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Terms of Reference of the COPESCAL Working Party on Aquaculture

At its Second Session held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 2–4 December 1981, the Commission for Inland Fisheries of Latin America established the Working Party on Aquaculture, with the following terms of reference:

  1. Keep under review the status and problems of aquaculture and its development in the inland waters of Latin America;

  2. Promote exchange of experiences and cooperation between member countries of COPESCAL in the field of aquaculture at both regional and subregional levels;

  3. Collaborate with the other regional organizations which are active in the field of aquaculture, such as SELA and ALA, in promoting regional activities;

  4. Promote and support cooperative programmes of research among national institutions on specific problems of common interest;

  5. Recommend specific actions in support of the development of aquaculture in the region for implementation by COPESCAL.

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