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1.     The Eighth Session of the EIFAC Working Party on Eel took place from 24 to 29 May 1993 at the Inland Fisheries Institute, Olsztyn, Poland, hosted by the Institute.

2.     Christopher Moriarty, Chairman of the Working Party, welcomed the participants (see Annex B) and Prof. dr hab. Jan A. Szczerbowski, Director of the Institute, gave an opening address of welcome and wished the participants a successful meeting.

3.     Moriarty gave apologies from a number of Working Party members who were unable to attend. He also recorded with regret the death of Edward Nolan since the last Meeting.

4.     The Agenda (Annex A) was adopted.

5.     Brian Knights was appointed Rapporteur. He was assisted by Rose Callaghan, Declan Clarke, Richard Donnelly, Alistair Scott and Theresa Walsh.

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