FAO emergencies and resilience

A fully restored animal health diagnostic laboratory in Aleppo city is set to play a major part in strengthening Syria’s animal production and disease control/prevention capacity
Since the beginning of the crisis in 2011, Syrian farmers have struggled to access the basic needs and tools to sustain their production activities, such as quality inputs, water for irrigation, operational infrastructure and pesticides.
Water scarcity has a negative impact on agricultural and food production in the Syrian Arab Republic.
The conflict in Syria has driven up the price of animal fodder and other livestock inputs, and quality feed is not always available on the market.
FAO Syria improves small breeders’ livestock production 
Securing vulnerable farmers’ livelihoods by providing quality wheat seed
The crisis in Syria forced many rural women to become the only breadwinners for their families, which was a new experience for many of them.
FAO has designed a comprehensive training programme for the technical staff of the Water Resources Information Center - General Commission for Water Resources in Syria.
An inauguration ceremony was held to launch a Farmer Field Schools (FFSs) initiative to support Syrians under Temporary Protection (SuTPs), refugees and Turkish citizens improve their knowledge and skills on modern agricultural technologies and practices. 
“The long years of crisis left us poor, we couldn’t afford to buy bread for the family,” said Fiya Hassan, 66, who is a grandmother of eight children from Ibtaa sub district of Daraa Governorate in southwest Syria.