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Suggested criteria for selection of a site for a global aquacultural research centre

  1. Physical Environment

    1. Tropical climatic location

    2. Supply of sea and fresh water free of pollution and probability of future pollution which is adequate to meet the long-term projected needs for research and staff requirements

    3. Soil conditions, topography and water table location suitable for structures and necessary ponds

    4. Low predicted frequency of damaging storms

  2. Economic Environment

    1. Communications both for physical transport and electronic contact must be adequate to major centres within the country and globally

    2. Technical services and supply adequate to allow construction, operation and maintenance of facilities and equipment

    3. Presence of aquaculture production industry utilizing species of research interest

    4. Reasonable stability of currency

  3. Professional and Social Environment

    1. Suitability of schooling for staff children

    2. Adequacy of medical care

    3. Availability of adequate housing, recreational facilities and household needs for staff

    4. Proximity to a university and/or fisheries research centre

  4. Political Environment

    1. Exemptions from duties and other taxes on imports and exports of funds, equipment, household belongings and other items required by the centre and international staff members and their families

    2. Facilitation of residence, entry, exit and re-entry visas for staff and their families as well as visitors

    3. Agreement on simple and rapid customs and quarantine clearance of research materials and supplies

    4. Probability of political stability

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