FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

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Lately, there has been increasing discussion over one part of the jigsaw known as the ‘agrifood system’: food loss and waste. Without addressing it, we cannot ensure inclusiveness, food security and sustainability in how our food is produced, processed, t
Finalists in seven categories of the ‘Digital Excellence in Agriculture in Europe and Central Asia’ award of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and FAO have been announced. The initiative, launched in November 2020,aims to identify, showcase,
Yesterday, FAO concluded a virtual meeting to address pertinent food and agriculture issues of Europe and Central Asia, against a background of the new FAO Strategic Framework, and the impact of the COVID-19 crisis. The 39 FAO Member Nations were joined b
In collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan, the office of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Kazakhstan has launched a “Call for good practices on digital agriculture in Kazakhstan”. This call will enable to identify, showcase
Countries of the vast and diverse Europe and Central Asia region receive guidance on an eco-friendly transformation of their agrifood systems. Current agricultural systems of the region are extremely polarized with large-scale intensive agriculture and s
As elsewhere in the world, women in Ukraine represent a large proportion of the agricultural labour force and the majority of food producers, and thus play key roles in managing natural resources and promoting the well-being of their families. To explore
Locust infestations are severely threatening Tajikistan’s agriculture, so a wide-ranging effort led by FAO has now delivered tyres for various vehicles used in locust operations, as well electronic gadgets, to support locust management in the country. Us
Creating healthy soil, and keeping soil healthy, is one of the greatest challenges of our times, with pollution being a significant stumbling block. Starting today, a Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) project is helping Serbia
The city of Përmet is known as the city of flowers, wine, jams, and a compote called gliko. Local products such as these are important drivers of sustainable development and agrotourism, in how they enhance potential and opportunity for farming families.
The most recent numbers show that a considerable amount of the food being wasted is generated in households. In Turkey alone, around 19 million tonnes of food gets lost or wasted every year. This highlights consumer behaviour as one of the underlying driv