

The State of the World's Forests 2022
Flagship publication
The State of the World's Forests
Sustainability by numbers
FAO Yearbook of Forest Products
Sustainability by numbers: Forest products at FAO
Global Forest Resources Assessment
Global Forest Resources Assessment 2020
New releases

This report outlines the technical and policy tools available for countries and stakeholders, as well as the steps needed, to effectively mainstream biodiversity in forestry.

FAO-EU FLEGT Programme Results, impacts and lessons learned from designing and implementing timber legality verification systems

The FAO-EU FLEGT Programme was established in 2016 to support the implementation of the EU FLEGT Action Plan. The Programme sought to tackle illegal logging, promote trade in legal timber products, and ultimately contribute to sustainable forest management and poverty reduction. This publication presents achievements, lessons learned and recommendations for future programming.

An assessment of uptake of the Global Core Set of Forest-related Indicators

The twenty-fifth session of the Committee on Forestry (CPF) requested FAO to analyse - in collaboration with members of the CPF - the uptake of the Global Core Set of forest related Indicators (GCS) by other reporting processes and the extent to which they decrease reporting burden on countries.

Pulp and paper capacities, survey 2021–2026 Capacités de la pâte et du papier, enquête 2021-2026  Capacidades de pulpa y papel, estudio 2021-2026

The annual FAO survey of global pulp and paper production capacities is based on data received from national correspondents. The publication includes country tables for pulp and paper production capacity; grade tables showing the volume of production capacity by country, for each product and product aggregate code; and production tables by country.

Global forest sector outlook 2050 Assessing future demand and sources of timber for a sustainable economy

Jointly produced by FAO, the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) and the consultancy Unique land use GmbH, the report combines the results of a long-term outlook for the forest sector to 2050 with an assessment of wood demand in a sustainable economic environment