FAO and EU Partnership

Title BIKE - Biofuels production at low - iLUC risK for European sustainable bioeconomy - GCP/GLO/065/EC
Abstract "The BIKE project focuses on providing clear and scientifically robust evidence for the market uptake of low-ILUC-risk biofuels, bioliquids and biomass fuels. The work follows a system approach and evaluates three specific value chains sourced by different feedstock- agricultural management configurations.
Start date 01/09/2020
End date 31/08/2023
Budget USD 277 775
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/GLO/065/EC
Title Sustainable Plant Protection Transition: A Global Health Approach (SPRINT) - Horizon 2020 - GCP/GLO/082/EC
Abstract Development of a global health approach integrating the impacts of pesticides on human, animal and environmental health across a range of landscapes, crops and contrasting farming systems.
Start date 01/09/2020
End date 31/08/2025
Budget USD 293 710
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/GLO/082/EC
Title Down 2 Earth - GCP/SOM/061/EC
Abstract To Achieve A Resource, Water Efficient And Climate Change Resilient Economy And Society.
Start date 01/09/2020
End date 28/02/2025
Recipient / Target Areas Somalia
Budget USD 302 322
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/SOM/061/EC
Title Resilience Strengthening through Agri-Food Systems Transformation in Cox's Baza - GCP/BGD/075/EC
Abstract To build livelihoods and skill-building opportunities for host communities and promote economic inclusion in the opportunities presented by the response. Strengthening of local supply chains and markets, as well as the development of private-sector partnerships across the sub-sectors of livestock, fisheries, and crop production, is a strategic focus.
Start date 01/09/2020
End date 31/10/2027
Recipient / Target Areas Bangladesh
Budget USD 4 386 000
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/BGD/075/EC
Title Support to the IPPC Strategic Framework: Commodity and pathways standards, Pest Outbreak Alert and Response Systems, and e-Phyto - GCP/GLO/040/EC
Abstract To improve the capacity of IPPC Contracting Parties to implement harmonised measures to protect global plant resources and facilitate safe trade.
Start date 01/07/2020
End date 30/06/2023
Budget USD 1 029 989
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/GLO/040/EC
Title INCREASE: Intelligent Collections of Food-Legume Genetic Resources for European Agrofood Systems - GCP/GLO/068/EC
Abstract The project will enhance the status of the GenRes of four important food legumes that have significant option value for EU agriculture (chickpea, common bean, lentil, lupin), and promote their conservation and use in Europe.
Start date 02/05/2020
End date 30/04/2026
Budget USD 42 475
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/GLO/068/EC
Title Lake Tanganyika Fisheries Management - Gestion de la pêche dans le Lac Tanganyika (LATAFIMA) - GCP/RAF/521/EC
Abstract The project aims at improving the management of the lake from regional to grassroots level, while solving some major issues pertaining to the current overexploitation of its most valuable resources. The overall objective of the project is to enhance equitable economic growth by promoting sustainable fisheries in Lake Tanganyika.
Start date 01/03/2020
End date 31/05/2024
Budget USD 2 197 801
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/RAF/521/EC
Title Intra-ACP Blue Growth program for Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture Value Chains Productivity and Competitiveness (FISH4ACP) - GCP/GLO/028/EC
Abstract The overall objective of the project is to contribute to poverty reduction, jobs creation, food and nutrition security by improving the economic, social and environmental sustainability of fisheries and aquaculture value chains in ACP countries.
Start date 01/03/2020
End date 28/02/2026
Budget USD 47 821 907
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/GLO/028/EC
Title Re-Connecting the world: The GFAR Partnership transforming agri-food research and innovation for development impact - GCP/GLO/047/EC
Abstract Strengthen and continue GFAR Partnership transforming agri-food research and innovation.
Start date 01/02/2020
End date 28/02/2020
Budget USD 4 868 000
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/GLO/047/EC
Title FFS/APFS Practices and Methodology Dissemination (EU FRESAN Project Result 1.1) - GCP/ANG/063/EC
Abstract Strengthening the extension advisory system of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forest through the Agrarian Development Institute (IDA) with the implementation of FFS and by supporting the climate resilience strategy of the Ministry of Environment.
Start date 03/01/2020
End date 03/12/2024
Recipient / Target Areas Angola
Budget USD 6 108 299
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/ANG/063/EC