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  1. Opening of the Session

  2. Address by the Representative of the Organizing Country

  3. Adoption of the Provisional Agenda and Arrangements for the Session

  4. Terms of Reference indicated at the Second Session of COPESCAL, Santo Domingo, 1981

  5. Review of the Country Reports on Aquaculture Development in participating countries, with emphasis on freshwater fish culture. Brief presentation followed by an analysis by the Technical Secretary, and Plenary Discussion

  6. Review of the Status of Cooperation in Research or Development among participating countries. Presentation by the Chairman of the Technical Committee of CAPMAD of SELA. Presentation on CERLA. Achievements and Problems. Presentation on ALA

  7. Special items for discussion at the First Session:

    1. Production targeted research necessary in Latin America (Working Party I)

    2. Manpower needs at the different levels for aquaculture development (estimates based on national plans for mid-term development, now ongoing or in preparation) (Working Party II)

  8. Items suggested for discussion by the Second Session of COPESCAL:

    1. Utilization of fish wastes in aquaculture

    2. Possibilities of production of ornamental fish for export

  9. Any other matters

  10. Recommendations to the Third Session of COPESCAL

  11. Adoption of the Report/Recommendations

  12. Date and Place of the next session

  13. Closing Ceremony

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