Bureau des urgences et de la résilience de la FAO

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) thanks the Netherlands for their additional contribution of EUR 3.5 million to help mitigate impacts on food security and livelihoods in Ethiopia as a result of the desert locust upsurge. 
The Sudan is suffering one of the world’s largest protracted humanitarian crises. About 9.3 million people in the Sudan were already in need of humanitarian assistance prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and floods.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) warned today that large populations of desert locust in Somalia

Cultivate Africa drives dialogue on building back better

L’insécurité persistante et les conflits intercommunautaires, associés aux effets dévastateurs des catastrophes naturelles et de la pandémie de la covid-19, ont aggravé l’insécurité alimentaire en République démocratique du Congo.
FAO has designed a comprehensive training programme for the technical staff of the Water Resources Information Center - General Commission for Water Resources in Syria.
Ismail Bana Ibrahim and his colleagues set into the deep sea around 6 pm and came back the following morning with 40 kg of iced fresh fish, ready for the mainland Kismayu market.
Since 6 October 2020, the central region of Viet Nam has experienced prolonged heavy rains in association with three tropical storms that made landfall on 11 October, 14 October and 16 October, as well as Typhoon Molave, which hit the region on 29 October. 
FAO Yemen, in cooperation with the Food Security Technical Secretariat and other partners, concluded a training workshop on the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC), an indispensable tool for developing humanitarian and development programming. 
Working with farmers to battle the worst African Migratory Locust outbreak in years