Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale

Réseau de la PCAF

Le réseau de la PCAF met en relation des acteurs clés d’un même pays ou d’une même région et encourage ceux-ci à explorer des domaines d’intérêt commun susceptibles de servir de base à des partenariats ou à des collaborations.

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En rejoignant le réseau FFKP, les membres pourront bénéficier d’une meilleure visibilité pour leur organisation, association ou coopérative, grâce à la plateforme de connaissances sur l’agriculture familiale. Les parties intéressées qui souhaitent devenir membres du réseau FFKP sont invités à fournir les informations demandées dans ce formulaire.

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Les informations sur les membres du réseau FFKP sont fournies par les membres. La FAO n’est pas responsable de l’exactitude de ces informations ni de l’usage qui pourrait en être fait.

Chercher dans la base de données

Recherche en plein texte
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Domaine d’activité
Type d'organisation

Youth Effort For Sustainable Rural Development

Non-governmental organization
Youth led Non-profit organisation that builds the capacity of smallholder farmers, farmer groups and primary cooperatives through promotion of appropriate technologies and dissemination of information on sustainable development. Our thematic areas include; 1. Agriculture 2. Environment 3. Education and health 4. Livelihood and institutional support.

Loof-Eli Co. Ltd

Loof-Eli is an organic farm focused on production, training and agriculture-tourism

Mikwano e.v.uganda

Farmer Field School
Mikwano e.v Uganda is a community based organisation. Promoting rural oriented technology and technics using good agricultural practices.we run an agribusiness incubation center and demonstration center promoting food and animal feed security as to sustain the livestock best assets program

Global Educational Network Uganda

Non-governmental organization
Promoting market driven production among smallholder farmers in cooperatives in field crops production in Northern Uganda.

Global Educational Network Uganda

Non-governmental organization
Global Educational Network Uganda works with the rural farmers in cooperatives promoting market-driven production in field crops in Northern Uganda. Its objectives are increasing farm productivity and production, improving post harvest handling, strengthen the market linkages and supporting development of value chain financing among the farmers.

Enabling Rural Opportunity Network

Non-governmental organization
Enabling Rural Opportunity Network (ERONet) is a women-centered, community-based organization operating in the area of Northern Uganda that borders with South Sudan. ERONet have projects in the areas of property rights, child and enforced marriage, water and sanitation, girls' education, food security and more

Into Your Hands Inc.

Non-governmental organization
IYHA was launched in 2007 in response to an overwhelming need identified by our partner communities in the Lwengo district. The mission of IYHA is to empower children and families in rural Uganda to rise above the constraints of poverty through education and business development. Activities to meet the...

Biodiversity Hub International (BHI)

Non-governmental organization
Biodiversity Hub International is an Organisation that is dedicated to conserve biodiversity for resilient and sustainable development, The Organisation enages in Agro ecology, Education and capacity building, Supporting small holder farmers with tools, and Youth to Agriculture Program, indigenous people, Natural Resources


The organization is a limited company dealing in all civil works, besides it does vegetable growing projects and orchard farming.


Civil society
READY To Help is an indigenous organization duly incorporated in Uganda in 2018 as company limited by guarantee registration number 80020000602587, and as NGO registration number INDR150583948NB, with Permit number INDP0003948NB. The organization has a dual mission to Save Lives, Alleviate Suffering, and Build Bridges for Social Entrepreneurship. The...

Karacelo agroecology farm Gulu

Community supported Agriculture CSA
We grow vegetables and fruits

Mkono Multipurpose Youth Organisation

Non-governmental organization
MUMYO is for youth empowerment, with activities in Lobbying and advocacy, Education(formal and none formal) Health (community health), Agriculture and Environment protection.


A community based organisation formed in 2020 to improve on the farming skills of farmers by encouraging commercial farming,value addition and through saving and credit program

Fountainhead Institute of Management and Technology

Fountainhead Institute of Management and Technology (FIMAT) is a tertiary institution based in Lira, Northern Uganda. It was established in 2006, and formally licensed by the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) in 2012, vide License No. TI.PL 0053, and was classified in 2018. Its mission is: “To provide quality...

Environmental Conservation and Agricultural Enhancement Uganda (Eco-Agric Uganda)

Non-governmental organization
The Environmental Conservation & Agricultural Enhancement Uganda (Eco-Agric Uganda) is a registered Community Member Based None Governmental Organisation established 2007 and legally registered with the Government of Uganda. It is registered with the Uganda registrar of Companies as a Company Limited by Guarantee with no share capital (Registration number 115111)...

Africa Farmers Media Centre

Non-governmental organization
Africa Farmers Media Centre (AFMC) aims at developing smallholder farmers access to agriculture technologies, climate information services, agriculture inputs and agronomic practices through media as vehicle of development. AFMC for the last 15 years has conducted communication for development in farming communities through the Village Communication and Learning Centre (VCLCs)...

MT Atlas Horticulture Initiative Organization LTD (MAHIO)

Farmers' organization
MT. Atlas horticulture Innitiative Organisation Ltd was started in 2017, in Kamuli district with the aim of empowering the women and youth (18-35years) by actively involving them in maize, soya bean, amaranths and cassava and honey production and supply. Mt. Atlas Horticultural Initiative Organization (MAHIO) is also an active...

Arid Landscape Initiative

Civil society
Arid Landscape Initiative (ALIN Africa) is an Indigenous Organisation working to improve both the quality of pastoral lives and landscapes through community (Pastoralist) engagement into sustainable access and utilization of rangelands ecosystems for social economic realisation. ALIN Africa has a main focus of promoting community transformation through rangeland voice advocacy for...

Eastern and Southern Africa Small-scale Farmers' Forum (ESAFF) Uganda

Farmers' organization
Eastern and Southern Africa Small-scale Farmers’ Forum (ESAFF) was formed in 2002 during the World Summit on Sustainable Agriculture which was being held in Johannesburg, South Africa by small-scale farmers. The main aim was to make small-scale farmers, pastoralists and fisher folk, who are central to sustainable natural resource management...

Pamo Volunteers

Non-governmental organization
Pamo Volunteers was established in 1995 by men and women of vision who were mindful of the serious problems, which the vulnerable and disadvantaged people of - Uganda are facing. It is a vibrant NGO. It was registered with the National Registration Board of Non- Governmental Organizations (NGOS) in Kampala...
Total results:34
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