Bureau des urgences et de la résilience de la FAO

Dalia Wang, 39, lives in a village near Maban and is a mother of five who has looked after her children alone since her husband passed away.
An evaluation by the Cameroon Animal Disease Epidemiology Surveillance Network (RESCAM), carried out in 2018, revealed a strong need for field veterinary epidemiology capacity to support animal health services.

Burkina Faso, northeastern Nigeria, South Sudan and Yemen cause for concern but acute hunger on the rise across the globe

In August 2020, a new surge in locally transmitted cases of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was reported in Rakhine State and other regions of Myanmar.
In Iraq, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak hit when the country was already facing a humanitarian crisis, further deepening vulnerabilities and disrupting ongoing efforts to deliver aid to the most vulnerable people in acute need of assistance.
Livestock production accounts for 12 percent of Mali's gross domestic product and is a key contributor to the Malian economy. 
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) with the support of the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), completed the provision of inputs for the most severe flood affected family farmers to restore agricultural production and livelihoods in southern parts of Myanmar. 
The Sudan is suffering one of the world’s largest protracted humanitarian crises. Localized displacement, climatic shocks and harsh macro-economic situations are putting a huge strain on peoples’ food security, livelihood strategies and coping mechanisms.
Questions and Answers with Keith Cressman, FAO's Senior Locust Forecasting Officer
Good disaster risk governance can help prevent and reduce existing disaster risks and build resilience of agriculture and food systems