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Sunday, 20 April:Arrival of participants (SNCF station and Casino)
1500hOrganized visit (sport installations, fish passes at the Vichy barrage). Meeting point: the Casino
Monday, 21 April:0900–1045hPanel 1 (Mr A.L.W. Tuomi - Canada): International review of recreational fisheries (by country)
1100–1200hOfficial opening of the Consultation under the chairmanship of the Secretary of State for Environment
1200–1230hPanel 1 (continued)
1230–1430hGroup lunch at the Casino
1430–1800hPanel 2 (Mr J.S. Gottschalk): The best use of fishery resources (conflicts between commercial and sport fishing, solutions)
1900hReception offered by the City of Vichy at the City Hall
Tuesday, 22 April:0900–1230hPanel 3 (Mr A. Norling - Sweden): Methodologies for evaluating recreational fisheries, fishery and socio-economic surveys, methods of analysis in view of decision-making
1230–1430hGroup lunch at the Casino
1430–1800hPanel 4 (Mr R. Cuinat - France; sub-panel leaders: Messrs. J.S. Alabaster, H. Decamps, M. Larinier, G. Leynaud, M.L. Parry, T. Rice, C.B. Stalnaker, R. Vibert): Conflicts between fisheries and other uses of water
-fishing and other recreative uses (canoeing, swimming)
-degradation of the quality of waters (changes in the river basins, pollution, radioactive wastes, thermal effluents, etc.)
Wednesday, 23 April:0900–1230hPanel 4 (continued)
-Changes in water quantity and of river bed (effects of hydroelectric installations, irrigation, hydraulic works, recalibration, gravel extraction)
-Specific salmon problems (obstacles, fish passes), conflicts between marine and fresh water fisheries
1230–1430hGroup lunch at the Casino
1630–1800hPanel 5 (Mr J. Servat - France): Conclucions and recommendations
2000hOfficial dinner offered by the French delegation at the restaurant Rotonde du Lac
Thursday, 24 April:0900–2000hField tour of the Allier Department (salmon trapping at Vichy, visit of the old town of Moulins, lunch in the Tronçais forest, hunting demonstration, visit of the wine cellars of Saint-Pourçain)

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