FAO and EU Partnership

Title Support the implementation of a Global Soil Deal through the Global Soil Partnership - GCP/GLO/1128/EC
Abstract This action aims to contribute to sustainable agriculture and environmental and human well-being through the sustainable management of soil resources in the framework of an action to extend globally the principles and goals of the European Green Deal, the Soil Strategy for 2030 and the EU Mission: A Soil Deal for Europe, to advance country efforts towards healthy soils. 
Start date 20/07/2023
End date 19/07/2025
Budget USD 1 651 982
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/GLO/1128/EC
Title Inclusive, competitive and sustainable value chain functioning and development in agriculture, fisheries, and forestry sectors - GCP/UKR/021/EC
Start date 27/06/2023
End date 26/06/2025
Recipient / Target Areas Ukraine
Budget USD 5 946 225
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/UKR/021/EC
Title Mitigation of protection risks of vulnerable indigenous women and girls - UNJP/VEN/026/EC
Abstract "Mitigation of protection risks of vulnerable indigenous women and girls, through an integrated approach promoting the exercise of their rights, including access to identity, protection services, sexual and reproductive health, Food Security, economic empowerment, and protection of their environment."
Start date 01/06/2023
End date 31/05/2025
Recipient / Target Areas Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
Budget USD 973 594
Donor European Union
Project Code UNJP/VEN/026/EC
Title Emergency support to safeguard food and nutrition security of agriculture-based livelihoods of the most vulnerable food insecure farming and herding households of Afghanistan - OSRO/AFG/131/EC
Abstract The proposal seeks to provide 14 550 beneficiary households with cash+ emergency livestock protection assistance under Result 1 to cover life-saving food needs and protect productive livestock assets of the most vulnerable herding households adversely impacted by severe drought, economic crisis and high levels of acute food insecurity IPC 3 and above.
Start date 01/06/2023
End date 30/04/2024
Recipient / Target Areas Afghanistan
Budget USD 5 488 474
Donor European Union
Project Code OSRO/AFG/131/EC
Title Ending child labour in supply chains - UNJP/INT/1034/EC
Abstract To contribute to eliminating child labour in the coffee supply chain by implementing area-based sustainable solutions focusing on climate resilience and livelihood improvements, and strengthening partnerships and the knowledge base to address its root causes and drivers.
Start date 01/05/2023
End date 31/07/2026
Budget USD 2 118 744
Donor European Union
Project Code UNJP/INT/1034/EC
Title Strengthening governance of food security and nutrition through the CFS - HLPE-FSN Component - UNJP/GLO/1174/EC
Abstract "Outcome: More effective role of CFS in global food security and nutrition governance Output 1.1. Production, translation, publication and launch of HLPE-FSN reports and notes on critical and emerging issues (C&EI) on FSN, and other ad hoc papers, as per CFS requests Output 1.2. HLPE-FSN events and fora and outreach"
Start date 01/05/2023
End date 31/12/2026
Budget USD 1 502 632
Donor European Union
Project Code UNJP/GLO/1174/EC
Title Strengthening governance of food security and nutrition trough the Committee on World Food Security - UNJP/GLO/1166/EC
Abstract This project is intended to complement resources and voluntary contributions for the implementation of CFS thematic workstreams.
Start date 01/05/2023
End date 31/12/2026
Budget USD 964 066
Donor European Union
Project Code UNJP/GLO/1166/EC
Title Support to Sustainable Forestry in Sierra Leone -  GCP/SIL/055/EC
Abstract Sustainable use of forest and tree resources and access to climate finance for an enhanced contribution of the forest sector to the national economy and rural development of Sierra Leone.
Start date 01/05/2023
End date 30/03/2026
Recipient / Target Areas Sierra Leone
Budget USD 2 934 884
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/SIL/055/EC
Title Strengthening Agri-food systems for safe and healthy diets in Ethiopia - GCP/ETH/103/EC
Abstract Contribute to improve food security and nutrition of vulnerable populations in target areas.
Start date 01/05/2023
End date 30/04/2026
Recipient / Target Areas Ethiopia
Budget USD 5 370 569
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/ETH/103/EC
Title Climate-resilient livelihoods to Boost Food production and Nutrition outcomes (CLIMB) - GCP/SOM/073/EC
Abstract Enhancing agricultural productivity through improved production processes where FAO will seek ways to promote sustainable food and nutrition security through improved production and enhanced productivity with the objective of intensification and better management of production systems.
Start date 01/05/2023
End date 30/04/2026
Recipient / Target Areas Somalia
Budget USD 504 295
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/SOM/073/EC