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SECTION I (contd..)

  1. Parr marks     Marques de tocan     Marques de parr

    -  dark vertical marks on the sides of young fish (18)

    -  dark vertical marks on the sides of young salmonid fishes (31)

  2. Part-time fisherman     Pêcheur temporaire

    -  fisherman employed seasonally

  3. Passive fishing gear     Engin de pêche dormant

    -  fishing with gear which is not actively moved but set and left to catch by itself

  4. Paying away

    -  see Laying out

  5. Peat hag     Tourbière

    -  peat bog; a pit from which peats have been taken

  6. Pectoral fin     Nageoire pectorale

    -  paired fin either close behind or below the gill openings, corresponding to forelimb of a mammal (18)

    -  the most anterior or uppermost of the paired fins, usually dorsal to pelvic fine (19)

  7. Pebbles     Cailloux

    -  mineral particles (stones) with a diameter of 4–64 mm (16)

  8. Pelagic     Pélagique

    -  living in open water (in contrast to bottom-living) (18)

  9. Pelagic fish     Poisson pélagique

    -  fishes spending most of their life in surface layers that are not confined to the inshore waters

  10. Pelvic fin     Nageoire pelvienne

    -  ventral paired fin lying below the pectoral fin or between it and the anal fin (18)

  11. Peninsula     Péninsule

    -  a piece of land almost surrounded by water, and connected with the mainland by an isthmus (42)

  12. Period of catchability     Période d'ouverture spécifique de la pêche

    -  a period during which given species is permitted to be caught

  13. Periphyton     Périphyton

    -  the collective term referring to those organisms which live attached to plants (17)

  14. pH     pH

    -  a figure expressing hydrogen-ion concentration, and hence acidity or alkalinity. pH 7 neutral; lower figures indicate acidity, higher figures alkalinity (4)

    -  hydrogen-ion concentration. It is expressed as the reciprocal of the common logarithm of the hydrogen-ion concentration in gramme equivalents per litre. pH equals 7 is approximately neutral, a lower value of the pH means increasing acidity, a higher value increasing alkalinity (8)

  15. Pharyngeal teeth     Dents pharyngiennes

    -  bony toothlike projections from the fifth gill arch. These are small toothbearing plates on the roof and floor of the pharynx in most fishes, but in Cyprinidae they consist of a vertical are of bone with the teeth projecting at right angles toward the midline (18)

  16. Phytoplankton     Phytoplancton

    -  the plants constituents of plankton (8)

    -  tiny plants which drift with the currents (10)

    -  the plant portion of the planktonic organisms (17)

  17. Piscary (common of)     Droit de pêche

    -  right of fishing

  18. Phytoplankton bloom

    -  see Water bloom

  19. Pisciculture

    -  see Fish culture

  20. Pit     Excavation     Trou

    -  an artificial hole in the ground formed by digging for some mineral deposit, as chalk, clay, gravel, etc., frequently filled with water

  21. Pituitary gland     Glande pituitaire

    -  small rounded body at the base of brain producing several hormones among others one regulating sexual functions, used (as injection) in fish-rearing to accelerate spawning

  22. Plankton     Plancton

    -  passively floating or weakly swimming aquatic organisms (4)

    -  floating or weakly swimming aquatic animals and plants (6)

    -  organisms that float more or less passively in the water (8)

    -  tiny plants and animals which drift with the currents (10)

    -  organisms suspended in water, without mobility or with very limited mobility, which cannot or do not maintain their distribution against the effects of local water movements (12)

    -  collective term referring to the organisms which live suspended in the open water region of lake (17)

    -  tiny aquatic plants and animals living above the bottom whose locomotory powers are weak compared with water currents (18)

  23. Plankton bloom

    -  see Water bloom

  24. Plankton feeder     Phytophage (poisson)

    -  a fish that feeds on plankton (14)

  25. Plankton net     Filet à plancton

    -  fine-meshed net used for catching plankton

  26. Plant association     Association végétale

    -  an assemblage of plant species that recurs under comparable ecological conditions in different places (47)

  27. Plant community     Communauté végétale

    -  all species of plants living in a given environment, e.g., in a given lake, etc.

  28. Plant eater     Herbivore

    -  animal feeding on plants, especially fish feeding on higher aquatic plants or phytoplankton

  29. Plant formation     Formation végétale

    -  pertaining to plants botanical term equivalent to biocenosis (47)

  30. Planting     Repeuplement (par oeufs ou alevins)

    -  stocking young fish or fish eggs in a body of water

  31. Pleuston     Pleuston

    -  higher plants which float either upon the surface or within the water (28)

  32. Plug     Devon     Poisson nageur

    -  an artificial lure resembling a small fish (2)

  33. Poach     Braconner

    -  to catch and carry off fish illegally, or by unsportmanlike methods (37)

  34. Poison fishing     Pêcher par empoisonnement

    -  fishing methods based on the application of selective poisons harmless for man

  35. Pollution     Pollution

    -  specific impairment of water quality by sewage, pesticides, and industrial waste (10)

  36. Pond     Etang

    -  relatively shallow and usually small body of still water, most frequently artificially formed, in which the littoral zone occupies its total or almost total area.

  37. Pondage     Volume     Capacité

    -  water capacity of a pond

  38. Pond-fish     Poisson d'étang

    -  fish usually reared in pond

  39. Pond fish culture     Exploitation d'étangs

    -  all methods of producing and increasing fish production in ponds

  40. Pond-grate     Grille d'étang

    -  a screen installed in the inlet and/or outlet of water to prevent fish from escaping the pond

  41. Ponding     Création d'étangs

    -  formation of pond by damming the watercourse

  42. Pond scum     Ecume d'étang

    -  accumulation of free-floating, fresh water filamentous algae on the surface of a pond

  43. Pond-weed     Plantes d'étang

    -  any of various submersed or partially floating aquatic plants growing in still water, loosely species of Potamogeton

  44. Pool     Profond

    -  a deep still or nearly still place in a river or stream

    -  a small body of standing water, usually of natural formation

  45. Poorly nourished     Sous-alimenté

    -  receiving too small amounts of food, or deficient diet (with some component lacking) which leads to the development of deficiency syndrom

  46. Population     Population

    -  the members of a single species occurring in a given area (4)

    -  a stock or race of fish that exist as a biological unit (8)

  47. Population density     Densité de population

    -  the number or mass of individuals of a given population occupying a unit of space (23)

  48. Population structure     Structure d'une population

    -  term used to denote characteristics of a given population, usually such as: age, size composition, sex ratio, etc.

  49. Post smolt

    -  for salmon: stage from departure from river until annulus formation at the end of the 1st winter in the sea (54)

    -  for migratory trout: stage from departure from river as a smolt until (a) entry into freshwater in the smolt-migration year, or (b) the end of the 1st sea-winter, if there is no return to freshwater in the smolt migration year, as indicated by wide annulus formation

  50. Postspawning     Rélatif à la période qui suit la fraye

    -  of or pertaining to the period after spawning

  51. Pot

    -  see Fish pot

  52. Pot gear     Casier     Panier

    -  small portable traps that fish enter, usually through a small opening, and with or without enticement by bait (8)

  53. Pound     Verveux     Filet piège

    -  an enclosure for fish

    -  (very often) pound-net

  54. Pound-net     Verveux

    -  a series of nets forming a trap usually consisting of a leader and one, two or more enclosures

  55. Pox     Eruption cutanée

    -  name for different diseases characterized by eruptive pustules or lesions on the skin

  56. Predation     Prédation

    -  the act of preying upon or eating other animals (7)

    -  the act of an animal eating another (prey) of a different, and usually smaller, species (10)

  57. Predator     Prédateur

    -  an animal which kills and consumes other animals for food (6)

    -  an animal which eats or preys upon other animals (7)

  58. Predator-prey interactions

    -  see Predator-prey relations

  59. Predator-prey relations     Relations prédateurs (proies)

    -  relations existing between predator and prey populations occurring in the same environment, consisting in regulating their number and characteristics; this leads to either steady or fluctuating equilibrium of these populations

  60. Predatory     Prédateur

    -  living by preying on others

  61. Preservation     Conservation

    -  conservation practices aimed at preserving various disappearing species of organisms or selected areas in their natural state (26)

    -  protection from decay

  62. Prespawning     Relatif à la période qui précède la fraye

    -  of or pertaining to the period before spawning

  63. Prey     Proie

    -  animal hunted or killed by another meat-eating animal for food (7)

    -  an animal that is hunted and eaten by predatory animals (13)

  64. Primary factor     Facteur primordial

    -  factor of the first importance

  65. Primary food     Aliment dominant

    -  the most important food in diet (of fish)

  66. Primary production     Production primaire

    -  the total amount of organic matter (representing the balance between assimilation and dissimilation) that is formed within a certain time by photosynthetic activity of plants (17)

  67. Proctal fin

    -  see Anal fin

  68. Producing capacity

    -  see Carrying capacity

  69. Profundal

    -  see Profundal zone

  70. Profundal zone     Zone profonde

    -  the bottom zone of lakes where rooted aquatic vegetation does not grow (4)

    -  the deep region of a lake which lies below the light-controlled limit of plant growth (17)

  71. Production     Production

    -  the annual harvest of desirable species from any particular body of water

  72. Productivity     Productivité

    -  yield, either in the general sense of fish harvest, or in the more specialized usage of the limnologists, denoting the total annual production of any particular body of water (8)

  73. Propagation     Propagation

    -  to multiply plants and animals by any method from parent stock (10)

  74. Protected fish zone     Réserve de pêche

    -  the part of water body in which fish catches are prohibited

  75. Protein efficiency ratio     Taux d'efficacité des rations en protéines

    -  ratio between the amount of proteins consumed and production. Production per unit of protein fed (50)

  76. Protein-depleted diet     Aliments déficients en protéines

    -  feeds with insufficient content of proteins, also protein-free diet

  77. Protein-free diet     Aliments sans protéines

    -  feeds not containing proteins

  78. Proteins     Protéines

    -  highly complex organic substances directly involved in chemical processes necessary for the maintenance of life; for all animals essential constituents of the diet

  79. Protozoan     disease

    -  disease caused by protozoa, i.e., Ichthyophthirius, Myxosoma, etc.

  80. Pull net

    -  see Drag net

  81. Push net     Haveneaux

    -  triangularly framed shallow mesh bag operated by hand. It is fished in shallow water by a horizontal pushing motion (2)

  82. Pyloric appendages     Caeca pyloriques

    -  finger-like outgrowths in the digestive tract (53)

  83. Quarantine pond     Etang d'isolement

    -  pond used for isolation of fish suspected of being infected by some disease

  84. Quick-lime     Chaux vive

    -  anhydrous calcium oxide

    -  see unslacked lime

  85. Quickwater     Torrent     Rapide

    -  a stream or that part of a stream having a decided current (42)

  86. Race     Race

    -  a group of animals generally segregated geographically and differing slightly from the typical members of the species (6)

    -  a term used by taxonomists to denote a subspecific difference between two populations (8)

    -  a single-species, self-reproducing group of fishes of various ages, inhabiting a definite region and associated with definite spawning, feeding, and wintering grounds (25)

  87. Raceway     Bassin allongé

    -  a long narrow pond with current, in which the water inlet and outlet are at opposite ends (10)

  88. Raft     Radeau

    -  floating cage, box, platform, etc.

  89. Raising     Elevage

    -  to cause or promote the growth of animals (10)

  90. Rapids     Rapides

    -  part of a river where the current flows swiftly over sloping river-bed

  91. Rate of growth

    -  see Growth rate

  92. Ration     Ration

    -  the feed allowed for a given animal during a day of 24 hours, whether it is fed on one time or in portions at different times (52)

  93. Rawner     Saumon mature

    -  mature but not spawning salmon

  94. Raw sewage     Effluent brut

    -  untreated sewage

  95. Ray     Rayon

    -  an articulated or jointed rod, usually branched at its tip, that supports the membranes of a fin (18)

    -  an articulated or jointed rod that supports the membrane of a fin (19)

  96. Reach     Parcours rectiligne

    -  part of any water body between two bends also a stretch of canal between two locks

  97. Rear     Elever

    -  to bring (fishes) to a certain stage of growth by giving proper nourishment and attention

    -  to breed

  98. Rearing     Elevage artificiel

    -  to care for and support up to maturity, as to raise fish to adults (10)

  99. Rearing pond     Etang d'élevage

    -  general term applied to all types of ponds in which fishes are grown

  100. Rearing pond for second-year fish     Etang de deuxième année

    -  pond for rearing fish in the second year of a three-year cycle of production, sometimes called - two summers fish pond

  101. Rearing station     Pisciculture     Station d'incubation et d'élevage

    -  an establishment for hatching and rearing stocking material

  102. Recapture     Recapturer

    -  to capture again, especially after marking

  103. Recruitment     Recrutement

    -  the entrance of young fish of a year class into a fishery. The young fish recruit to a fishery over a period, sometimes less than a year and sometimes for one or more years (1)

    -  addition of new fish to the vulnerable population by growth from among smaller size categories (27)

  104. Recruits     Recrues

    -  the younger fish that each year are added to the portion of the population vulnerable to the fishery (8)

  105. Recruit stock     Stock de recrues

    -  the stock that each year is added to the portion of the fishable population

  106. Redd     Gravière     Frayère

    -  a gravel bed in a river in which salmon lay their eggs (1)

    -  the spawning nest which is excavated in the gravel or stones of the stream bed, filled with the eggs, and then partially refilled with coarse stones. Applied especially to the nests of Salmonidae (8)

    -  the gravel nest of salmonid fishes (18)

  107. Redox potential     Potentiel redox

    -  the expression for the relative state of oxidation in relation to an electrical potential of the system (17)

  108. Red worm     Ver de terre

    -  a kind of earthworm commonly used as bait in angling

  109. Reed     Roseaux

    -  a term applied to several distinct species of large emergent water-plants (Gramineae, Typhaceae, Cyperaceae) especially to Phragmites communis, often forming a belt around water bodies or growing on wet-lands

  110. Reed mower     Engin de faucardage

    -  any mechanical device used for cutting hard water plants especially reed

  111. Reel-line     Ligne sur moulinet

    -  an angler's line wound on a reel (37)

  112. Refertilization     Refertilisation

    -  to fertilize again

  113. Regenerated scale     Ecailles régénérées

    -  scales of fish where the rings have disappeared in part (being absorbed and) or dissolved (16)

  114. Regulation of river     Correction de rivières

    -  any kind of engineering works carried out on rivers in order to change their natural course and flow

  115. Relative conversion rate (of food)     Taux de conversion relative (des aliments)

    -  an index obtained by dividing the quantity of food distributed by total fish production (36)

  116. Repopulation     Repopulation

    -  to populate again

  117. Reproduction     Reproduction

    -  the process by which a living organism gives rise to another of its kind

  118. Reproductive potential     Potentiel de reproduction

    -  the potential number of fish that will attain maturity from the spawning of each adult (8)

  119. Reproductive products

    -  see Roe

  120. Reservoir     Réservoir     Bassin de retenue

    -  a basin, either natural or artificial, where large quantity of water is collected and stored

  121. Residual waters     Eaux résiduaires

    -  waters of the nature of a residuum

  122. Residuum     Résidu

    -  that which is left after any process such as separation, purification, etc.

  123. Resistant     Résistant     Rustique

    -  able to withstand adverse environmental conditions or ward off diseases (10)

    -  able to ward off or withstand disease without adverse effects (11)

  124. Respiratory quotient, R.Q.     Quotient respiratoire

    -  ratio of the amount of carbon dioxide expired to the amount of oxygen consumed at the same time

  125. Resting stage     Phase de résorption de la vésicule

    -  developmental stage of larva of several fish species referring to the period between hatching and the beginning of active feeding

  126. Restocking     Nouveau repeuplement

    -  to stock again

  127. Restoration     Restauration

    -  practices connected with restoring those natural characteristics of a given object, area, etc., which have been altered or seriously deteriorated by human activities (49)

  128. Ridge     Ligne de crête

    -  the line separating two river systems

  129. Riffle     Radier     Zone de courant

    -  a shoal or rocky obstruction in the bed of a river or other stream, also a piece of broken water produced by this

  130. Rill     Petit ruisseau     Ruisselet

    -  a small stream

  131. Rip     Zone de courant

    -  a stretch of broken water in a river (40)

  132. Riparian     Riverain

    -  an owner of property on the banks of any water body, especially of a river

  133. Riparian rights     Droits de riveraineté

    -  rights, belonging to a person who owns land bordering on a watercourse or other body of water, concerning its bank, bed, or waters (13)

  134. Ripe egg     Oeuf mur

    -  mature egg

  135. Riser     Régulateur de niveau

    -  in fish culture vertical part of water controlling device such as monk

  136. River     Rivière     Fleuve

    -  a large natural stream of fresh water which flows in well-defined channel

  137. Riverain (riverine)     Riverain (riveraine)

    -  of or pertaining to a river or its vicinity

  138. River basin     Bassin fluvial

    -  the area of land drained by a river and its tributaries

  139. River basin management     Aménagement de bassin fluvial

    -  multipurpose development of an entire river basin aimed at efficient use and control of all waters in the drainage area of the basin

  140. River development     Coefficient de sinuosité d'une rivière

    -  the degree of departure of stream from a straight course

  141. Riverhead     Source d'une rivière

    -  the sources of a river

  142. River mouth     Embouchure     Estuaire

    -  the outfall of a river

  143. River-side     Rive

    -  ground along a river bank

  144. Rivulet     Petit ruisseau     Ruisselet     Ru

    -  a small stream

  145. Rod

    -  see Fishing rod

  146. Roe     Oeufs et laitance (des poissons et crustacés)

    -  general term applied to eggs and milt or sperm of fishes and crustaceans

  147. Roed     Oeuvé     Laité

    -  having roe, full of spawn (40)

  148. Roughage     Aliments de lest

    -  feeds containing a high percentage of indigestible constituents, as cellulose

  149. Rowboat     Bateau à rames

    -  a boat propelled by oars

  150. Run     Montaison     Parcours

    -  a migration of fish especially up-river for spawning, also a shoal of fish so migrating

    -  small watercourse

  151. Runlet     Petit ruisseau

    -  a small stream

  152. Runnel     Petit ruisseau

    -  a small stream

  153. Running     Courant

    -  flowing, as water

    -  current, as costs

  154. Running water     Eau courante

    -  water flowing down from higher to lower levels

  155. Runoff     Ruissellement     Ecoulement

    -  surface water that flows off the land

    -  flow away

  156. Sac fry     Alevin vésiculé

    -  young fish from the time of hatching until the yolk sac is absorbed (9)

  157. Salinity     Salinité

    -  the saltness of water, expressed as parts per thousand (10)

  158. Sanctuary     Réserve     Refuge

    -  close time or place for protection of fish

  159. Sand     Sable

    -  mineral particles with a diameter of 1/16–2 mm (16)

  160. Sandbar     Banc de sable

    -  a ridge of silt or sand in rivers formed by the action of water

  161. Saprobic     Saprobe

    -  pertaining to an environment rich in organic matter and relatively low in oxygen (17)

  162. Sapropel     Sapropel

    -  fetid slime: dark bottom decay sediment of lakes rich in organic substances and ferric sulphide, formed by a decay of plant and animal remains in saprobic conditions

  163. Saproplankton     Saproplancton

    -  plankton found on the surface of stagnant water, developing on decaying organic matter

  164. Scale     Ecaille

    -  one of the small thin membranous, horny or bony modifications of the skin covering the body or its part in many fishes

  165. Scale carp     Carpe à écaille

    -  carp completely covered with scales (36)

  166. Scaleless     Sans écaille

    -  having no scales

  167. Scale-reading     Lecture d'écailles

    -  age and length determination (of fish) based on scale characteristic, i.e., number of rings (annuli) and length of their radii

  168. Scaly     A nombreuses écailles

    -  abounding in scales

  169. Schoolfish     Poisson grégaire

    -  a fish that usually appears in shoals

  170. Schooling up     Regroupant de nombreux poissons près de la surface

    -  grouping a large number of fish near the surface (2)

  171. Scoop net

    -  see Dip net

  172. Scum

    -  see Pond scum

  173. Secchi depth     Profondeur de non visibilité du disque de Secchi

    -  depth at which a Secchi disc (a small white disc, 20 centimetres in diameter) disappears from view when lowered into water. A measure of water transparency (35)

  174. Secchi disc     Disque de Secchi

    -  a round, white disc used to measure transparency or light penetration in water

  175. Secondary production     Production secondaire

    -  production of organisms that feed on green plants, usually applied to the production of all sorts of invertebrates

  176. Second dorsal fin     Deuxiême nageoire dorsale

    -  in fishes characterized by double dorsal fin (such as Perciformes) the back part of this fin

  177. Second fry pond

    -  see Fingerling pond

  178. Second rearing pond

    -  see Fingerling pond

  179. Sediments     Sédiments

    -  matter that settles to the bottom of a water

  180. Seine net     Senne

    -  a net with a small conical bag and long narrow wings. It is rigged with floats and weights. When fishing a triangular pattern is made, laying first several coils of rope, dependent on conditions, then the net, and finally more rope. Both ropes are hauled, and any fish in the area enclosed are frightened into the bag (2)

  181. Seining     Pêche à la senne

    -  fishing or catching with a seine net

  182. Selective feeding     Alimentation sélective

    -  way of feeding consisting of choosing given kind of food or/and food organisms

  183. Selectivity     Sélectivité

    -  the ability or property to choose or select definite organisms from a given population

  184. Self-purification     Auto-épuration

    -  ability of water-bodies especially of flowing waters to decompose and/or neutralize several pollutants, making them harmless

  185. Semiaquatic     Semi-aquatique

    -  pertaining to any organism living

  186. Septicaemia (of carp)     Septicémie (de la carpe)

    -  a generalized systematic disease caused by the presence of micro-organisms or their products in the blood

    -  a primarily viral disease of carp, with a still uncertain etiology, occurring widely in European carp farms

  187. Seston     Seston

    -  a collective term which includes everything that floats or swims in the water; includes both living and dead organisms (4)

    -  a collective term referring to the total amount of suspended matter in the lake (17)

  188. Setting

    -  see Laying out

  189. Setting tank (pond)     Cuve de sédimentation     Etang de sédimentation

    -  a tank (pond) in which suspended solids are removed from sewage and wastes by the process of sedimentation

  190. Sewage     Eaux usées

    -  refused matters conveyed in sewers especially from houses and towns

    -  irrigate, fertilize, with sewage

  191. Sewer     Egout

    -  an artificial channel or conduit, usually underground, for carrying off and discharging waste water and the refues from houses and towns (40)

  192. Sex ratio     Pourcentage des sexes

    -  the ratio between males and females in a given population, usually expressed in percentages.

  193. Sexually active period     Période de reproduction

    -  the period of a life span of a living organism during which it possesses the ability to reproduce

  194. Shallow     Peu profond     Haut fond

    -  of a little depth

    -  a place where the water is not deep

  195. Shellfish     Mollusques et crustacés

    -  aquatic invertebrates possessing a shell or exoskeleton, usually molluscs or crustaceans (10)

  196. Shoal     Banc (de poisson)

    -  a more or less prolonged grouping of mutually oriented fishes, of closely similar biological condition and age, united by similar behaviour (25)

  197. School     Sous groupe dans un banc

    -  a smaller grouping within the limits of a shoal. In a school the fishes are usually within the range of interaction of their sensory organs at a particular time of day (25)

  198. Shore     Terrain riverain

    -  the land bordering on a large body of water, e.g., large lake or river

  199. Shore-line     Rive

    -  the line where shore and water meet, contour of a shore

  200. Shore seine     Senne de plage

    -  a kind of seine net hauled ashore usually with one wing shorter

  201. Shore-rope     Fune

    -  a rope connecting a net with the shore (40)

  202. Silt     Vase

    -  a soft, flocculent, finely-divided soil (16)

  203. Siltation     Envasement

    -  deposition of finely divided sediment, consisting of rock and clay particles (4)

  204. Silting

    -  see Siltation

  205. Sinker     Plomb

    -  a weight used to sink a fishing line or net

  206. Size group     Groupe de taille

    -  a group of animals, e.g., fish, containing individuals falling within given range of size

  207. Slack-water     Eaux mortes

    -  a part of a river lying outside of the current (40)

  208. Slaked lime     Chaux éteinte

    -  hydrated clacium oxide

  209. Slime     Mucus

    -  a mucous exudation of fish, snails, etc.

  210. Slope on pond side     Côté interne émergé d'une digue d'étang

    -  internal wet slope of a pond dike

  211. Slope on side away from pond     Côté externe émergé d'une digue d'étang

    -  external dry slope of a pond dike

  212. Slough     Bourbier     Fondrière

    -  a piece of soft, miry, or muddy ground (40)

  213. Sluice     Ecluse     Vanne

    -  a structure for impounding the water of a river, canal, etc., provided with a sluice gate by which the volume of water is regulated or controlled

  214. Sluice gate     Porte d'écluse     Vanne d'écluse

    -  a structure with a gate for regulating the inflow or outflow of water (10)

  215. Sluiceway     Canal à vannes

    -  an artificial channel or water-way fed or controlled by means of a sluice

  216. Smolt     Smolt

    -  an adolescent salmon which has metamorphosed and which is found on its way downstream toward the sea (1)

    -  life stage in salmonid fishes, individual usually 1–3 years of age, turning silvery, preparing to migrate out of stream or lake to sea, or out of stream to large lake (31)

    -  fully silvered juvenile salmon migrating to sea (54)

    -  fully silvered juvenile migratory trout (55)

  217. Soft-finned     Ayant des nageoires à rayons cartilagineux

    -  having fins whose membrane is supported on flexible or jointed rays

  218. Soft (aquatic) plants     Plantes aquatiques molles

    -  common name given to submerged and floating aquatic plants

  219. Soft roe     Laitance

    -  milt or sperm of a male fish

  220. Solubility     Solubilité

    -  the capability of being dissolved

    -  the concentration of substance in saturated solution

  221. Sounding     Sondage

    -  investigation, testing the depth or quality of bottom (water)

  222. Source of water     Source

    -  a spring of water, especially the beginning of a stream

    -  any water-body from which water is taken for a given purpose

  223. Spawn     Pondre     Ponte     Alevins de même âge

    -  to deposit eggs (of fish)

    -  common term for eggs and sperm

    -  young breed, usually numerous, in early stages of development

  224. Spawner     Reproducteur

    -  a female fish, especially at spawning time (40)

  225. Spawning     Ponte     Fraie

    -  breeding, the release of eggs and sperm resulting in fertilized eggs (14)

  226. Spawning area     Aire de ponte

    -  part of a breeding bottom on which fish spawning takes place

  227. Spawning dress

    -  see Breeding colour

  228. Spawning ground     Lieu de ponte

    -  defined part of spawning area on which particular fish species spawn

  229. Spawning habit     Comportement de ponte

    -  usual manner of spawning characteristic for a given species

  230. Spawning livery

    -  see Breeding colour

  231. Spawning migration     Migration de reproduction

    -  the movement of fishes from the feeding or overwintering grounds to the spawning grounds (25)

  232. Spawning period     Période de reproduction

    -  a defined extent of time during spawning season when spawning of particular species usually occurs

  233. Spawning place     Emplacement de ponte

    -  the very place of a spawning ground on which particular fishes spawn

  234. Spawning pond     Etang de reproduction

    -  specially designed small pond where the adult fish spawn naturally

  235. Spawning population     Stock de reproducteurs

    -  mature part of the stock, especially during spawning time

  236. Spawning season     Saison de reproduction

    -  that part of the year in which various fish species are sexually active

  237. Spawning time     Période de reproduction

    -  that portion of the spawning period during which fishes of particular species actually spawn

  238. Spear     Harpon

    -  sharp-pointed and barbed instrument used for catching fish

  239. Spent fish     Poisson ayant frayé

    -  fish that has deposited its spawn

  240. Spillway     Déversoir

    -  passage for overflow of surplus water

  241. Spine     Rayon épineux

    -  needle-like structure that is not branched, is without segmentation, and is more or less stiff and sharp at the end (18)

  242. Spinner     Cuiller

    -  kind of revolving bait (fly or spoon) used for angling, especially in trout-fishing

  243. Spinning

    -  see Bait casting

  244. Spiny-finned     A nageoire épineuse

    -  characterized by fins bearing one or more sharp, unsegmented rays

  245. Spiny lobster

    -  a marine crustacean belonging to Palinurus

  246. Spiny-rayed

    -  see Spiny-finned

  247. Splash net

    -  see Lam net

  248. Spoon     Cuiller

    -  a curved piece of metal with a hook attached, which is used in trolling for attracting fish (2)

    -  a kind of artificial bait having the form of the bowl of a spoon, used in spinning or trolling (40)

  249. Spoon hook     Hameçon à cuiller

    -  spoon bait, spoon

    -  a kind of spoon-shaped metal bait with hook(s) used in spinning and trolling

  250. Spoon-net     Epuisette

    -  small landing-net used by anglers

  251. Sport-fish

    -  see Game fish

  252. Sport fishing     Pêche sportive

    -  the capture of fish for recreation and enjoyment

  253. Spreader     Perche

    -  wooden poles used for spreading certain parts of different fishing nets

  254. Spring     Source

    -  an outflow of water from the earth

  255. Spring overturn     Circulation de printemps     Inversion de printemps

    -  the period of mixing of previously stratified water masses which occurs in the spring when water temperatures in the lake are uniform (17)

  256. Stage of development

    -  see Developmental stages

  257. Stagnant     Stagnant

    -  standing still water, as in a pool

  258. Stagnation     Stagnation

    -  state in a water body when no mixing of water masses occurs

  259. Stake net     Courtine

    -  a gill net which is hung on stakes (2)

    -  a pound net which is held up with stakes (2)

    -  a weir which is supported with stakes (2)

  260. Standing crop     Stock     Biomasse spécifique

    -  the poundage of a given species or complex of species of fishes present in a body of water at a specific moment (3)

    -  the total quantity of fish (or plankton) present in any body of water at any particular moment (8)

  261. Stangeon

    -  see Gangen

  262. Staple diet

    -  see Basic diet

  263. Starvation     Inanition     Manque de nourriture

    -  state of extreme malnutrition most frequently caused by the long-continued deprivation of essential nutrients

  264. Steady state     Stabilité

    -  a state of a population in which it may fluctuate about a mean but does not increase or decline in a systematic way with time (1)

  265. Stew     Vivier     Parc à huîtres

    -  a fish-pond or tank for keeping live fish for table

  266. Still fishing

    -  see Bait fishing

  267. Stock     Stock     Repeupler

    -  quantity of fish considered in a given situation

    -  to release fish into a water body

  268. Stock biomass     Biomasse globale

    -  total weight of fish in stock (51)

  269. Stock-breeder     Selectionné pour la reproduction

    -  an animal selected for breeding purposes

  270. Stocking     Repeuplement

    -  act or fact of introducing fish into a water body

  271. Stocking-density     Densité de repeuplement

    -  amount of fish stocked usually per unit of area

  272. Stocking policy     Programme de repeuplement

    -  a programme of stocking open waters carried out in order to maintain proper fish stock

  273. Stocking rate     Densité de repeuplement

    -  number of fish released per unit area (34)

  274. Stock number     Importance numérique d'un stock

    -  total number of fish in stock (51)

  275. Stock pond     Etang consacré à la sélection

    -  pond for rearing brood stock especially in selective breeding

  276. Stop net     Filet de barrage

    -  a net which is used for blocking the mouth of a bay, etc. (2)

  277. Stop seine     Senne annexe (proposal: does not exist in France)

    -  a short seine which is laid across the wings of a larger seine, thus enclosing the fish in an artificial pond (2)

    -  a small seine which is used to collect the fish caught inside a large surrounding net (2)

  278. Storage pond     Etang de stabulation

    -  pond for the temporary holding of marketable fish (43)

  279. Stow net     Chalut à l'étalage

    -  a large funnel or cone shaped net which is lowered beneath an anchored boat or raft, to catch shoals of sprats as the fish come up the estuary on tide (2)

  280. Stratification     Stratification

    -  the layering of water masses owing to different densities in response to temperature or varying concentration of substances (17)

  281. Stream     Cours d'eau

    -  body of water flowing in bed

    -  current or flow of water

  282. Streamlet     Petit ruisseau

    -  a small stream

  283. Stream net     Tésure

    -  stake net fished in fast-running water, fitted with intermediate sticks which cause bagging where the fish are trapped as the tide recedes (2)

  284. Stream weir

    -  see Stream net

  285. Stretch of river     Secteur de rivière

    -  a reach or tract of a river, usually of uniform character

  286. Strip the fish     Prendre les ovules et la laitance des poissons

    -  to press out with the hand the ripe roe or milt from a fish

    -  to incise the body wall of the fish and spill out the roe into a basket

  287. Subaquatic     Submergé

    -  submerged

  288. Sublittoral     Sublittorale (zone)

    -  transition zone of lake bottom between the littoral and profundal

  289. Submerged aquatic plants     Plantes aquatiques poussant sous l'eau

    -  rooted plants completely or mostly growing under water

  290. Submersed aquatic plants

    -  see Submerged aquatic plants

  291. Suffocation     Etouffement     Suffocation

    -  death due to the lack of oxygen

  292. Summery fry     Alevins d'été

    -  fry caught during vegetation period

  293. Summerkill     Mortalité massive d'été

    -  the sudden mortalities of fish which occur in summer, usually as a direct result of suffocation (3)

  294. Summerling     Estivaux

    -  any fish from advanced fry to the age of one year from date of hatching, usually in the autumn

  295. Supernumerary annulus     Faux anneaux

    -  in scale-reading an annulus being in excess of a normal number

  296. Super-saturation (with oxygen)     Sursaturation

    -  pertains to the situation when the concentration of oxygen in water is greater than its solubility

  297. Supplemental feeding by man     Alimentation complémentaire par l'homme

    -  pertaining to or of fishes which are fed with artificial food

  298. Supplementary feeding     Alimentation complémentaire

    -  different classes of nutrients (foodstuffs) to be furnished when not available in the environment

    -  nutrients (foodstuffs) furnished in order to obtain better production of fish

  299. Supplementary food     Aliment complémentaire

    -  additional food

    -  also see Supplementary feeding

  300. Supply channel

    -  see By-pass channel

  301. Surface     Surface

    -  the upper plane of a body of water

  302. Surface-water     Eau de surface     Eau superficielle

    -  water collecting on the surface of the ground

    -  the surface layer of a body of water

  303. Survival     Survie

    -  a number of organisms which has remained from a given initial population

  304. Survival rate     Taux de survie

    -  number of fish alive after a specified time interval, divided by the initial number (27)

  305. Survivorship curve     Courbe de survie     Courbe d'espérance de vie

    -  curve used in life expectancy statistics (26)

  306. Swamp     Marais

    -  a marsh or bog

  307. Swimming bladder

    -  see Air bladder

  308. System of fish cultivation     Technique de pisciculture

    -  practice of a method of fish cultivation under determined ecological and socio-economic conditions (36)

  309. Tackle

    -  see Fishing-tackle

  310. Tag     Etiquette     Etiqueter     Etiquetage

    -  any foreign object, that is attached to or inside the body of a fish, usually bearing a number thus enabling individual fish to be identified

    -  act of tagging

  311. Tagged fish     Poisson ayant une étiquette d'identification

    -  fish bearing tag

  312. Tagging     Etiquetage

    -  any procedure which makes fish subsequently identifiable as an individual, which employs the use of tags

  313. Tagging (marking) mortality     Mortalité due à l'étiquetage (ou marquage)

    -  mortality caused by the procedure and/or effect of tagging (marking)

  314. Tag-recovery

    -  see Tag return

  315. Tag return     Taux de retour des étiquettes

    -  ratio between the number of recovered tags and the total number of tags used for a given batch of fishes, usually expressed in percentage

  316. Tail of pool     Queue d'un profond

    -  the lower end of a pool

  317. Tailrace     Bief d'aval     Canal de fuite

    -  the portion of a stream just below a dam; specifically, the water flowing from the draft tubes of a turbine (8)

  318. Tangle net     Folle

    -  flimsy net with the netting hanging loosely or in a specific way so that fish striking it become immediately entangled (2)

  319. Tank     Conteneur

    -  any receptacle or vessel for holding water

  320. Tarn     Petit lac de montagne     Laquet

    -  a small mountain lake

  321. Temporary waters (ponds)     Plans d'eau temporaires

    -  natural water bodies which remain dry for part of the year

  322. Test fishing     Pêches expérimentales

    -  fishing carried out in order to obtain necessary information, e.g., about fish stock under exploitation, etc.

  323. Thermal circulation     Circulation thermique

    -  circulation of water masses due to temperature differences between water layers

  324. Thermal stratification     Stratification thermique

    -  the layering of water masses owing to different densities in response to temperature (17)

  325. Thermocline     Thermocline

    -  an area in deep lakes between the epilimnion and the hypolimnion, in which the temperature drops rapidly, at least one degree centigrade per metre of increase in depth (4)

    -  the thin layer of water lying between the warmer surface layer or epilimnion, and the cooler bottom layer or hypolimnion in a stratified lake. It is characterized by a rapid change in temperature of 1°C or more per metre of depth (8)

  326. Tom

    -  see Gangen

  327. Top line

    -  see Headline

  328. Top rope

    -  see Headline

  329. Torrent     Torrent

    -  a swift stream of water

  330. Total mortality     Mortalité totale

    -  the loss in numbers in a year class from one age group to the subsequent one, due to all causes, including sometimes those other than death (1)

  331. Towed nets     Arts traînants

    -  forms of gear in which the water is strained through the meshes of a moving net, leaving the fish in the bag (8)

  332. Trace elements     Eléments trace

    -  generally refers to certain elements, such as cobalt, which occur in very low concentrations and which are important in biological processes (17)

  333. Trail     Guindineau     Bourdon

    -  wooden spreader used at the leading end of the wing of a trawl or seine, to keep the net spread vertically (2)

  334. Trammel net     Tramail     Trémail

    -  a net made with three sheets of netting which are joined so that they lay together in one wall. The two outer sides are of a larger mesh than the loosely hung inner piece. It is fitted with ropes, floats and weights and set on the bottom. When a fish strikes the net it becomes entangled in a pocket, as the force carries the smaller mesh netting through the larger mesh (2)

  335. Transition zone     Zone de transition

    -  a passage area from one condition or place to another

  336. Transparency     Transparence

    -  the quality or condition of having the property of transmitting light (40)

  337. Trap line     Filière de filets

    -  a series of trap-nets set out at approximately equal distances

  338. Trap-net     Filet piège

    -  a fishing net having a funnel-shaped entrance into an oblong net pen for trapping fish (very often modified)

  339. Trash fish     Poissons sans valeur     Faux poissons

    -  fish which have neither game nor commercial value

  340. Trawl     Chalut

    -  a conically shaped bag of netting, with the mouth designed in numerous ways to suit the different devices for maintaining the opening whilst being towed through the water (2)

  341. Trawling     Chalutage

    -  fishing with a trawl (2)

  342. Treatment of…(sewage, waste, etc.)     Epuration     Traitement de

    -  a process carried out in order to purify sewage (wastes, etc.) to such an extent that its disposal will not injure health and welfare of mankind

  343. Treatment plant     Station d'épuration

    -  waste treatment facilities placed between the sewers and a water body in order to purify wastes and sewage by physical, chemical and biological proces

  344. Tributary     Tributaire     Affluent

    -  a stream flowing into a larger stream or lake

  345. Trim net     Tésure

    -  a bag net used for catching white bait and eels. It is smaller than a stow net but similar (2)

  346. Trip     Tableau     Prise

    -  the number of fish caught in one angling excursion

  347. Troll     Pêcher à la traîne

    -  to fish with a running line, usually with a spoon bait especially behind a boat

    -  a reel of fishing-rod

  348. Trolling     Pêche à la traîne

    -  one of the four basic methods of angling in which the bait is trailed behind slowly moving boat

  349. Trolling rod     Ligne traînante

    -  a strong fishing rod for trolling (42)

  350. Trolling spoon

    -  see Spoon hook

  351. Trophic state     Situation trophique

    -  characterization of a body of water in terms of position in a scale ranging from oligotrophy to eutrophy (35)

  352. Trophogenic layer     Couche trophogène

    -  the layer of water bodies where photosynthetic production of organic matter exceeds destruction

  353. Trophogenic zone

    -  see Trophogenic layer

  354. Tropholytic layer     Niveau tropholite

    -  the layer in water bodies where breakdown of organic matter exceeds production

  355. Tropholytic zone

    -  see Tropholytic layer

  356. Trout section     Zone à truite

    -  the mountain part of a stream with fast currents and stony bottom, characterized by fishes with cylindrical bodies (trout, loach, minnow) (25)

  357. Trout zone (reach)

    -  see Trout section

  358. Tuck-net

    -  see Stop seine

  359. Turbidity     Turbidité

    -  the amount of suspended small particles in a liquid (6)

    -  a cloudy condition of water, usually caused by impurities (10)

    -  cloudiness of a solution caused by suspended matter (16)

  360. Turnover     Renouvellement

    -  the process of cycling of organisms (through all stages of their lives to death and decomposition) or elements

  361. Turnover time     Temps de renouvellement

    -  (of elements) the time taken to absorb from the water or liberate from the solid phase under steady-state conditions a mass of a given element equal to the stationary mass present, respectively, in the water or the solid phase (47)

    -  (of organisms) the time required for each type of organism to complete its growth, to die and decompose, and to start the cycle over again (32)

  362. Two-year-old     Poissons de deux ans

    -  fish of any age between two and three years from date of hatching (9)

  363. Underfishing     Sous exploitation

    -  all levels of fishing pressure that, when operating in conjunction with the forces of natural mortality, cause insufficient total mortality to prevent excessive survival of juveniles and moderate to severe food competition among adults (3)

  364. Undersized fish     Poissons n'ayant pas atteint la taille légale

    -  a fish below the proper or legal size

  365. Unfed fry     Alevin vésiculé

    -  fry from the time the yolk sac is absorbed until they start feeding (9)

  366. Unfished ground     Secteurs non pêchés

    -  area on which catches of fish are not carried out

  367. Unslacked lime

    -  see quick lime

    -  anhydrous calcium oxide

  368. Unspawned     Reproducteur n'ayant pas frayé

    -  any mature fish which has not spawned

  369. Upper pond     Etang d'amont

    -  the head-pond in a series of linked ponds, hence the first supplied with water

  370. Upper reach

    -  see Trout section

  371. Upper river

    -  see Trout section

  372. Upstream     A contre courant     Vers l'amont

    -  in a direction against the current

  373. Usable stock     Stock exploitable (pondéralement)

    -  the weight of all fish in a stock which lie within the range of sizes customarily considered usable (or designated so by law) (27)

  374. Valley     Vallée

    -  a long depression or hollow more or less enclosed by hills usually having a river or stream flowing through it

  375. Vegetative period

    -  see Growing season

  376. Velocity     Vitesse

    -  the distance a mass of water moves per unit of time (23)

  377. Ventral fin

    -  see Pelvic fin

  378. Vernal-autumnal pond     Etang temporaire d'automne au printemps

    -  pond which contains water in spring, dries up during summer, and again contains water in the autumn (28)

  379. Vernal pond     Etang temporaire de printemps

    -  pond which occurs for but a limited period in spring (28)

  380. Vertical distribution     Distribution verticale

    -  upward and downward dispersion, location or arrangement (as organisms in a water column or data on the graph, etc.)

  381. Vertical fins     Nageoires verticales

    -  name given to single fins: dorsal, anal and caudal

  382. Vertical incubator     Incubateur vertical

    -  jar-shaped apparatus for hatching fish eggs especially small sized, in which water flows vertically

  383. Vertical mixing     Circulation verticale     Inversion verticale

    -  vertical circulation of water masses in a lake occurring naturally in temperate climate in spring and autumn

  384. Viable     Viable

    -  capable of living and developing normally (6)

  385. Vibert box     Bofte Vibert

    -  little instream incubator to be buried into the gravel. The alevins escape through its holes and find their natural conditions of development between the gravels

  386. Village pond     Etang de village

    -  small pond of artificial or natural formation usually within a village, designated for different purposes, occasionally utilized for fish culture

  387. Viral disease     Maladie virale

    -  disease caused by virus, i.e., Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis (IPN), Infectious Haematopoietic Necrosis (IHN), etc.

  388. Viscid eggs     Oeufs collants

    -  glutinous, sticky eggs

  389. Vitality     Vitalité

    -  ability to continue living independently of unfavourable conditions

  390. Volume of lake     Volume d'un lec

    -  the sum of the volume in each of the strata bounded by bottom contours (23)

  391. Vulnerability     Vulnérabilité

    -  a term equivalent to catchability but applied to separate parts of a stock, for example those of a particular size, or those living in a particular part of the range (27)

  392. Wastes     Eaux usées

    -  waters polluted in a different degree as a result of being used for various purposes

  393. Water balance     Bilan hydrique

    -  a condition of equilibrium among water supply and water utilization

  394. Water bloom     Fleur d'eau     Pouseée planctonique

    -  a sudden increase in the abundance of planktonic algae, especially at or near the water surface. A condition when water looks green because of the abundance of planktonic algae (35)

  395. Water body     Plan d'eau

    -  relatively large mass of water which occurs within confined area, e.g., pond, lake, river, brook, etc.

  396. Water capacity     Capacité en eau

    -  the power of holding a defined amount of water

  397. Water circulation     Circulation d'eau

    -  movement of water in any closed or semi-closed system

  398. Water-collecting area

    -  see Catchment basin (area)

  399. Water column     Colonne d'eau

    -  confined, vertical, cylindrical mass of water

  400. Water conservation     Conservation des ressources en eau

    -  practices connected with maintaining adequate water supply and its wise use

  401. Water consumption     Consummation d'eau

    -  amount of water used for different purposes

  402. Water content     Teneur en eau

    -  the amount of water contained in a given substance or organism, usually expressed in percentage

  403. Watercourse     Lit d'un cours d'eau     Cours d'eau

    -  a stream of water, also an artificial channel

    -  the bed or channel of a river or stream (40)

  404. Water deficit     Déficit en eau

    -  the amount of water lacking for given purposes

  405. Water delivery

    -  see Water supply

  406. Water discharge

    -  see discharge

  407. Water edge     Rive     Littoral

    -  the line where land and water meet (42)

  408. Waterfall     Chute d'eau     Cascade

    -  more or less perpendicular descent of water from a height

  409. Waterfowl     Oiseaux d'eau

    -  a bird that lives on or about the water, especially a swimming game bird (42)

    -  such birds collectively (42)

  410. Water-gate     Vanne     Porte d'écluse

    -  a gate for confining or releasing water (37)

  411. Water haul     Pêche nulle

    -  an empty haul of the fishing-net

  412. Watering-place     Abreuvoir

    -  place in a water-body where animals come or are brought to drink

  413. Water-level     Niveau de l'eau

    -  the horizontal surface of still water. Also, the position of the surface of water (40)

  414. Water lily     Nénuphars et autres plantes flottantes à grandes fleurs

    -  a name loosely given to almost all floating plants with conspicuous flowers, especially to members of Nymphaeaceae family

  415. Water management     Aménagement des ressources en eau

    -  management of land and natural water resources in such a manner that the combined use of the water provides maximum benefits for all concerned

  416. Watermill     Moulin à eau

    -  mill driven by water

  417. Water needs     Besoins en eau

    -  over-all amount of water needed for satisfying given demands

  418. Water plants     Plantes aquatiques

    -  all plants growing in, or connected with water environment

  419. Water pollution     Pollution de l'eau

    -  any impairment of the suitability of water for any beneficial human use, actual or potential, by any foreign material added thereto (44)

  420. Water protection     Protection de l'eau

    -  practices preventing damage to water resources and ensuring their proper quality (49)

  421. Water purification

    -  see Treatment of…

  422. Water resources     Ressources en eau

    -  over-all amount of water on the area considered

  423. Watershed     Bassin versant

    -  the line separating two river systems

    -  whole catchment area of river system (39)

  424. Water shortage

    -  see Water deficit

  425. Waterside     Rives

    -  the shore of a body of water

  426. Water supply     Alimentation en eau     Ressources en eau     Réservoir d'eau

    -  the amount of water available for different purposes

    -  a system for storing and supplying water

  427. Water surface

    -  see Surface

  428. Water system     Système fluvial

    -  a rivèr with all its tributaries, considered as hydrologic unit (42)

  429. Water vegetation

    -  see Water plants

  430. Weed     Plante aquatique

    -  a plant that grows wild in fresh or salt water (40)

  431. Weed cutter     Bateau faucardeur

    -  boat provided in front with cutting beams or other cutting instruments and operated by a motor (36)

  432. Weed fish     Espèce indésirable

    -  an unwanted fish species (in given conditions)

  433. Weed hook     Croc

    -  a curved instrument for drawing water plants ashore

  434. Weed-killer     Herbicide

    -  a chemical or other production (usually poisonous) for destroying weeds, used especially in pond fish culture

  435. Weedy water     Eau envahie par la végétation

    -  any body of water or its place overgrown with aquatic plants

  436. Weight at recruitment     Poids au recrutement

    -  weight of fish when recruited to fishable stock

  437. Weight-length relationship     Relation poids-longueur

    -  relation between the weight and length of individual fishes, usually in form of an exponential curve, various for different species and often different fish stocks of the same species (24)

  438. Weight loss     Perte en poids

    -  decrease in fish weight caused by unfavourable conditions, disease, etc.

  439. Weir     Barrage

    -  stationary fish trap which acts as barrier to fish movements and leads fish into pots (22)

    -  dam or barrier to raise level of water for different purposes

  440. Well     Source     Réservoir     Vivier

    -  a spring of water

    -  a compartment in a fishing-boat admitting water where fish are kept alive

  441. Well-boat     Bateau vivier

    -  fishing-boat having a compartment admitting water for conveying fish alive

  442. Wet-fly     Mouche noyée

    -  a method of fishing with fly immersed in the water

  443. Wicker trap     Nasse en osier

    -  for catching fish, especially eels or crayfish

  444. Wild spawning     Reproduction non contrôlée

    -  in fish culture common term denoting uncontrolled spawning

  445. Wing     Aile

    -  the leader in any fish net

    -  the forward section of netting of a seine net

  446. Wing net     Filet à ailes

    -  a net having wings

  447. Wintering migration     Migration d'hivernage

    -  a movement away from the spawning or feeding grounds to the overwintering grounds (25)

  448. Wintering pond     Etang d'hivernage

    -  pond for over-wintering fish, especially second year carp

  449. Winterkill     Mortalité massive d'hiver

    -  the sudden mortalities of fish which occur in winter, usually as a direct result of suffocation (3)

  450. Winter resistance     Résistance aux conditions hivernales

    -  an ability of an organism to sustain unfavourable winter conditions, especially in reference to fish-fry

  451. Whitebait     Petite friture     Boëtte blanche

    -  a silvery-white small fish, chiefly fry, served as a delicacy

    -  a piece of fish put on the hook and acting as bait

  452. Wobbler spoon     Cuiller baladeuse

    -  an artificial lure attached to the leader at one end causing it to whip and wobble from side to side as it is drawn through the water (53)

  453. Worm     Ver

    -  popular name applied to almost any kind of elongated, soft-bodied invertebrates (usually used as bait for fish, e.g., earth worm)

  454. Worm-fishing     Pêche au ver

    -  fishing with worms for bait

  455. Yard seine

    -  see Beach seine

  456. Year class     Classe d'âge

    -  a brood of fish born in a given year (1)

    -  a group of animals spawned close together in time during any one year (6)

    -  the fish spawned or hatched in a given year (27)

  457. Yearling     Yearling     Poisson d'un an

    -  fish of any age between one and two years from date of hatching (9)

  458. Year-round fishery     Pêche s'effectuant toute l'année

    -  fishery carried on throughout the year, without cessation

  459. Yield

    -  see Production

  460. Yolk sac     Vésicule vitelline

    -  the thin, membranous bag enclosing the yolk of an egg

  461. Zero water level     Niveau d'eau de référence

    -  water level used as a standard for comparison

  462. Zooplankton     Zooplancton

    -  the animal constituents of plankton (8)

    -  tiny animals which drift with the currents (10)

    -  the animal portion of the planktonic organisms (17)

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