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57. The EIFAC Working Party on Eel noted with regret that, in the two years since its last Session, the commitment of Government manpower in eel research in certain EIFAC member countries has declined to an even lower level than that which existed in 1989. Since that time, data collected by the Working Party have shown that the supply of glasseels to Europe has failed to recover from the low levels prevailing in the 1980's. The possibility that failure of recruitment may lead before long to a grave decline in production must now be given serious consideration. After considering a number of options, the Working Party concluded that to assess the situation and advanced remedial measures, the establishment of cooperative research among the EIFAC member countries is urgently needed.

The following two cooperative research groups were proposed2

  1. Cooperative Group on Eel Recruitment

  2. Cooperative Group on Eel Growth

2 The full versions of the two proposals are presented in Annexes F and G

The Working Party recommended that EIFAC member countries, taking into account the seriousness of the eel stocks situation, give full support to this proposal through the established national fisheries and research institutions and international bodies.

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