La sècheresse prolongée, l’apparition fréquente du phénomène de tempête de sable, et les attaques d’ennemis de cultures, dont les chenilles légionnaires sont, entre autres, les situations vécues par la population du Grand Sud de Madagascar depuis la fin de l’année 2019.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has launched a Market Information and Early Warningdashboard as part of its efforts to strengthen food security and nutrition early warning data and information in Yemen.
“When my family found out that I was going to work with COVID-19 patients, they were not supportive at all,” said Sumia Akter Sumia.