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6.     Moriarty announced that the Seventeenth Session of EIFAC, held in Lugano, Switzerland from 19 to 26 May 1992 had adopted the Report of the Seventh Session of the Working Party on Eel held in Dublin, Ireland, 20–25 May 1991.

7.     During the intersessional period, the following had occurred:

  1. Proofs of selected papers from the Seventh Session had been corrected and returned to the printers for publication in Irish Fisheries Investigations Series A (Freshwater) No. 36.

  2. The Co-operative Groups on Eel Recruitment, on Growth and on Contaminants had reported progress and these issues would be covered in the current Session.

  3. A proposal had been received from ICES suggesting merging the ICES Working Group and the EIFAC Working Party on Eel. It was agreed to discuss this during the Session.

  4. A letter had been received from the European Ichthyological Union suggesting that the next Working Party Session be brought forward to coincide with their conference on eel in Asturias, Spain in September 1994.

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