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Technical and Review Papers selected for Publication

The Conflict Between Water Pollution and Inland Fisheries (John S. Alabaster)

An Economic Analysis of Joint Recreational and Commercial Fisheries (Lee G. Anderson)

Commercial Fisheries Management: the New England Groundfish Experience (Nancy E. Bockatael)

The Elver Fishery in France: Overview and Regulatory Aspects and a Case Study of the Gironde River Estuary (I. Cantrelle, G. Castelnaud, O. Clément and J. Gault)

The Fishery of the Gironde River Estuary (France): Its Peculiarities and Problems (G. Castelnaud, O. Clément, M. Trouvery and Ph. de Verdilhac)

National Survey Related to Data Needs for Recreational Fisheries (J. John Charbonneau)

Main Effects Upon Aquatic Life of Suspended Matter Put into the Allier River by Sand and Gravel Extraction (Robin Cuinat)

Modification of River Beds: Consequences on the Ecology and Fisheries (Robin Cuinat)

Observations of Juvenile Atlantic Salmon (Smolts) Blocked in Water Intake of a Nuclear Power Station on the Loire River (R. Cuinat, P. Bomassi, B. Bousquet, G. Joberton and A. Marty)

Impact of Various Utilizations on a Water Shed (H. Décamps)

Impact of Thermonuclear Plant Wastes on Fish of the Meuse River (A. Detollenaere and J.-C. Micha)

Special Surveys Related to Data Needs for Recreational Fisheries (David G. Deuel)

Survey Methods Used in the United States Marine Recreational Fishery Statistics Program (David G. Deuel)

Best Use of Fishery Resources: Ecological Considerations (W.A. Dill)

Types of Hydroelectric Management in Mountains and Their Effects on Aquatic Life (B. Dumont)

Hydroelectric Management and Aquatic Life in the Alps (B. Dumont and B. Rivier)

Problem of the Determination of Allocation Principles in the Northwest Atlantic Region of the USA (Robert L. Edwards)

Development of Fishery Management Strategies for Northern Anchovy (E.C. Fullerton and Melvyn W. Odemar)

Recreational Exploitation of the Atlantic Salmon in River Wye (A.S. Gee and R.W. Edwards)

Impact of Radioactive Wastes from a PWR - type Thermonuclear Plant on Fish on the Meuse River (M. Genin-Meurisse and J.-C. Micha)

An Explorative Inquiry into Sport Fishing in Belgium (Christiane Gilon)

Origins of Recreational and Commercial Fishing Policies in the United States (Raymond E. Johnson)

Conceptual and Practical Difficulties of Allocation in Mixed Commercial/Recreational Fisheries in the Southeastern United States (Edwin B. Joseph)

Relations Between Chemical Pollution and Fish Health and Wholesomeness (Gerard Keck)

Capacity-planning and Sportfishery in the Netherlands (A.P.C. Kerstens)

Integrating Fishery Resources Allocation into Tropical River Basin Development and Water Management Schemes (Karl Lagler)

Mesological Impact from Sediment Extraction in Minor Stream Beds (M. Larinier)

Angling, Recreation, Commercial Fisheries and Problems of Water Resources Allocation (Marian Leopold, Maria Bninska and Mieczyslaw Hus)

Effects of Increased Water Temperature on Fisheries (G. Leynaud)

Relations Between Pollution and Quality of the Fish (G. Leynaud)

Fishing, Fish Yield Parameters and Stocking in Freshwater Basins in Finland (Esko A. Lind)

Long-term Trends in River and Off-shore Exploitation of the Salmon, Salmo salar, in Finland (Esko A. Lind)

A necessary new strategy for allocating Ontario's Fishery Resources (Kenneth H. Loftus, Henry A. Regier and Arthur S. Holder)

A Method for the Assessment of Demand for Recreational Fishing in the South Wales Area of the UK (G.W. Mawle and-P.F. Rauderson)

Recreational Fishing Values at Risk: Recent Developments in Compensatory Methodology in the United States and Canada (Philip A. Meyer)

The US National Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife Associated Recreation: A Design for Policy Analysis (Jon R. Miller and J. John Charbonneau)

What is the Best Use of Fish Resources in the US Gulf of Mexico? (Eugene L. Nakamura)

An Analog Digital Simulation Model for Analysis of Demand on Fish Resources for Recreation in a Non-Competitive Context (Jacques Pelletier)

Introduction to the Evaluation of Ecologic and Socio-economic Aspects of Sports Fishing in the Our the Basin in Belgium (J.C. Philippart)

Potential Effects of Radioactive Releases to the Aquatic Environment (T.R. Rice, D.W. Engel and F.A. Cross)

Subsistence and Recreational Fisheries in Finland (Kalervo Salojarvi and Hannu Lehtonen)

Development of Marine Recreational Fisheries in the Southeastern United States: Problems and Solutions (Ronald L. Schmied)

Estimation of the Benefits of Fishing on the UK Canals: Some Problems of Method (Michael J. Stabler)

Effects on Fisheries of Abstractions and Perturbations in Streamflow (Clair B. Stalnaker)

Management of Fish Stocks in the Netherlands and the Need for Planning (B. Steinmetz)

Fishery Experience with the Stagnant Salt Lake Grevelingen After its Closure (B. Steinmetz and D. Slothouwer)

Sea-salmon and Trout: The Best Use of Anadromous Salmonids (Lee Straight)

Some Advantages of Landing Taxes in Fishery Management (Ivar E. Strand, Jr., and Virgil J. Norton)

Evolving Efforts at Best-use Allocations of Fishery Resources (R.H. Stroud, G.C. Radonski and R.G. Martin)

Economic Principles of Allocation in Recreational and Commercial Fisheries (J.G. Sutinen)

Fisheries Conservation and Land Drainage Improvement (Stephen Swales)

Defining Angling Supply: The Key to Recreational Fishery Resource Evaluation (Daniel R. Talhelm)

Application of Results of Sport Fishing Attendance Research in Regional Supply and Demand Analysis (Hendrik A. van Alderwegen)

Sport Fishing on Lake IJssel (C.J. van Ginkel)

Summary of the Provincial Analyses of the Demand for and the Supply of Facilities for Sport Fishing (L.M. van Haasteren and A.T. de Groot)

Future Prospects for the Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) (Richard Vibert)

Columbia Basin Anadromous Salmonid Fisheries (Frederic Vincent)

Effects of Reduced and Perturbated Flow Below Dams on Fish Food Organisms in Rocky Mountain Trout Streams (James V. Ward and Jack A. Stanford)

A Description of Those Fisheries, Which Take Place in the Western North Atlantic Between the US-Canadian Border and North Carolina, that Presently have or Potentially could have User Group Allocation Conflicts (S.J. Wilk and B.E. Brown)

The Delphi Technique: A Potential Methodology for Evaluating Recreational Fisheries (James R. Zuboy)

1 The papers have been edited by John M. Grover, Fisheries Department, Auburn University, USA, and will be published by the US Government


EIFAC/T22Ecological diagnosis in salmonid streams - Method and Example, by R. Cuinat et al. (1975).
EIFAC/T23Report on the Symposium on methodology for the survey, monitoring and appraisal of fishery resources in lakes and large rivers (1974).
EIFAC/T23 Suppl. 1Symposium on the methodology for the survey, monitoring and appraisal of fishery resources in lakes and large rivers - Panel reviews and relevant papers / Symposium sur les méthodes de prospection, de surveillance et d'évaluation des ressources ichtyologiques dans les lacs et grands cours d'eau - Exposés des groupes et communications apparentées (1975).
EIFAC/T24Report on fish toxicity testing procedures (1975).
EIFAC/T25Workshop on controlled reproduction of cultivated fishes - Report and relevant papers / Réunion sur la reproduction contrôlée des poissons d'élevage - Rapport et communications apparentées (1976).
EIFAC/T26Economic evaluation of sport and commercial fisheries. Report and technical papers of the Second European Consultation, held in Göteborg, Sweden, 22–24 September 1975 (1977).
EIFAC/T27Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on copper and freshwater fish (1976).
EIFAC/T28Joint ICES/EIFAC Symposium on eel research and management (Anguilla spp.). Report / Symposium conjoint CIEM/CECPI sur la recherche et l'exploitation des anguilles (Anguilla spp.). Rapport (1976).
EIFAC/T29Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on the effect of zinc and copper pollution on the salmonid fisheries in a river and lake system in central Norway (1977).
EIFAC/T30Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on cadmium and freshwater fish (1977)
EIFAC/T31Report on the Symposium on finfish nutrition and feed technology (1978).
EIFAC/T32The value and limitations of various approaches to the monitoring of water quality for freshwater fish (1978).
EIFAC/T33Guidelines for sampling fish in fresh water (1979).
EIFAC/T34EIFAC fishing gear intercalibration experiments (1979).
EIFAC/T35Report of the EIFAC workshop on mass rearing of fry and fingerlings of freshwater fishes (1979).
EIFAC/T35 Suppl. 1EIFAC Workshop on mass rearing of fry and fingerlings of freshwater fishes/Paper (1979).
EIFAC/T36Report of the EIFAC/IUNS and ICES working group on standardization of methodology in fish nutrition research (1980).
EIFAC/T37Report on combined effects on freshwater fish and other aquatic life of mixtures of toxicants in water (1980).
EIFAC/T38Report of the technical consultation on the allocation of fishery resources (Vichy, France, 21–23 April 1980) (1981).

* For publications prior to that date, see FAO Fisheries Circular No. 100, Revision 3, FIDI/C100 (Rev.3).

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