Evaluation at FAO

Completed evaluations

Evaluations in FAO assess projects, programmes and strategies to generate and provide evidence-based information that is credible, reliable and useful for decision-making processes. 

FAO was called upon to implement sustainable land and water management practices and resource conservation in an effort to reduce the affected communities’ vulnerability while increasing their capacity to adapt to the effects of climate change.


A devastating desert locust upsurge spread across parts of the Near East, the Greater Horn of Africa and South West Asia in 2020–2021, posing risks to livelihoods and food security in the region. FAO's intervention has been to curb the spread of desert locust, safeguarding livelihoods and providing recovery, and coordinating and preparing the rapid surge support.


Many coastal fisheries are poorly managed and overexploited, resulting in suboptimal yields and lost revenue, and damage to other species and habitats. The Coastal Fisheries Initiative (CFI) is a global effort between FAO and other development partners to address these issues in a holistic and integrated way.


Governments have turned to FAO for support in identifying and assessing options for reforming policies on food and agriculture through the “Monitoring and Analysing Food and Agricultural Policies” (MAFAP) programme. While the first phase of FAO’s efforts concentrated more on conducting policy analysis and measuring public expenditures, this second phase built on the first phase’s outcomes to support policy reforms across Southern Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.


The Australia Balochistan Agri-business Programme (AusABBA Phase II) (GCP/PAK/141/AUL) has been implemented by FAO in collaboration with the Government of Balochistan in six south-western districts with the objective to engage households in profitable agribusiness-based livelihoods and diversified strategies, and creating an enabling environment to increase their incomes, improve food security and enhance nutritional status.


In order to safeguard the high biodiversity value in coastal and mangrove areas in Ecuador, this project, with support from GEF, sought to develop an integrated management approach for the use and conservation of coastal and marine areas of high biodiversity value, by establishing conservation areas, strengthening mangrove concessions and integrating biodiversity conservation in fisheries management within conservation areas.


This report presents the results of the evaluation of the project “Creating peaceful societies through women’s improved access to management of natural resources, land tenure rights and economic empowerment in Sierra Leone” (UNJP/SIL/050/PBF), jointly implemented by FAO and ILO between 2019 and 2020. The project aimed at addressing the two underlying causes of conflicts in Sierra Leone - gender discrimination and fragmented land governance .


To support the restoration of livelihoods, funded by the FCDO, FAO undertook the “Project for the restoration of livelihoods in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Tribal Districts” which involved training farmers on climate-smart agriculture practices, rehabilitating government facilities/infrastructures, operationalizing small-scale enterprises, and supporting agriculture and livestock production.


There are numerous risks to the sustainability and stability of Indonesia’s farming system, food production system, supply chains, and ecosystems. The evaluation aims to answer two essential questions: whether FAO is doing what is needed and whether it is making a difference.


By tackling post-harvest losses, the project addressed one of the major challenges faced by producers. Farmers have adopted project post-harvest management practices, techniques and technologies that have helped to reduce losses and increase food security by boosting income and making more produce available for household consumption.