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SECTION I (contd..)

  1. Fertilizer requirement     Besoins en engrais     Besoins en fertilisants

    -  quantity and quality of required nutrients necessary to obtain given productional results

  2. Filamentous algae     Algues filamenteuses

    -  algae which usually form strands or threads of cells that may grow on the pond bottom but often float to the surface forming scums or floating mats (3)

  3. Fin     Nageoire

    -  an organ by which fish balance themselves and swim, consisting of a membrane supported by rays

  4. Fine meshed     A mailles fines

    -  pertaining to fishing net having relatively small meshes

  5. Fingerling     Estivaux

    -  any fish from advanced fry to the age of one year from date of hatching, regardless of size (9)

    -  young fish, usually late in first year (31)

  6. Fingerling pond     Etang de premier été

    -  rearing pond in the first year of productional cycle, stocked with fry from nursery pond, or spawning pond, or other hatching implement

  7. Finishing pond

    -  see Fattening pond

  8. Fin-ray     Rayon (des nageoires)

    -  one of the processes supporting the membrane of a fish's fin

  9. First dorsal fin     Première nageoire dorsale

    -  in fishes characterized by double dorsal fin (such as perciformes)

  10. First fry pond

    -  see Nursery pond

  11. First rearing pond

    -  see Nursery pond

  12. Fish barrier

    -  see Weir

  13. Fish bladder

    -  see Air bladder

  14. Fish bone     Arête de poisson

    -  a bone of a fish

  15. Fish-capture channel     Fossé de capture des poissons

    -  a channel in the bottom of a pond in which fishes gather when water is drawn out; as a result fish can be easily caught

  16. Fish catching box     Chambre de capture des poissons

    -  term usually denoting fry-fish trap placed behind the monk in order to catch fish during drying up the fishponds

  17. Fish-collecting pool     Poële

    -  receptacle where fish gather during drying up a pond, most frequently situated behind the monk

  18. Fish conservation (protection)     Protection du poisson

    -  practices connected with maintaining fish stock and preventing its damage

  19. Fish corral

    -  see Barricade

  20. Fish court     Corps du filet

    -  the walls of netting forming the holding chamber in a trap net (2)

  21. Fish crop

    -  see Yield

  22. Fish culture     Pisciculture

    -  producing and increasing fish production, by whatever methods, above what can be produced naturally (43, 13)

  23. Fish culturist     Pisciculteur

    -  a man engaged in fish culture or aquaculture

  24. Fish-diverter     Ecran électrique

    -  an electrical device for generating currents in selected areas of water, as power dams, irrigation ditches, etc., for the purpose of diverting fish from entering them (42)

  25. Fish eggs

    -  see Hard roe

  26. Fisherman     Pêcheur

    -  a man who fishes for sport or for a living

  27. Fishery     Pêche     Pisciculture     Pêcherie

    -  all activities connected with propagation, cultivation and exploitation of fishes in inland and marine waters, as also the management of fish resources

    -  fishing ground

  28. Fishery laws and regulations     Lois et réglements sur la pêche et la pisciculture

    -  laws and regulations issued in order to protect fishery

  29. Fishery management     Aménagement des pêches     Exploitation des pêches

    -  the art and science of producing sustained annual crops of wild fish for recreational and commercial uses (3)

  30. Fishery protection     Protection des pêches

    -  the use by the government or various agencies of special forms of regulation or restraint in order to encourage or to maintain essential characteristics of the fishery (26)

  31. Fishery stock

    -  see Commercial stock

  32. Fish farm     Pisciculture     Ferme à poissons     Exploitation d'étange

    -  an enterprise where fish-culture is carried on

  33. Fish-fence

    -  see Leader

  34. Fish garth     Enclos

    -  a dam or weir in a river or on the seashore for keeping fish (2)

  35. Fish hatchery

    -  see Hatchery

  36. Fish hook     Hameçon

    -  a hook for catching fish

  37. Fishing     Pêche

    -  the act of catching fish whether for profit, sport, or any other reason

  38. Fishing area     Pêche     Pêcherie     Parcours de pêche

    -  a particular water body (or its part) or group of water bodies within the fishing region

  39. Fishing boat     Bateau de pêche

    -  a boat employed in activities connected with fisheries

  40. Fishing efficiency     Efficacité de la pêche

    -  the ratio of the number of fish caught to the number present in the area fished (34)

  41. Fishing effort     Effort de pêche

    -  any combination of time and gear that can be readily standardized (8)

    -  the total fishing gear in use for a specified period of time (27)

  42. Fishing exploitation     Exploitation (méthodes d')

    -  combination of methods and activities aimed at obtaining fish catch (or other management purposes) with the use of different fishing gear or/and fish catching devices

  43. Fishing gear accessories     Matériels et accessoires pour la pêche professionnelle

    -  fishing tackle used in commercial fishery

  44. Fishing ground     Secteur de pêche

    -  a part of a water body especially suitable for carrying out fishing activities

  45. Fishing intensity     Intensité de pêche

    -  intensity of fishing exploitation expressed in any standardized unite of fishing effort per given area

  46. Fishing line     Ligne (de pêche)

    -  a line with hook(s), etc., for catching fish

  47. Fishing mortality     Mortalité par pêche

    -  death caused by fishing activity of man

  48. Fishing net     Filet de pêche

    -  a net for catching fish

  49. Fishing operations     Opérations de pêche

    -  all operations in moving to and from fishing grounds, fish-searching and actual fishing (16)

  50. Fishing period     Période spécifique d'ouverture de la pêche

    -  portion of the fishing season pertaining to catches of a given species and/or carried out with a particular fishing gear (method)

  51. Fishing pit     Trou d'eau

    -  a hole in the bottom of the water body where fish gather, especially in winter and in which they can be easily caught

  52. Fishing place     Lieu de pêche

    -  the very place of a fishing ground where fish are caught

  53. Fishing power     Puissance de pêche

    -  the relative vulnerability of the stock to different boats or gears (27)

  54. Fishing region     Grande région de pêche

    -  a relatively large tract of a country, abundant in water bodies, where fishing having certain prevailing characteristics, is more or less commonly carried out

  55. Fishing right     Droit de pêche

    -  the legal right of fishing in given place at a given time

  56. Fishing rod     Canne à pêche

    -  long, tapering, flexible rod usually in sections jointed together used along with fishing line for angling

  57. Fishing season     Saison d'ouverture générale de la pêche

    -  part of a year during which catches of various fish species and/or with different fishing gear (method) are carried out

  58. Fishing stakes     Etente     Gord

    -  see Stake net

  59. Fishing tackle     Matériels et accessoires de pêche

    -  all devices required by fisherman or angler for catching fish

  60. Fishing time     Temps de pêche

    -  denotes the actual time at which fishing takes place, e.g., day, night, full moon, overcast, etc., as also its duration

  61. Fishing twine

    -  see Netting twine

  62. Fishing with troll line

    -  see Trolling

  63. Fish-kill     Mortalité massive

    -  massive, rapid death of fish due to several reasons, such as oxygen deficit, inflow of toxicants, infectious diseases, etc.

  64. Fish ladder     Echelle à poissons

    -  a series of steps to enable fish to ascend a hydraulic barrier

  65. Fishless     Sans poisson

    -  having no fish

  66. Fish lift     Ascenseur à poissons

    -  an arrangement lifting the fish over a hydraulic barrier

  67. Fish line

    -  see Fishing line

  68. Fish meal     Farine de poisson

    -  dehydrated and often defatted ground fish or fish waste used as feed or (rearily) fertilizer

  69. Fish-pass

    -  see Fish ladder

  70. Fish pest     Epidémie

    -  any deadly epidemic disease of fish

  71. Fish pole

    -  see Fishing rod

  72. Fish-pond     Etang à poissons

    -  pond in which fish are reared or kept

  73. Fish pot     Casier     Panier

    -  a basket-like wicker trap for catching fish, especially eels, or crayfish

  74. Fish pound

    -  see Pound

  75. Fish-rearing     Elevage de poissons

    -  pertaining to propagation and cultivation of fish

  76. Fish sound

    -  see Air bladder

  77. Fish-spear

    -  see Spear

  78. Fish water     Eau convenant au poisson

    -  water body in which fishes do, or can live

  79. Fishway     Passe à poisson

    -  man-made passage for fish over a hydraulic barrier

    -  see Fish ladder and Fish lift

  80. Fish weir     Grille à poissons

    -  a weir on a river for taking or preserving fishes (40)

  81. Fish well     Vivier

    -  a compartment with free access of water used for storing live fish

  82. Fish worm

    -  see Worm

  83. Fishy     Poissonneux

    -  abounding in fish

  84. Flasher     Flasheur (néologisme)

    -  a flashing spoon tied above the bait to attract fish to it (53)

  85. Flatboat     Plate

    -  boat with a flat bottom used in shallow waters usually on ponds

  86. Flesh fin

    -  see Adipose fin

  87. Float     Flotteur

    -  any buoyant object attached to nets or fishing lines to prevent sinking (2)

  88. Floating aquatic plants     Plantes aquatiques flottantes

    -  plants which wholly or in part float on the surface of the water, sometimes unattached to the bottom

  89. Floating fish boxes     Viviers flottants

    -  cages for holding fish, floating on the water

  90. Floating gill net

    -  see Drift-net

  91. Flood plain     Plaine inondable

    -  plain regularly overflooded by flood water (14)

  92. Flowing water

    -  see Running water

  93. Flow rate     Débit

    -  velocity of flow multiplied by cross-sectional area of the stream (26)

  94. Fluvial, fluviatile     Fluvial     Fluviatile

    -  pertaining to streams, also to fishes that live their entire life in moving fresh waters (8)

  95. Fly     Mouche

    -  natural or artificial fly used as bait in fly fishing

  96. Fly-book     Boîte à mouche

    -  a booklike case for anglers' flies

  97. Flycasting     Lancer de la mouche

    -  the art of throwing fly in angling

  98. Fly-fish     Pêcher à la mouche

    -  to angle with natural or artificial flies as bait

  99. Fly-fishing     Pêche à la mouche

    -  one of the four basic methods of angling in which rod and line are combined to project the lure. As a lure artificial or natural flies are used

  100. Fly-hook     Hameçon esché avec une mouche

    -  a hook baited with a fly (40)

  101. Fly-rod     Canne à mouche

    -  flexible rod for fly-fishing

  102. Fodder     Aliments fourrage

    -  feeds with relatively low feeding value

  103. Food     Aliment

    -  any substance which, taken into the body, is capable of sustaining or nourishing the living organism

  104. Food animal     Espèce proie

    -  animal constituting food for other animals, especially fishes

  105. Food chain     Chaîne alimentaire

    -  the successive stages from bacteria and phytoplankton that can utilize inorganic dissolved nutrients, to the zooplankton, insect larvae, and some fishes that devour them, up to larger fish that may exist principally by preying on the other fishes (8)

    -  transfer of food energy through a series of organisms with many stages of eating and being eaten (10)

    -  a chain of organisms where one of the organisms feeds on another from the chain below, and is eaten in turn by an organism from the chain above (14)

    -  the loss of energy from a series of organisms to the other is high, roughly 90 percent

  106. Food fish     Poisson comestible

    -  eatable fish

  107. Food mixture     Aliment composé

    -  feeds composed of basic nutritive compounds in proportionate quantities, according to the given diet formula

  108. Food net (food web)     Réseau alimentaire

    -  an interwoven system of feeding interrelations in food circulation in a given community (26)

  109. Food-quotient     Quotient alimentaire

    -  coefficients/used in comparing feeds with different feeding value

  110. Food relations     Relations alimentaires

    -  interrelations existing in the circulation of food in a given community

  111. Food requirements

    -  see Nutritional requirements

  112. Food supply     Ressources alimentaires

    -  the sum total of all plant and animal organisms and their decomposition products (34)

  113. Forage fish     Poisson fourrage

    -  fish, usually smaller species, that are important as food for other species (8)

  114. Forebay     Retenue (d'eau)

    -  the impounded waters just above a dam (8)

  115. Fountain     Fontaine     Source

    -  natural or artificial water-spring

  116. Free-swimming     Nageant librement

    -  swimming freely, as an aquatic animal, especially certain organisms that are immovable in other stages of development

  117. Free water     Eau de ruissellement

    -  soil water in excess of that absorbed by the soil, also called gravity water (42)

  118. Freshet     Crue     Courant d'eau douce dans la mer

    -  a pool or stream of fresh water

    -  an overflow of a river caused by rain or melted snow

    -  an area of comparatively fresh water at or near the mouth of a stream flowing into the sea (56)

  119. Freshwater     Eau douce

    -  of or pertaining to, yielding, produced by, or living in water that is not salt (40)

  120. Freshwater fishery     Pêches d'eau douce ou continentale

    -  see Inland fisheries

  121. Fry     Alevin

    -  the young stage of fishes, particularly after the yolk sac has been absorbed (21)

    -  young fish, newly hatched, after yolk has been used up and active feeding commenced (31)

    -  stage from independence of yolk sac as primary source of nutrition to dispersal of the redd for Atlantic salmon and migratory trout (54, 55)

  122. Fry pond     Etang à alevins

    -  general term applied to all types of ponds in which fry is grown

  123. Funnel     Goulot     Goulet

    -  the funnel shaped opening to a fish trap (2)

  124. Full-grown fish     Poisson adulte

    -  fish having attained maturity

  125. Fungus disease     Mycose

    -  disease caused by fungi, e.g., Saprolegnia, Branchiomyces, etc.

  126. Fyke net     Verveux à ailes     Louve

    -  a funnel-like bag net similar to a hoop net but with wings (2)

    -  tabular bag, for catching eels. Held open with hoops fitted with non-return valve and leader. Also called: hoop net (2)

  127. Gain     Gain

    -  amount of increase

  128. Game fish     Poisson de sport

    -  any fish caught for enjoyment or recreation

    -  fish species traditionally regarded as game, especially Salmonids

  129. Gangen     Empile

    -  a branch line by which a hook or bait are attached to the main line of a long line (2)

  130. Gang hooks     Grappin

    -  fish hooks fastened together in series so that they are effective from all directions (53)

  131. Gas-bladder

    -  see Air bladder

  132. Gear     Engins

    -  the tools, implements or appliances used in fishing, exclusive of boat or boats employed in the fishing operations (2)

    -  a net and its activating devices when in the water (2)

  133. Gill     Branchie

    -  respiratory organ of many aquatic animals, chiefly fishes

    -  to catch fish in a gill net

  134. Gill arches     Arcs branchiaux

    -  the V-shaped bony supports bearing the gills and gill rakers (18)

    -  the bony supports of the gills (19)

  135. Gill cover     Opercule

    -  the bony covering of the gill cavity composed of opercular bones (19)

  136. Gill net     Filet maillant

    -  a curtain of netting suspended from the surface by floats. Single nets are linked into fleets of nets. Fish swim into them in darkness and are caught by their gill covers (1)

    -  a net usually rectangular with the size of mesh such that when fish strike the net they become jammed (2)

  137. Gill netting     Pêche au filet maillant

    -  action of catching fishes on gill nets

  138. Gill rakers     Branchiospines

    -  a series of bony projections along the anterior edge of the gill arch (18)

    -  a series of tooth-like bony structures placed along the anterior edge of the gill arches (19)

    -  bony tooth-like structures on the anterior edges of gill arches for protection or straining out food (20)

  139. Gill slit     Ouïes

    -  vertical opening from pharynx to exterior in animals respirating with oxygen dissolved in water, especially fish

  140. Gonad maturation stages     Stades de maturation des gonades

    -  Classification of the degree of gonad development, varying according to different authors

  141. Gonads     Gonades

    -  the sex glands which produce either eggs or sperm (6)

    -  a general term including both ovaries and testes (8)

  142. Grading (of fish)     Triage des poissons

    -  to sort (fish) according to class, size, quality, etc.

  143. Gravel     Graviers

    -  mineral particles 2–4 mm in diameter (16)

  144. Gravel pit     Gravière sablière

    -  an excavation from which gravel is or has been taken

  145. Gravid fish     Poisson mature

    -  fish with mature gonads (8)

    -  pregnant or ripe, ready to spawn (10)

  146. Gravity drainage     Drainage par gravité

    -  drainage based on gravity

  147. Grayling section     Zone à ombre

    -  a zone in a river lying between trout zone and barbel zone, characterized by alternatings between rapid current and sections with moderate currents (36)

  148. Grayling zone (reach)

    -  see Grayling section

  149. Green algae     Algues vertes

    -  Chlorophyta, the algae in which photosynthetic pigments are localized in chromatophores with chlorophyll as a dominating pigment

  150. Green manure     Engrais verts     Verdage

    -  plants grown for ploughing into the bed of a dried-up pond as fertilizer

  151. Grilse     Grilse     Madeleineau

    -  a precocious salmon or anadromous trout that has matured at a much smaller size (and usually younger age) than that of the fully grown adult fish (8)

    -  salmon which has spent one winter at sea (= grilse when maturing) (54)

  152. Gross primary production     Production primaire brute

    -  the quantity of carbon taken up by plants into organic combinations (17)

  153. Ground     Fond

    -  bottom of any body of water

  154. Ground-angling     Pêche à fond (avec une canne)

    -  angling without a float with a weighted line

  155. Ground-bait     Appât de fond     Amorce de fond

    -  a bait thrown to the bottom of the water, in order to attract fish

  156. Ground-fish     Poisson de fond

    -  fish living at the bottom

  157. Ground-fishing     Pêche de fond

    -  fishing with a bait at or near bottom

  158. Ground-line     Ligne de fond

    -  a line used in ground-fishing

  159. Groundling     Petites espèces de poissons de fond

    -  various small fishes that keep at the bottom, especially gudgeon or loach

  160. Ground-net     Filet pour pêche à fond

    -  any kind of fishing-net used at the bottom

  161. Ground-rope     Ralingue de fond

    -  a rope at a lower edge of a fishing-net

  162. Growing pond

    -  see Rearing pond

  163. Growing season     Saison de croissance

    -  period of the year during which growth takes place

  164. Growth     Croissance

    -  an increase and development in number or size of organisms and populations, and in a living system

  165. Growth curve     Courbe de croissance

    -  size of growth plotted against time (26)

  166. Growth period     Période de croissance

    -  any extent of time during which growth occurs

  167. Growth rate     Taux de croissance

    -  the rate of increase of the measured property of the growing system (15)

  168. Gully     Ravine     Ravin

    -  a channel or ravine worn in the earth by the action of water, especially in a mountain or hill side (40)

  169. Gutted fish     Poisson éviscéré

    -  eviscerated fish, fish with guts taken out

  170. Gyttja     Guttja

    -  the type of sediment typical of lakes with oxygenated bottom waters (17)

  171. Habitat     Habitat

    -  the natural abode of a plant or animal, especially the particular location where it normally grows or lives (16)

  172. Habitat improvement     Amélioration de l'habitat

    -  a fishery management tool with the sole purpose of providing better environmental conditions for desired species of fish (8)

  173. Half-spent     Dont la moitié des oeufs ont été pondus ou prélevés

    -  partially spawned fish

  174. Hand brailer

    -  see Brail net

  175. Hand-line     Ligne à soutenir

    -  fishing-line without a rod, with one or several baited hooks attached, worked by hand

  176. Hanging coefficient     Taux d'armement

    -  the ratio of the horizontal distance occupied by meshes equal in number to the depth of the net (in meshes), to the actual depth of the net before hanging (34), i.e., ratio of the horizontal length of a given number of meshes on the hanging line to horizontal length of the same number of meshes when drawn out

  177. Hang-net     Folle     Courtine

    -  a kind of net with large meshes, set vertically on stakes

  178. Hardness of water     Dureté de l'eau

    -  a property of water containing dissolved salts, especially of calcium and magnesium

  179. Hard (aquatic) plants     Végétation (aquatique) dure

    -  common name given to emergent aquatic plants, especially to those belonging to reed belt

  180. Hard roe     Oeufs

    -  eggs of a female fish

  181. Harvesting     Récolte

    -  removal of organisms

  182. Hatch     Incuber     Eclore     Alevins de même âge

    -  incubate, bring forth from egg

    -  brood hatched at one time

  183. Hatch-boat     Bateau vivier

    -  a kind of half-decked fishing-boat with a well for keeping fish

  184. Hatcher

    -  see Incubator

  185. Hatchery     Ecloserie     Salle d'incubation

    -  a place for artificial hatching, especially of fish… (10)

  186. Hatchery tray     Incubateur

    -  shallow, usually rectangular vessel used in artificial hatching of fish eggs

  187. Hatching     Eclosion

    -  producing young from eggs both artificially and naturally

  188. Hatching apparatus

    -  see Incubator

  189. Hatching jar     Incubateur vertical

    -  vertical apparatus for incubating fish eggs, especially of small size

  190. Hatching pond     Etang de reproduction     Etang d'alevinage

    -  pond in which hatching of fish eggs takes place

  191. Hatching trough     Bacs de pisciculture     Auges de pisciculture

    -  elongated tray used for hatching fish eggs, especially salmonids

  192. Hatchling     Larve de poisson

    -  fish larva

  193. Haul     Coup de filet     Pêche

    -  the fish caught by hauling a net (2)

    -  the complete operation from setting or shooting a net to picking up or hauling (2)

  194. Hauling in     Remontée de filet

    -  the process of pulling in fishing nets, lines, etc. (2)

  195. Haul seine

    -  see Beach seine

  196. Head     Source     Retenue

    -  the source of a stream

    -  a body of water kept at a height for supplying a mill, etc.

    -  the upper end of valley, lake, etc.

  197. Headline     Ralingue supérieure

    -  the rope on which floats are fastened, attached to the upper lip or top edge of a net (2)

  198. Head-race     Canal d'amenée

    -  the channel by which water is led to a water-wheel

  199. Head-rope     Ralingue supérieure

    -  a rope along the top of a fishing-net (40)

  200. Headwater     Parcours amont     Amont

    -  the upper part of any flowing water near its source

  201. Heavy fertilization     Fertilisation intensive

    -  intensive fertilization

  202. Hedge     Mur

    -  a wall of wattle-work leading the fish to a trap

  203. Herbivorous fish     Poisson herbivore

    -  fish feeding on plants (14)

  204. High-backed     Trapu     Ramassé

    -  referring to the shape of fish having high ratio between height and length of a body

  205. High-protein diet     Alimentation riche en protéines

    -  feeds with high content of proteins

  206. Hinder fin

    -  see Pelvic fin

  207. Holding pond     Etang de stabulation

    -  pond used to hold fish stock especially the spawning stock

  208. Home range     Territoire

    -  the area used by an individual animal in the normal activites of life, i.e., feeding, breeding, etc. (4)

  209. Homing     Homing

    -  the return of fish to their native spawning grounds (1)

    -  the return of fish to their last juvenile home waters when they have been transferred from their native river to another, with enough time to be acclimatized to the last one

  210. Hook     Hameçon

    -  a bent and pointed piece of wire, usually barbed, used for catching fish

  211. Hook-and-line gear     Engin pourvu d'hameçons

    -  any fishing gear in which hook is used to catch fish

  212. Hoop net     Balance

    -  more or less conical fish trap typically made of twine mesh hung on round frames and typically having two funnel shaped throats in series (22)

  213. Horizontal incubator     Incubateur horizontal

    -  a box-like incubator for hatching relatively big fish eggs, especially salmonids, in which water flows horizontally

  214. Humic waters

    -  see Dystrophy

  215. Humus     Humus

    -  partially decomposed organic matter (17)

  216. Hydrogen sulphide     Hydrogène sulfuré

    -  H2S

  217. Hypertrophy     Hypertrophie

    -  pertaining to waters of very high nutrient content (17)

  218. Hypolimnion     Hypolimnion

    -  the portion of deep lakes below the thermocline, which receives no heat from the sun and no aeration by circulation while stratification lasts (4)

    -  the water mass below the thermocline. In lakes of sufficient depth the water tends to become stratified in summer, with a lower layer or hypolimnion (8)

    -  that part of the water mass in a lake which is deep and removed from surface influences and generally very low in oxygen (14)

  219. Ice-cover     Couche de glace

    -  a layer of ice formed on the surface of water bodies in winter when air temperature drops below zero

  220. Ice fishing     Pêche sous la glace

    -  fishing through holes cut in the ice (42)

  221. Ice-free     Libre de glace

    -  free from ice, having no ice cover

  222. Ice-house     Glacière

    -  building often partly or wholly underground for storing ice (38)

  223. Imbankment

    -  see Embankment

  224. Immature     Immature

    -  not developed sexually, not ripe

  225. Immersed     Immergé

    -  being wholly under water

  226. Impaling gear     Tout engin empalant le poisson

    -  any form of gear by means of which a fish is impaled on a sharp shaft (8)

  227. Impoundment     Retenue d'eau artificielle     Réservoir

    -  an artificial body of water (53)

  228. Incoming year class     Classes de recrutement devenant exploitables

    -  year clases of fish recruited to fishable stock

  229. Incubate     Incuber

    -  to hold eggs during development (6)

  230. Incubation     Incubation

    -  the act or process of hatching

  231. Incubation period     Période d'incubation

    -  period during which incubation of fish eggs takes place, as in a hatchery

  232. Incubation time     Durée d'incubation

    -  the period during which fish develops inside the egg (36)

  233. Incubator     Incubateur

    -  an apparatus for hatching eggs

  234. Indicator (plants or animals)

    -  see Biological indicators

  235. Indraft (indraught) Courant d'eau remontant

    -  an inward flow

  236. Infectious disease     Maladie infectieuse

    -  any disease caused by micro-organisms and easily transmissible from an infected animal to another animal

  237. Infectious dropsy (of carp)     Hydropisie infectieuse

    -  see Septicaemia (of carp)

  238. Inflow

    -  see Influent

  239. Influent     Tributaire     Affluent

    -  flowing in

    -  also see Affluent

  240. Influx

    -  see Influent

  241. Inland fisheries     Pêches intérieures     Pêches continentales

    -  fisheries carried out in fresh water bodies

  242. Inland waters     Eaux intérieures     Eaux continentales

    -  all surface waters, usually fresh, contained within lands

  243. Inlet     Entrée d'eau

    -  an entrance of water, etc.

  244. Inshore     Riverain

    -  on, near, or toward the shore

  245. Intake     Prise d'eau

    -  a place where water is taken into channel, pipe, etc.

    -  the amount of water so taken

  246. Intensive fish culture     Pisciculture intensive

    -  fish culture requiring high level of expenditures per unit area and hence as a rule giving high fish production and large incomes

  247. Intermediate fishing     Pêche d'éclaircie

    -  fishing carried out on fish-ponds during growing season in order to decrease the density of a stock or to obtain marketable fish

  248. Interspecific     Interspécifique

    -  referring to events or relationships which occur between individuals of different species (4)

  249. Intraspecific     Intraspécifique

    -  referring to events or relationships which occur between individuals of the same species (4)

  250. Irrigation     Irrigation

    -  watering of land artificially

  251. Islet     Petite île     Ilot

    -  little island

  252. Jig     Leurre

    -  a fish-hook with a loaded shank

    -  to fish with a jig

  253. Jigging

    -  see Trolling

  254. Juveniles     Juvéniles

    -  young stages of animals, usually between the postlarval stages up to the time they become sexually mature (10)

  255. Kelt     Bécard

    -  a mature salmon that has spawned and has not yet recovered its weight or silvery colour (8) or has not yet entered saltwater (54)

    -  a dark, thin, recently spawned-out (or spent) Atlantic salmon or trout (31)

    -  a spent or spawned-out migratory trout until re-entry into saltwater or which shows re-growth on scale (55)

  256. Kettle     Trou d'eau     Poële

    -  a relatively deep and small part of bottom in a given water body

    -  the deepest part of a fish-pond usually near the monk

  257. Killing point of temperature     Température létale

    -  temperature at which death of an organism occurs

  258. Kipper     Kipper     Bécard

    -  the male salmon or sea trout during or after the spawning season

    -  a salmon or herring split open, salted and dried

  259. Knotless net     Filets sans noeuds

    -  a net having meshes formed with twisted yarn which is knitted together and not weaved with knots (2)

  260. Lacustrine     Lacustre

    -  pertaining to lakes; also to fishes that live their entire life in quiet waters (lake-dwelling) (8)

  261. Lake     Lac

    -  a considerable inland body or natural enclosed basin of still water

  262. Lake drainage     Bassin de réception d'un lac

    -  catchment area of a lake

  263. Lakeland     Région de lacs

    -  a region abundant in lakes

  264. Lakelet     Petit lac

    -  a small lake

  265. Lam net     Battude

    -  a net into which the fish is frightened by thrashing the water, shouting and striking the boat with a stick, etc. Also called: splash net (2)

  266. Lending-net     Epuisette

    -  a small bag-net used to take big fish from the water when hooked

  267. Large-meshed     A larges mailles

    -  pertaining to fishing-net having relatively big meshes

  268. Large-scale fisheries     Pêcheries importantes

    -  fisheries having significant socio-economic importance

  269. Larva     Larve

    -  an immature stage between the egg and the adult from (6)

    -  the young of an animal that differs markedly from the adult (18)

    -  an immature stage between the egg and full development of spines and rays in all fins and ossification of vertebrae

  270. Larval stage     Stade larvaire

    -  period of fishes' life between hatching and full development of spines and rays in all fins and ossification of vertebras

    -  development stage of insects and some plankton crustaceans

  271. Lateral line     Ligne latérale

    -  a sensory system on the side of the body usually consisting of a canal below the skin that opens to the surface through pores (18)

    -  series of pore-like openings (to sensory canal) along the sides of a fish (19)

  272. Late-spawning     A reproduction tardive

    -  pertaining to fish which spawns relatively later than usual for a given species

  273. Lay     Déposer des oeufs     Tendre un filet

    -  to deposit eggs (as a fish)

    -  to set a fishing net

  274. Laying     Ponte     Période de ponte

    -  the act or time of depositing eggs

  275. Laying out     Installation d'un filet

    -  putting a net into the water for fishing purposes (2)

  276. Laying period

    -  see Spawning period

  277. Lead

    -  see Leader

  278. Leader     Mur

    -  in a pound net the fence-like barrier, usually of netting, which hangs vertically in the water, and guides fish towards the trap. Also called: fence, hedging, lead (2)

  279. Leading net

    -  see Leader

  280. Lead line     Ralingue des plombs

    -  ground rope (2)

    -  the lower weighted rope of any encircling net or gill net (2)

  281. Leads     Plombs

    -  the lead weights strung on the bottom of the lead line of a net. Also called: weights or sinkers (2)

  282. Leather carp     Carpe cuir

    -  carp having very few scales found generally at the base of the fins (36)

    -  or no scales at all

  283. Legal-sized fish     Poisson de taille légale

    -  fish of the size permitting its catch according to fishery laws and regulation

  284. Length at recruitment     Taille au recrutement

    -  length at which fish are recruited to fishable stock

  285. Length of shoreline     Longueur de rive

    -  length of the contour of the shoreline, usually measured on a lake map by means of a rotometer (47)

  286. Lentic     Lentique

    -  pertaining to still-water communities (4)

  287. Levee     Levée     Endiguement

    -  a natural or artificial waterside embankment, constructed to contain water such as in pond (10)

  288. Lever net

    -  see Lift net

  289. Lift net     Carrelet

    -  a sheet of netting surrounded by a frame which effects the capture of fish in its tract as the net is lifted vertically. Also called: lever net (2)

  290. Light-fishing     Pêche au feu

    -  fishing methods based on positive phototaxis of several fish species

  291. Lime     Chaux

    -  calcium oxide (CaO), white alkaline substance, obtained by burning limestone

  292. Limestone     Calcaire

    -  any rock consisting chiefly of calcium carbonate

  293. Liming     Chaulage

    -  application to the soil or water of the element calcium in various forms

  294. Limiting factor     Facteur limitant

    -  a factor that so checks or exerts some restraining influence upon a population through incompatibility with species requirements or tolerance…(23)

    -  the factor that first stops the growth or spread of the organism…(32)

    -  any condition which approaches or exceeds the limits of tolerance…(33)

  295. Limmetic zone     Zone limnétique

    -  the open water of lake (4)

    -  ponds and inland seas

  296. Line     Ligne

    -  a cord bearing a hook or hooks, for fishing (40)

  297. Line fish     Poisson de ligne

    -  fish caught with the line (41)

  298. Lining     Pêche avec lignes à soutenir

    -  fishing by means of hand or long lines with baited hooks (2)

  299. Linked ponds     Etangs en série

    -  a number of diversion ponds laying in a series and having common outlet

  300. Liquid fertilizers     Engrais liquides

    -  any fertilizer used in liquid form, e.g., ammonia water

  301. Littoral     Littoral

    -  the shoreward region of a lake (17)

  302. Live bait     Appâts vivants

    -  small fish, worms, etc., used alive as bait in fishing

  303. Live bait tank     Vivier pour appâts vivants

    -  any kind of tank for keeping live bait, especially small fish

  304. Live box     Vivier

    -  receptacle in which crayfish, etc., may be kept alive (2)

  305. Live car     Camion vivier

    -  any kind of vehicle used for transport of live fish

  306. Live storage     Stockage de poissons vivants

    -  storage of live fish

  307. Live weight     Poids vif

    -  weight of live fish

  308. Locating the fish     Détection du poisson

    -  any method by which fish are traced in water

  309. Lock     Ecluse

    -  confined section of canal within which water level changes by the means of sluice-gates, used especially for transferring vessels from one level to another

  310. Long-haul seining     Senne de plage (à longue distance)

    -  a method of fishing a seine with two boats, which head toward the shore where the net is landed by hand (2)

  311. Long line     Palangre

    -  a gear consisting of a main line supporting a large number of baited hooks, carried on short lighter vertical lines (2)

  312. Long-shore     Littoral

    -  belonging to, existing or working along a shore

  313. Loss by evaporation

    -  see Evaporation loss

  314. Lotic     Lotique

    -  pertaining to swift-water communities (4)

  315. Lower course

    -  see Bream section

  316. Lower reach

    -  see Bream section

  317. Lowland river     Cours aval d'une rivière

    -  part of a river which is slow and meandering (in natural conditions) with a muddy bottom and (often) many rooted plants

  318. Lower river

    -  see Bream section

  319. Low water     Basses eaux

    -  a low stage of the water in a river, lake, etc.

  320. Lure     Leurre

    -  means of alluring animals to be captured; in angling a more general term than bait (40)

  321. Macrophyte     Macrophyte

    -  large plants, macroscopic in size (17)

  322. Main channel

    -  see Main stream

  323. Main fish     Espèce dominante (poisson)

    -  the most important fish species in a given situation, e.g., in a water-body, catch, etc.

  324. Main line     Ligne maîtresse

    -  part of a long line to which gangen is attached (2)

  325. Main river     Principale artère fluviale

    -  the principal river in given river-system

  326. Main stream     Courant principal

    -  principal current of a flowing course of water (brook, river, etc.)

  327. Maintenance food     Ration alimentaire de subsistance

    -  a certain minimum amount of food required by an animal for the daily repair of muscles, internal organs, and other tissues of the body

  328. Male     Mâle

    -  (fish) producing sperm (milt)

  329. Manure     Engrais organique     Fumer

    -  any substance usually of natural origin (as dung, compost, etc.) used as fertilizer

    -  apply manure to

  330. Manurial salts     Sels constituants des engrais

    -  nutrients, biogenic salts necessary for proper development and growth of plants

  331. Manuring     Fumage

    -  see Fertilisation

  332. Margin     Rive

    -  border between land and water body

  333. Marginal vegetation     Végétation riveraine

    -  plant community occupying transition area between water and land

  334. Mark     Marque

    -  any sign on or inside a fish (excluding tags), which permits to distinguish it from the rest

    -  see also tag

  335. Marking     Marquage

    -  any procedure which makes fish subsequently identifiable, either as an individual or as a member of a batch, which does not employ the use of tags

    -  see also tagging

  336. Mark-recapture method     Méthode d'inventaire par marquage et recapture

    -  method to estimate total population number based on the assumption that the proportion of marked fish in a random sample provides an estimate of the proportion marked in the population

  337. Marsh worm     Vers de vase

    -  a worm used in angling, called also blue-head (40)

  338. Marshy     Vaseux

    -  of or like a marsh

  339. Maturing pond     Etang de maturation     Etang à reproducteurs

    -  pond in which breeders are kept before spawning in order to obtain sexual maturity

  340. Maturity     Maturité

    -  see Sexually active period

  341. Maturity coefficient     Coefficient de maturité

    -  the weight of the gonad as a percentage of the weight of the whole body or of the gutted weight, i.e., the weight of the body without its internal organs (25)

  342. Maximum potential yield     Optimum de captures

    -  the largest maintained harvest that can be removed from an area under best population and environmental conditions (32)

  343. Maximum standing crop     Stock maximal

    -  the maximum abundance of the organisms, e.g., fish which can be sustained by a given water body, being in balance without gain or loss in weight

  344. Mean daily temperature     Température journalière moyenne

    -  an average value of several temperature measurements taken at different times of a day

  345. Mean depth (of a lake)     Profondeur moyenne (d'un lac)

    -  a relationship between volume and area of a lake (23)

  346. Mean water     Débit moyen

    -  average discharge of a river (49)

  347. Mere     Lac     Etang

    -  a sheet of shallow standing water, a pool, sometimes a marsh

  348. Mesh     Maille

    -  one of the open spaces between the cords of a net

    -  to entangle in a net

  349. Marsh     Marécage

    -  low-land wet ground, subject to daily or seasonal flooding, usually watery at all times

  350. Meshing     Maillé

    -  when fish are held fast in the meshes (2)

  351. Mesh size     Dimension des mailles

    -  the dimension of the mesh, from the centre of one knot to the centre of the next diagonally opposite knot (2)

  352. Mesotrophic     Mésotrophique

    -  descriptive of a type of lake more or less intermediate in characteristics between oligotrophic and eutrophic (8)

  353. Mesotrophy     Mésotrophie

    -  pertaining to waters of intermediate concentration of nutrients (17)

  354. Metalimnion     Métalimnion

    -  the layer of water between the epilimnion and the hypolimnion in which the temperature exhibits the greatest vertical rate of change, also more frequently termed the thermocline (17)

    -  the zone in which temperature decreases rapidly with depth in a lake when it is thermally stratified in summer (35)

  355. Midlake     Milieu de lac

    -  in the middle part of a lake

  356. Middle course     Cours moyen (d'une rivière)

    -  the stretch of a stream lying between its upper and lower part, usually below trout- and above bream-zone

  357. Middle reach

    -  see Middle course

  358. Midstream     Ligne médiane (d'une rivière)

    -  in the middle part of a stream

  359. Mid-water     Mi-profondeur d'un plan d'eau

    -  the middle portion of the water vertically (10)

  360. Migrate     Migrer

    -  to move periodically from one habitat to another

  361. Migrate down-stream     Migrer vers l'aval

    -  pertaining to fish migration with the current of a stream

  362. Migrate up-stream     Migrer vers l'amont

    -  pertaining to fish migration against the current of a stream

  363. Migration     Migration

    -  the movements of fish from feeding ground to spawning ground and back again, from nursery ground to feeding ground, and from spawning ground to nursery ground (1)

  364. Migratory fish     Poisson migrateur

    -  fish having the habit of migration

  365. Mill-dam     Barrage de moulin

    -  dam across the stream to raise its level and make water available for mill

  366. Mill-pond     Retenue d'eau d'un moulin

    -  the water retained above a mill-dam (40)

  367. Mill-race     Canal d'amenée d'un moulin

    -  the canal or the current of water for driving a mill-wheel (37)

  368. Milt     Laitance     Féconder

    -  the roe or spawn of the male fish

    -  to impregnate with milt

  369. Milter     Mâle

    -  a male fish especially in spawning time

  370. Milt roe     Laitance

    -  milt or sperm of a male fish

  371. Minimum protein level     Taux minimal de protéines

    -  level of proteins in a diet assuring proper development of fish and commercial production at the lowest costs

  372. Minimum size     Taille légale minimale

    -  the size below which it is illegal for anybody to possess or sell fish…except by special permit (10)

  373. Minnow     Vairon

    -  a small fish common all over Europe, Leuciscus phoxinus, loosely applied to any tiny fishes (37)

  374. Minnow-sized     Petit (de taille)

    -  small (to fish)

  375. Minnow zone (reach)

    -  see Grayling section

  376. Mirror carp     Carpe miroir

    -  carp having scales of different sizes on its sides and generally one row of scales high on its back (36)

  377. Mixed culture     Elevage mixte

    -  rearing of fish of different age and size or different species in the same water body

  378. Mixed fertilizers     Engrais composés

    -  the term indicates more than one of the three major nutrients, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (26)

  379. Mixing rate (of water body)     Vitesse de mélange     Vitesse de brassage

    -  speed with which water masses of a given reservoir are mixed especially during seasonal circulation

  380. Monk     Moine

    -  device controlling the outlet of water from a fish-pond

  381. Mortality     Mortalité

    -  the number of deaths in a given area or period

  382. Mortality rate     Taux de mortalité

    -  death rate

  383. Moult     Mue

    -  periodic shedding of the outer covering, such as the exoskeleton in the Arthropoda (10)

  384. Mouth     Embouchure     Orifice

    -  the outfall of a river

    -  the opening or entrance of anything, e.g., drain, trap-net, etc.

  385. Muck     Fange

    -  black, completely decomposed organic material (16)

  386. Mud     Vase     Boue

    -  wet soft soil or earthy matter, mire (39)

  387. Muddy     Vaseux     Boueux

    -  like, covered with, abounding in, mud (38)

  388. Mud-fish     Poissons d'eaux vaseuses

    -  any of several fishes which frequent muddy water or burrow in the mud (40)

  389. Mud-living     Vasicole

    -  living in mud

  390. Natural feeding     Se nourrissant d'aliments naturels

    -  pertaining to or of fishes which feed on natural food

  391. Natural food     Aliments naturels

    -  all nutritive organisms naturally present in water environment on which fishes feed

  392. Natural growth increment     Croissance due aux aliments naturels

    -  in pond fish-culture that part of growth which is due to natural food

  393. Natural mortality     Mortalité naturelle

    -  the loss in numbers in a year class from one age group to the subsequent one, due to natural death (1)

    -  deaths from all causes except man's fishing, including senility, epidemics, pollution, etc. (27)

  394. Natural reproduction     Reproduction naturelle

    -  reproduction occuring naturally without the aid of man

  395. Natural stocking rate     Taux de repeuplement d'entretien

    -  stocking rate calculated only on the basis of biogenic capacity of a water body

  396. Nauplius     Nauplius

    -  first in a series of larval phases in Crustaces (30)

  397. Navigable water     Eau navigable

    -  a stream or body of water which can be used by ships or boats

  398. Neritic     Néritique

    -  of or pertaining to the coastline or to shallow water (42)

  399. Net     Filet

    -  fabric knotted into meshes by continuously joining one row of loops to another (2)

  400. Net-day     Captures journalières au filet

    -  daily application or a daily catch of a net especially when used as a measure of fishing intensity, etc.

  401. Net depth     Chute du filet

    -  in a completed net of specific design the distance from the headline to the ground rope, usually designated by the number of meshes (2)

  402. Net-fishing     Pêche au filet

    -  catching of fish with the use of nets

  403. Net haul

    -  see Haul

  404. Net mending     Réparation des filets

    -  reparation of nets, usually manual

  405. Net plankton     Plancton capturable au filet

    -  the organisms of the plankton which are of such size that they can be strained from the water by means of a net (17)

  406. Net preservation     Conservation des filets

    -  different processes aimed at protecting the nets from harmful influence of surrounding environment

  407. Net primary production     Production primaire nette

    -  gross primary production with correction made for respiration (17)

  408. Net room     Magasin pour filets

    -  specially designed room (chamber) for all kinds of net works such as mending, preservation, etc.

  409. Netting     Pêche au filet     Filets de pêche     Confection du filet

    -  the practice or right of fishing with a net

    -  the making of a net

    -  nets used for fishing

  410. Netting twine     Fil pour filet

    -  cord used to make fishing nets

  411. Neuston     Neuston

    -  organisms which are associated with the surface film of water (4)

    -  the community of organisms which live on the surface film of the water (17)

  412. Nibble     Mordillage de l'hameçon

    -  the act or fact of nibbling, of fish at bait

  413. Niche     Niche

    -  the term used in an abstract and purely intensive sense to designate the requirement of an organism abstracted from the spatially extended habitat (47)

  414. Non-harvestable     Non exploitable (commercialement)

    -  pertaining to fish stock (or its part) not available for commercial use

  415. Non-predatory fishes     Poissons non prédateurs

    -  fishes that as a rule do not feed on other fishes

  416. Non-selective feeding     Alimentation non sélective

    -  way of feeding in which no choice of a given kind of food or/and food organisms occurs

  417. Non-spawner     Adulte mature qui ne se reproduit pas

    -  any mature fish which does not spawn

  418. Number of recruits, (annual) recruitment     Recrutement annuel

    -  number of fish entering the exploitable phase of a stock in a given period (51)

  419. Nuptial dress

    -  see Breeding colour

  420. Nuptial tubercles     Tubercules nuptiaux

    -  small often pimple-like projections that occur on head or body or lower fins of males of some species during breeding period (19)

  421. Nursery     Nursery

    -  an establishment for rearing early stages of fish

  422. Nursery pond     Etang d'alevinage

    -  rearing pond in the first year of productional cycle stocked with fry from the spawning pond or other hatching implement

  423. Nutrient     Elément nutritif

    -  a substance usable in metabolism; a metabolite; includes inorganic materials and organic materials (foods) (30)

  424. Nutrition     Nutrition

    -  term generally used to include the various processes concerned with the securing, digestion, and utilization of food substances (48)

  425. Nutritional requirements     Besoins nutritifs

    -  number and quality of complex organic compounds and mineral salts in the diet necessary for optimal development and reproduction of an animal

  426. Offshore     Au large

    -  at a distance or away from the shore

  427. Offspring     Progéniture

    -  production or result of any kind

    -  progeny

  428. Offtake     Canal d'évacuation

    -  a channel by which water, sewage, etc., is taken off

  429. Old arm

    -  see cut-off lake

  430. Oligotrophic     Oligotrophe

    -  pertaining to waters which are poor in nutritive materials and which do not produce abundant organisms in relation to their volume. They contain abundant oxygen in their lower regions (4)

    -  descriptive of a type of lake characterized by a low ratio of volume of epilimnion to hypolimnion, by low rate of sedimentation and by low productivity (8)

    -  waters with low concentrations of nutrients (17)

  431. Oligotrophy     Oligotrophie

    -  pertaining to waters with low concentration of nutrients (17)

  432. Omnivore     Omivore

    -  an animal which eats a wide variety of food (4)

    -  an animal which may subsist on plant foods, animal foods, or both (30)

  433. Omnivorous     Omnivore

    -  feeding on both plants and animals

  434. One-year-old fish     Poisson d'un an

    -  see Yearling

  435. On the feed     En quête de nourriture

    -  fish feeding or looking out for food

  436. Open boat     Bateau non ponté

    -  undecked boat

  437. Open lake     Lac ayant un émissaire

    -  lake which possesses any form of an outlet

  438. Open season     Saison d'ouverture de la pêche

    -  season when fishing may be carried out without prohibition

  439. Open water     Pleine eau     Eau libre de glace

    -  mid-part of water body

    -  water free from ice

  440. Open waters     Eaux fluviales et lacustres (non closes)

    -  traditional term used to denote flowing waters and inland reservoirs possessing an outlet, with exception of fish ponds

  441. Organic manure     Fumure organique     Fumier

    -  fertilizer composed of organic matter

  442. Otolith     Otolithe

    -  earstone, used by fish for its sense of balance. There is one in each plane of the semi-circular canals on each side of the head, making six in all. Fishery biologists use the biggest ones to determine the age of fishes (1)

    -  earstone, a calcareous concretion in the internal ear (16)

  443. Otter     Pater-noster     Loutre

    -  fishing-tackle consisting usually of a float with line and several hooks

    -  Lutra vulgaris, aquatic mammal feeding on fish

  444. Outfall     Evacuation

    -  the point of discharge of water, sewer, etc.

  445. Outflow     Emissaire

    -  flowing out

    -  efflux

    -  amount of water, etc. flowing out

  446. Outlet     Emissaire

    -  an exit of water, etc.

  447. Outlet box

    -  see Monk

  448. Outlying tackle     Engin de pêche immergé

    -  fishing tackle set in the water

  449. Ovary     Ovaire

    -  the envelope enclosing the ova of fish

  450. Overcrowding     Surpeuplement

    -  a term usually used to denote abnormal quantitative development of a population of given species resulting from disturbing proper state of balance in a biocenosis

  451. Overfall     Déversoir

    -  a structure for the overflow of water, when it reaches a certain level

  452. Overfeeding     Suralimentation

    -  excessive feeding leading either to abnormalities of growth and development, or not being advantageous economically

  453. Overfishing     Surexploitation

    -  when more weight of fish are removed from a body of water in a single season than can be replaced through growth and recruitment, before the following season, the body of water is said to be overfished (3)

    -  fishing with a sufficiently high intensity, or sufficiently high on certain portions of a population, to reduce the continuous annual surplus that it should be capable of producing (8)

  454. Overflow     Trop plein

    -  water flowing from a water-reservoir when filled beyond its capacity

  455. Overgrow     Croître exagérément     Recouvrir

    -  to grow over, to cover with

    -  to grow too large

  456. Overpopulation     Surpopulation

    -  a level of abundance so high as to militate against future abundance, or actually to invite self-destruction (8)

  457. Overstock     Repeupler de façon exagérée

    -  to stock in excess of the carrying capacity of a water body

  458. Overturn     Circulation     Inversion

    -  the mixing of the waters of a lake in the temperate zone when the summer thermal stratification ends. Most northern lakes also experience a spring overturn (8)

    -  the period of mixing of previously stratified water masses which occur in the spring and autumn when water temperatures in the lake are uniform (17)

  459. Overwinter     Hiverner

    -  to keep during winter

  460. Oviposition     Ponte

    -  laying eggs

  461. Ovum     Ovule

    -  egg of fish, especially when in the cvary

  462. Oxbow     Méandre en U d'une rivière

    -  a bow-shaped bend in a river

  463. Oxidation-reduction potential     Potential d'oxydoréduction

    -  see Redox potential

  464. Oxygenation of water     Oxygénation de l'eau

    -  any method of introducing air into the water

  465. Oxygen deficit     Dêficit en oxygène

    -  the difference between observed oxygen concentrations and the amount that would be present at 100 percent saturation (17)

  466. Oxygen-poor layer

    -  see Tropholytic layer

  467. Oxygen requirements     Besoins en oxygène

    -  amount of oxygen dissolved in water necessary for life and optimal development of an organism

  468. Oxygen-rich layer

    -  see Trophogenic layer

  469. Pair trawl (net)     Chalut boeuf

    -  trawl-shaped net towed by two boats

  470. Pan fish     Poisson de taille à être frit entier

    -  any little fish that can be fried whole (42)

  471. Parallel ponds     Etangs en parallèle

    -  a number of diversion ponds, each one having an individual inlet and outlet of water

  472. Parasite     Parasite

    -  an organism which lives in or on another organism and derives subsistence from it without rendering it any service in return (6)

    -  an organism living in or on another organism and drawing its food directly from it (14)

    -  an organism which lives in or on another organismederives from it its subsistence temporarily or during all its life, without destroying it except in relatively rare occasions

  473. Parasitic disease     Maladie parasitaire

    -  disease caused by parasites, e.g., Ichthyophthirius, Ligula, etc.

    -  disease caused by parasites; commonly this term is limited to diseases caused by protozoa, helminths, ectoparasites and, according to some authors, parasitic fungus

  474. Parent population     Population d'origine

    -  any population considered as a source or origin in relation to the analysed one

  475. Parr     Alevin     Tocan     Parr

    -  life stages, for salmon and migratory trout (54, 55) as follows:

    stage from dispersal from reddto migration as smolt
    0+ parr : parr less than 1 year old
    1+ parr : parr 1 year or over but less than 2 years
    2+ parr : parr 2 years or over but less than 3 years
    3+ parr : parr 3 years or over but less than 4 years, etc.
    precocious parr : male parr fully ripened or matured in fresh water
    partially silvered parr : parr that are partially silvered and migrating downstream
    prior to the normal smolt run

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