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5. Moriarty announced that the Sixteenth Session of EIFAC, held in Prague, Czechoslovakia, 15–22 May 1990, had adopted the report of the session of the Sixth Session of the Working Party on Eel held in Porto, Portugal, 29 May to 3 June 1989.

6. During the intersessional period, the following activities were accomplished:

  1. A draft Eel Bibliography for the 1989–1991 period was circulated for corrections and additions. The chairman requested the participants and members of the Working Party to assist by providing additional data. Copies of the revised bibliography would be circulated.

  2. Selected papers from the Sixth Session of the Working Party on Eel, held in Porto in 1989, were edited and submitted for publication to the journal Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie.

  3. Selected papers presented at the Seventh Session will be published in the journal Irish Fisheries Investigations.

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