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The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has a considerable interest in promoting fishery development and in combatting water pollution. In informal contacts with Polish scientists it had been noted that considerable research was being carried out in Poland on utilization of wastes for fish culture with the objective also to control water pollution. The Organization therefore proposed a fact-finding tour to Poland and the Swedish International Development Authority (SIDA) agreed to pay the travel costs, thereby making the visit possible. The author spent ten days in Poland at the beginning of February 1971 visiting several research institutions in order to collect information on how pollutants (domestic wastes, industrial wastes, and heated effluents) are being utilized for fish production. This is an aspect which in Poland gets much attention, while in many other countries it is regarded with indifference or suspicion.

Information obtained during discussions and supplemented with scientific articles (published mostly in Polish only) are compiled in the following chapters.

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