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Disease problems have already been noticed in mariculture activities along the Mediterranean. However, due to the size of the industry, small in most cases and at laboratory or pilot-scale stage, there is no clear idea on their impact in the production cost of cultivated species.

Nevertheless, the gravity of some of the diseases noticed (due to the fact that marine species are less tolerant than freshwater species and also were stress-prone) linked with the high production cost and high selling prices of marine species, justify the start of research programmes on diseases, to be prepared for future expansion of the industry to commercial level.

However, at present the laboratories of the participating institutions have, with a few exceptions, very little experience in the diagnosis and treatment of brackishwater fish, crustacean or mollusc diseases, and even a still more reduced number have a pathology unit.

For these reasons, it was thought that it was appropriate at this stage to try to establish an active collaboration with the specialists of the institutions cooperating in the EIFAC (European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission)/IOE (International Office of Epizootics) COPRAQ on Fish Diseases. This group, which however works on different species, mainly carps and trout, has a very long tradition in fish disease problems, a very high scientific level, and could help in establishing the required laboratories in the Mediterranean region and advise on specific problems that might arise. Although the selected species for the work of the EIFAC/IOE/COPRAQ on Fish Diseases are trout and carp, several of the institutions belonging to this COPRAQ are already working either on marine species or with salmonid culture in marine environment. Therefore, they are already aware of some of the problems encountered and, apart from the different species, the other main difference they will have to face working in the Mediterranean are the higher temperatures.

These points were introduced by the Secretariat during the discussion of this agenda item and the reaction of the plenary was of full support to any initiative to establish closer links with the EIFAC/IOE COPRAQ on Fish Diseases. This support resulted in Recommendation COPRAQ/79/7 which was to be presented in the forthcoming meeting of the IEFAC/IOE COPRAQ to be held in Munich, 23–26 October 1979.

Another recommendation (COPRAQ/79/2) requested the Secretariat to inform the institutions on dates and venues of EIFAC/IOE meetings on fish diseases, and to distribute the EIFAC/IOE COPRAQ (Fish Diseases) reports and technical papers in the Mediterranean region.

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