FAO emergencies and resilience

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture in Lebanon and the Ministry of Agriculture in Jordan, and in partnership with IFAD and WFP, launched the project entitled “Enhancing resilient livelihoods and food security of host communities and Syrian refugees in Jordan and Lebanon through the promotion of sustainable agricultural development”.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), under its Smallholder Support Programme (SSP), will support vulnerable small-scale livestock keepers with an integrated intervention to help improve their livelihoods.
Without an intervention, more animals, which are a source of food and livelihood, will be lost, resulting in increasing rates of food insecurity.
Animals are a source of both a food, and a source of livelihood in the Syrian Arab Republic.
Damascus - 16 June 2020: Seed availability of major crops has been a serious challenge for Syrian smallholder farmers in the past 10 years due to the damage to the agricultural system caused the conflict.
The improvement of the security situation in Daraa Governorate in southwest Syria has allowed thousands of displaced families to return to their homes.
An implementation of an integrated and innovative intervention has sustained a source of food and income for the most vulnerable resident in villages along the river in Deir Ez-Zor Governorate in the Syrian Arab Republic.
As part of the programme to enhance the livelihood opportunities of smallholders, FAO Syria has been assisting 700 producers in the country to improve the quality and quantity of their vegetable production through nurseries that utilize low tunnels to produce seedlings, which will ultimately be transplanted in fields.
“The dryness and unproductiveness of our lands made us feel poor. However, today we celebrate green lands after having enough water to plant.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR) in the Syrian Arab Republic conducted an inception meeting to launch a project to improve monitoring of water resources, and water management/irrigation practices in the country.