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58.     Research conducted in the last decade by members of the EIFAC Working Party on Eel and reported at its Sessions has led to the conclusion that the fisheries for European eel can be enhanced by taking actions on a continental rather than on a national scale.

Stimulated by continued concerns about the decline in recruitment at the glass eel stage and the maintenance of stocks and fisheries, the Working Party recommended:

  1. purchase of glass eels for distribution to regions known to be deficient in stocks of growing eel,

  2. facilitation of the natural ascent of elvers to under-utilised habitats, including former habitats which have been rendered inaccessible by the construction of dams and other obstructions,

  3. implementation of measures to prevent the destruction of silver eels in hydro dams and pumping stations in order to preserve the eels both for exploitation and for breeding escapement.

The Working Party proposes that this Recommendation be adopted by the 18th Session of EIFAC.

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