FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

Regional Consultation Workshop – Smallholders and Family Farms

Hybrid Event, 13/03/2018 - 14/03/2018

TCP/RER/3601 - Support to the implementation of the Regional Initiative on Empowering Smallholders and Family Farms

In order to build an inclusive knowledge base, thus respond effectively to the needs, challenges and constraints for smallholders and family farmers and increase the impact to the greatest extent, FAO has within the framework of a regional project (TCP/RER/3601) conducted country studies on the needs and constraints of smallholders and family farms in Albania, Armenia, FYR Macedonia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova and Tajikistan.

The objectives of the workshop are to:

  • present the main conclusions and recommendations of the seven country studies prepared on smallholders and family farms, as background for discussion;
  • present the draft regional synthesis report;
  • ensure linkages among representatives of governmental institutions, FAO technical experts and FAO country office representatives to exchange experience, information and to support each other in the common goal of supporting smallholders and family farms in the region; and
  • discuss enhanced FAO support to smallholders and family farms in the region under the programmatic umbrella of the Regional Initiative and in light of the Decade of Family Farming 2019-28.

The participants of the workshop will include representatives of Ministries of Agriculture from the seven study countries, FAO technical experts, FAO country office representatives from the seven countries, relevant regional civil society organizations as well as donors and other international organizations.

As a result, the workshop is expected to contribute to further develop the support provided by FAO to smallholders and family farms in the region based on the FAO comparative advantage as well as on country needs. It will allow to increase further the coherence of the regional work with the countries and increase also the synergies and impact both at national and regional level.


Regional Work Programme 2018-19 in the region of Europe and Central Asia
Raimund Jehle. Regional Programme Leader

FAO Regional Initiative in Europe and Central Asia on Empowering Smallholders and Family Farms for Improved Livelihood and Poverty Reduction
- Introduction, workshop objectives and background

Morten Hartvigsen, Regional Initiative Delivery Manager

Regional Consultation Workshop – Smallholders and Family Farms
Benjamin Davis, Strategic Programme Leader, Rural Poverty Reduction

Family farming and inclusive food systems for sustainable rural development
Luiz Carlos Beduschi, FAO - RLC

Regional Initiative of Small-Scale Family Farming
Alfredo Impiglia, Regional Office for Near East and North Africa (NENA)

Regional Initiative: Empowerment of Smallholders and Family farms – Objectives of country studies & Research Methodology
Morten Kvistgaard, International Consultant

Country report of Albania
Dr. Drini Imami, National consultant

Weight and role of smallholders and family farms in Macedonia
Ljubomir Dimovski, National Consultant

Country Report of Moldova
Iuliana Palade, National consultant 

Country report of Armenia
Viktorya Ayvazyan, National consultant

Country report of Georgia
David Jijelava, National consultant

Country report of Kyrgyzstan
Kanat Tilekeyev, National Consultant

Country Report of Tajikistan
Gulnora Beknazarova & Abduaziz Kasymov, National Consultants

Workplan of Regional Initiative on Smallholders and Family Farms for 2018-19
Katalin Ludvig, Deputy Regional Initiative Delivery Manager

Regional Initiative: Empowerment of Smallholders and Family farms – Regional Synthesis Report
Natalija Bogdanov & Morten Kvistgaard, International Consultants

Good experience how civil society supports smallholders and family farms in Hungary
Dr Ágnes Major, National Union for Representing the Interests of Small-scale Farmers