Evaluation at FAO

Completed evaluations

Evaluations in FAO assess projects, programmes and strategies to generate and provide evidence-based information that is credible, reliable and useful for decision-making processes. 

The Morocco Country Program (2017-2020) has been evaluated to inform the development of the new programming cycle of FAO and the United Nations System in Morocco for the coming period. [French only]


The Flexible Multi-Partner Mechanism (FMM) is a mechanism through which FAO’s resource partners make unearmarked or lightly earmarked voluntary contributions to support achievement of FAO’s Strategic Objectives. OED conducted an evaluation of the current phase of FMM (2018–2021). The purpose of the evaluation was to inform FMM’s main stakeholders about the fund’s overall performance and also inform its next phase (2022–2025).


The UN Rome-based agencies (RBAs) – FAO, IFAD and WFP – collaborate in many forms, from joint advocacy, policy and technical work to joint projects. This is the first independent evaluation of collaboration among the RBAs. It has been jointly undertaken by the evaluation offices of FAO, IFAD and WFP. The evaluation’s primary objective was to assess whether and to what extent RBA collaboration is contributing to the achievement of the 2030 agenda, particularly at country level.


The project “Implementing the socio-ecosystem approach to conserve and sustainable use biodiversity in the Caribbean Region of Colombia” was financed by the GEF, implemented, and executed by FAO.


The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Newly Merged Districts have seen a prolonged military conflict leading to the wide-spread displacement of its population and damages and losses to the agricultural lands, irrigation and water harvesting structures, and livestock populations. Since 2015, the rehabilitation of the displaced population is ongoing but slow due to loss of livelihoods and reduced income opportunities.


The overall objective of the project is to strengthen governance, management and value chains by the implementation of an ecosystem approach to fisheries, relevant international tools and innovative governance partnerships in Côte d'Ivoire, Cabo Verde and Senegal.


The PURCAE project was implemented by the FAO Representation in Chad over the period July 2015 - February 2020. It is part of a broader program of the Government of Chad financed by the World Bank in which other agencies have participated, including the World Food Program (WFP), the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and UNICEF.


This report documents the evaluation findings of the project “Strengthening community resilience to climate change in Blantyre, Zomba, Neno and Phalombe districts." The project created awareness to the effects of climate change, empowering community members with knowledge and skills on how to apply gender-responsive climate–sensitive practices for increased agricultural production.


The project “Strengthening the adaptive capacity to climate change in the fisheries and aquaculture sector of Chile”, with support from the Global Environment Facility (GEF), sought to reduce the vulnerability and increase the adaptive capacity to climate change in the fisheries and aquaculture sector of Chile.


The COVID-19 pandemic is jeopardizing human health and disrupting the food systems that are the foundations of health. FAO designed a COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme with the goal of proactively and sustainably addressing the socio-economic impacts of the pandemic. It aims to enable donors to leverage the Organization’s convening power, real-time data, early warning systems and technical expertise to direct support where and when it is most needed.