Family Farming Knowledge Platform

FFKP Network

The FFKP Network helps connect key players from the same country or region, encouraging them to explore areas of common interest that may serve as a basis to establish partnerships and collaborations among its members.

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The information on the members of the FFKP Network is provided by the members themselves. FAO is not responsible for its accuracy, nor for any use of such information by users.

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Agologia APS

Farmer Field School
associazione di promozione sociale per la divulgazione di pratiche di permacultura, agroecologia ed economia ecologica

Colegio de Ingenieros Agrónomos de Imbabura

Gremio profesional de ingenieros agrónomos, organización sin fines de lucro, bajo el lema AGRONONÍA ES DESARROLLO, para promover el desarrollo de la comunidad y de la familia imbabureña, a través de la práctica de los principios de la Agronomía.


INNOVATIVE INDIAN PEARL CULTURE (FARMING). Pearl known as moon stone (the second precious gem after Diamond) which is produced by a living organism called mussels. Mussels are available almost in every river, pond, canal of the village. But even today in these scientific world people don’t even know that pearl culture...

Into Your Hands Inc.

Non-governmental organization
IYHA was launched in 2007 in response to an overwhelming need identified by our partner communities in the Lwengo district. The mission of IYHA is to empower children and families in rural Uganda to rise above the constraints of poverty through education and business development. Activities to meet the...

Red Agroeconatura

Civil society
Asociación fundada en el año 2017 con el propósito de promover una transición agroecológica de los pequeños agricultores como solución a problemáticas globales, sectoriales y territoriales.

Ziembra Inc.

Ziembra is an AgTech Social-Impact Start-Up, developing a B2F (Business-To-Farmers) digital platform to make sales easier and more valuable for 60M Small and Medium-Scale LatAm Farmers; our core solution consist in a 3-sided marketplace (Agri-Input Suppliers - Farmers - Wholesale/Institutional Buyers) creating local SFCs (short food supply chains) optimizing agri-inputs/outputs...

Fandema farmers production and processing cooperative society

Fandema is farmer cooperative association currently operating on 1.5 horticultural garden in the village of salikenni.The membership of this assocaiation is bout 40 young ladies and 15 young men who are all into agricultural activities,and we also developed 4 years business plan for animal husbandry and poultry which can all...


Non-governmental organization
Sustainable Agriculture, Environment Conservation, Livelihood in West Bengal, India

Terre Vie et Humanisme

Non-governmental organization
Notre ONG est une organisation a but non lucratif qui œuvre pour le développement du monde agricole et le bien être des agriculteurs. Elle poursuit les buts suivant: Contribuer au développement de l’agriculture, de l’élevage et de l’aquaculture au Bénin en général à travers la rédaction et l’exécution des projets...

Comité local de abastecimiento y producción local

Civil society
Organización de junta comunal.
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

Biodiversity Hub International (BHI)

Non-governmental organization
Biodiversity Hub International is an Organisation that is dedicated to conserve biodiversity for resilient and sustainable development, The Organisation enages in Agro ecology, Education and capacity building, Supporting small holder farmers with tools, and Youth to Agriculture Program, indigenous people, Natural Resources

Community and Livestock Studies Research Group

Education, Research and Community Service

Brahmagiri Development Society

Non-governmental organization
A society registered legally as a special purpose society, established in 1999 (Reg. no 57/99) with the objective of assisting the farming communities in Wayanad attain self-sufficiency through an order of the Department of Agriculture, Government of Kerala. (GO (MS) 97-99/AD dated 31-03-99). Divisions Malabar Meat Kerala Chicken Kerala Fish PWSDF Wayanad Coffee Farmers Trade Market...

ICAR Krishi Vigyan Kendra(CARD)

its a knowledge and resource center of Indian council of agricultural research(ICAR) for Pathanamthitta dist. of Kerala in India. we are engaged in agricultural based technology transfer to farming community to resove location specific probelms. the main mandate is technology assesment and demonstration for its wider application and capacity...

Organic for Climate

International Organization
ORGANIC for CLIMATE is a one-stop solution platform for organic farming. Organic for Climate is a youth-led international social organisation for the agriculture sector focusing on organic farming and sustainability. Operating in 15+ countries, we are developing three web-based integrity solutions: creating a single-window knowledge domain that can offer complete...

Linking Environment And Farming

LEAF (Link­ing Envi­ron­ment And Farm­ing) are the lead­ing organ­i­sa­tion deliv­er­ing more sus­tain­able food and farming.Our vision is a glob­al farm­ing and food sys­tem that deliv­ers Cli­mate Pos­i­tive action, builds resilience and sup­ports the health, diver­si­ty and enrich­ment of our food, farms, the envi­ron­ment and society. Within LEAF we have an...
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Centre des Initiatives Locales pour le Développement Durable

Civil society
to promote sustainable development within the most venerable communities in an approach of active involvement of the populations concerned, in particular in the fields of agriculture and food security, environment and climate change, water, hygiene and sanitation, education and social, research - action and support - advice to organization

Association of Ecological Agriculture Organization ETO

Civil society
ETO (Association of Ecological Agriculture Organization), was established in 1992 as an umbrella civil society organization by a group composing of producers, consumers, processors, traders, inspectors, researchers and technicians to provide fast and sound development of organic (=ecological=biological) agriculture in Turkey. Until today, ETO organized a wide range of panel discussions,...

Institut Sénégalais de Recherches Agricoles

Research center
L'ISRA est la principale institution de recherche développement au Sénégal. Il intervient présente la spécificité de mener des recherches dans quatre domaines de production (végétales, animales, forestières, halieutiques) et sur la socio- économie, ce qui lui confère sa vocation agricole au sens large. L’ISRA intervient dans les six zones éco-géographiques du...

Red de semilleristas de papa y hortalizas del estado Trujillo

Farmers' organization
Red de semilleristas de papa y hortalizas , somos 120 agricultores de piso alto más de 1500msnm ubicados en varios municipios del Estado Trujillo.
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
Total results:856