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55.     Gordon Williamson had not been able to attend the Meeting but his suggestions for the nomenclature for the life stages of eel were discussed (see also item 52 and Annex H of the 1991 Meeting report). It was agreed that more accurate definitions of commonly used terms are required. Nevertheless, it was felt that the proposal might remain controversial on several points although useful as a starting point for discussion. It was agreed that it was the duty of authors to give clear and precise definitions of the terminology they use by reference to such measurable criteria as pigmentation stage, body proportions etc.

56.     The suggestion from ICES for setting up an ICES-EIFAC Working Party on Eels was discussed. It was agreed that the Chairman, following consultation with the Chairman of EIFAC, should propose to the President of ICES that the Joint EIFAC-ICES Working Party be revived. The Working Party on Eel recommended that Moriarty be Chairman of the combined group with Dekker as Vice-Chairman to maintain the ICES connection. Membership of the Working Party would be by invitation of the Chairman.

In the event of the establishment of the proposed joint Working Party, terms of reference will be required. It was agreed for the present to work by reference to established precedents and that terms of reference should be drawn up at the first meeting of the joint Working Party. These would cover both clearly defined management advice and the less precise subject of adding to knowledge of the eel's biology and stock status.

57.     The Inland Fisheries Institute arranged an excursion to the Great Mazurian Lakes and generously provided transport and refreshments.

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