دعوات تلقي المُساهمات

دراسات حالة حول تقنيات وابتكارات نظم الأغذية والزراعة للمساهمة في العمل المناخي: دعوة لتقديم مقترحات إلى منتدى منظمة الأغذية والزراعة للعلوم والابتكار 2023

  في عام 2023، سيُركز منتدى الأغذية العالمي على موضوع "تحويل النظم الزراعية والأغذية للإسراع بوتيرة العمل المناخي"، وبالتالي ستركز الدورة الثانية من منتدى منظمة الأغذية والزراعة للعلوم والابتكار، المزمع إقامتها تحت مظلة الفعالية الرئيسية لمنتدى الأغذية العالمي بعنوان "العلوم والابتكار من أجل العمل المناخي". ومن المقرر إقامة فعاليات منتدى منظمة الأغذية والزراعة للعلوم والابتكار في الفترة من 16 إلى 20 أكتوبر/ تشرين الأول 2023، بتنسيق هجين بالحضور في المقر الرئيسي للمنظمة في روما، والحضور الافتراضي عبر منصة رقمية.

يحول تزايد وتيرة النزاعات وشدتها، والظواهر المناخية المتطرفة والصدمات الاقتصادية، بالإضافة إلى تفاقم عدم المساواة، دون تقدمنا نحو تحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة. وتتطلب معالجة الأزمات العالمية المترابطة المتمثلة في تغير المناخ وانعدام الأمن الغذائي وفقدان التنوع البيولوجي المشاركة في اتخاذ إجراءات جريئة لتحويل نظم الأغذية الزراعية لتصبح أكثر كفاءة وشمولية ومرونة واستدامة، مع التركيز بشكل خاص على صغار المنتجين والمزارعين الأسريين والشعوب الأصلية والنساء والشباب والمستهلكون، وغيرهم من الجهات الفاعلة غير الممثلة بشكل كامل في نظم الأغذية والزراعة.

وبناءً على ذلك، ستوفر دورة 2023 من منتدى منظمة الأغذية والزراعة للعلوم والابتكار الفرصة لإجراء مناقشة استراتيجية وأكثر تركيزًا على أهمية العلم والتكنولوجيا والابتكار في تحويل أنظمة الأغذية الزراعية، ومدى مساهمة هذا التحول في تعزيز العمل المناخي. كما سيسلط هذا المنتدى الضوء على قصص النجاح التي حققتها التقنيات والابتكارات في مرحلة مصيرية لتحول أنظمة الأغذية الزراعية والعمل المناخي. وعلينا الاستفادة من الحلول المربحة لكافة الأطراف، والتي يتم فيها إدارة المفاضلات والمكتسبات إدارة كفؤة. وعلينا كذلك الاستفادة من الفرص العديدة لمزيد من الابتكار والتعاون، مثل إقامة شراكات بين القطاعين العام والخاص، وشبكات تبادل المعرفة، وبرامج بناء القدرات.

في سياق دورة 2023 لمنتدى منظمة الأغذية والزراعة للعلوم والابتكار، يدعوكم مكتب كبار العلماء في المنظمة لتبادل دراسات الحالة التوضيحية على المستوى القطري لتقنيات وابتكارات نظم الأغذية الزراعية من أجل العمل المناخي. وينبغي أن توثق المقترحات التطبيقات التي تم التحقق من صحتها وإمكانية تكرارها، بدلا من توثيق نتائج البحوث المجراة في المختبرات أو في محطات البحوث. يمكن تقديم دراسات حالة أعدها أكثر من شخص، طالما أن موضوعها مختلف.

يُرجى استخدام نموذج التقديم هذا لمشاركة ما لديك من أمثلة وخبرات وتجارب.

ينبغي أن يصف المؤلف (المؤلفون) السياق والخلفية، والمشكلة (المشكلات) الرئيسية التي تتناولها الدراسة، والحلول التكنولوجية أو الابتكارية المطبقة، والعقبات أو التحديات التي ظهرت أثناء إعدادها، وعوامل النجاح، والآثار والدروس المستفادة. وينبغي إرفاق الصور ذات الصلة بالدراسة إن أمكن.

بعد مراجعة الدراسات المقدمة واختيار الأنسب من بينها، سيتم عرض دراسات الحالة الأكثر تأثيرًا وابتكارًا وذات الصلة في دورة المنتدى لعام 2023، وسيتم دعوة المشاركين لتقديمها.

ستقوم فرقة العمل المعنية بدورة 2023 من منتدى منظمة الأغذية والزراعة للعلوم والابتكار بمراجعة المساهمات المقدمة واختيار أفضلها على أساس المعايير التالية:

  • التركيز على العمل المناخي.
  • الأثر على نظم الأغذية الزراعية أو الصلة الوثيقة بها
  • العدالة والإنصاف: إلى أي مدى تتناول دراسة الحالة دور صغار المنتجين والمزارعين الأسريين والشعوب الأصلية والنساء والشباب والمستهلكين، وغيرهم من الجهات الفاعلة غير الممثلة بشكل كامل في نظم الأغذية والزراعة.
  • الظروف المغايرة: إلى أي مدى تعرض دراسة الحالة الدروس المستفادة (الإيجابية والسلبية) حول كيفية معالجة الفجوات والعقبات والظروف المغايرة الأخرى (الاجتماعية والاقتصادية والسياسية، وما إلى ذلك).
  • الابتكار: إلى أي مدى تتناول دراسة الحالة عنصر التغيير في النهج المتبع.


يُمكن تقديم المُساهمات بأي من لغات الأمم المتحدة الست (العربية والصينية والإنجليزية والفرنسية والروسية والإسبانية).

الدعوة لتقديم المساهمات مفتوحة حتى 32 يونيو/ حزيران 2023.

يمكنك تنزيل نموذج الطلب المكتمل من صفحة الويب هذه. للحصول على الدعم الفني عند تنزيل نموذج الطلب أو تنزيله ، أرسل بريدًا إلكترونيًا إلى [email protected].

إننا نتطلع إلى تلقي إسهاماتك القيمة وإلى الاستفادة من خبراتك.

الميسرون المشاركون:

الدكتورة منى شايا، المستشارة الخاصة لمكتب كبير العلماء بمنظمة الأغذية والزراعة

الدكتورة بريت ليدر، المستشار الفني في مكتب رئيس العلماء، منظمة الأغذية والزراعة للأمم المتحدة



تم إغلاق هذا النشاط الآن. لمزيد من المعلومات، يُرجى التواصل معنا على : [email protected] .

* ضغط على الاسم لقراءة جميع التعليقات التي نشرها العضو وتواصل معه / معها مباشرةً
  • أقرأ 201 المساهمات
  • عرض الكل


Greeting colleagues, thank you each for your efforts in what those of us who have genuinely endeavored into the natural sciences know as the undoubted number one priority for all; an attention to nature. I want to contribute that this attention should be extremely thorough, offered by experienced feild individuals ONLY, and this is a conversation like all things today that needs to be defended from pollutants and ill-intentioned organisms. Our climate and food supply and quality of life can all be insanely abundant and good! It totally can! Many biologists and ecologists have looked at the quantitative possibilities and know that this is very doable by human hand, and the fix is cultural, educational, political, and actually fairly simple (see "BioTribe" link below).

A Natural Culture: True Harmony with Nature

It sounds extreme to the modern man, that every human should be tending to nature, enhancing it, pronouncing, promoting, and producing it; as a journey to the absolute best quality of life, technology, and even freedom.

The idea that every human should be tending to nature, enhancing it, promoting and producing it, as a journey to the absolute best quality of life, technology and even freedom is rooted in the recognition of the interconnectedness between human well-being and the natural environment. This concept encompasses various aspects of sustainability, conservation, and ecological stewardship.

Tending to nature involves recognizing the importance of our natural surroundings and actively engaging in efforts to protect and restore them. It means embracing practices that minimize harm to the environment and actively working toward its preservation. By tending to nature, we acknowledge that our well-being and quality of life are intricately linked to the health of the ecosystems that support us.

The Bio-Tribe Xprize team spelled out a carbon and food crisis solution in a completely supportable, with the math criteria to use small fragments of the population, such as military and incarcerated persons, to take care of our natural business on this gloriously blessed ball of life.

Enhancing nature goes beyond preservation and involves actively working to improve the natural world. This can include initiatives such as reforestation, habitat restoration, and the promotion of biodiversity. By enhancing nature, we contribute to the resilience of ecosystems, which in turn provides numerous benefits to human societies. It can lead to cleaner air and water, improved soil fertility, increased food security, and healthier climate.

Promoting nature entails spreading awareness and advocating for the value of nature in our lives. It involves fostering a deep appreciation for the natural world and inspiring others to take the action. By promoting nature, we encourage a collective consciousness that recognizes the need for sustainable practices and responsible resource management. This can lead to a shift in societal values and behaviors, creating a culture that prioritizes the well-being of both humans and the environment.

Our group has been promoting the use of all natural herbs and concoctions for athletic use. We are athletes ourselves, and we know the athletic nutrition market is always very strong, athletes are strong, and their commitment to nutrition is strong. Our 'biodiverse food study,' and ongoing study has looked at highly diverse diets over the last decade and the powerful results in every examination and expiration against every case, condition and goal. We are now introducing a phone application where users worldwide can work with all natural recommendations to address goals, preventive health, athletics, and lifestyle using all natural ingredients. Through this work with diverse issues and users, we can start to advance our natural health knowledge and build a more solid case study behind it.

"Producing nature" refers to sustainable practices that integrate human activities with the natural environment. It involves pursuing methods of production that minimize negative environmental impacts and prioritize long-term ecological health - "Permaculture.". This can include adopting regenerative agriculture practices, supporting local and organic food systems, and implementing renewable energy sources. By producing nature, we align our economic activities with the principles of sustainability, ensuring that our actions are in harmony with the natural world.

We have found a wide spectrum of different personalities and cultures and home geography moving to places like Costa Rica, Bali, and Hawaii in search of a functional natural lifestyle. They usually had serious health or social issues and conflicts that drove them to embark on this journey. Some come to rural, harmonious living for a chapter and return to city/modern life, and some stay in the "sustainable scene" permanently. All of them seem to refer to their dedicated experiences in this kind of other life as some of the most important experiences they have ever had. This experience in natural relation was also much more known and valued by historical cultures as well, and we believe this total disconnect from nature today is the direct root of MOST social, economical, political and environmental issues today. We certainly fee that any voice that speaks on issues such as food crisis or climate concerns should have a dedicated decade at the least in nature life and study - we do have plenty of these people! We have also identified that this lack of natural experience to heads of the social-cultural influences, is irresponsible and frankly very obviously irresponsible. It is this lack in natural relation, that allows for this lack of observation and calculated logic, because every dedicated long term, genuine, student of nature understands these principles inherently. In our unique journey, again, which should be the principal human journey; we have also discovered that narcissistic personality disorder people directly seek power positions, and because of their disorder will do anything including dishonest and the worst of things to get these positions. Because of our lack of ability to assess this disorder or "cluster b" personalities, and screen any Politian or Government official for this dis-order (which we have the tools do to - See "MMPI2 test" also see Anti-Narcissism by Kia Karlberg), we now have a government saturated by mentally sick control-freaks who are constantly deceptive and problematic as a way of maintaining and achieving their positions. Money, nor certificate, is the root of all evil, it is these dis-honest actually diabolical people that psychiatry has recognize for more than a century now that are the "root of all evil."

The journey towards the absolute best quality of life, technology, and even freedom is intimately linked to our relationship with nature. A healthy and thriving environment provides the foundation for human well-being. It offers clean air and water, fertile soils for agriculture, and a rich array of ecosystems that can be sources of inspiration, recreation, and discovery. By recognizing our interconnectedness with nature and actively engaging in its preservation and enhancement, we pave the way for a sustainable future.

Technology can play a crucial role in this journey by offering innovative solutions that promote sustainability and minimize environmental impact. Advancements in fields such as renewable energy, waste management, and ecological monitoring can contribute to a more harmonious relationship between humans and nature. By harnessing the power of technology in conjunction with responsible environmental practices, we can create a future where both human progress and ecological health can coexist.

In this vision, freedom is not merely the absence of constraints but rather the ability to live in harmony with the natural world. It is the freedom to enjoy clean air, clean water, and access to natural spaces. It is the freedom from the adverse effects of environmental degradation and climate change. By tending to, enhancing, promoting, and producing nature, we ensure the freedom to thrive in a world where the well-being of both humans and the environment are equally valued and prioritized.

In conclusion, the idea of tending to nature, enhancing it, promoting and producing it as a journey to the absolute best quality of life, technology, and freedom recognizes the fundamental connectedness between human well-being and the natural environment. It emphasizes the need to embrace sustainable practices, raise awareness, and actively work towards preserving and improving the health of our ecosystems. By doing so, we can create a future where both humans and nature thrive together in harmony.


One of the most effective forms of natural land ecological enhancement is habitat restoration. Habitat restoration involves the process of returning a degraded or disturbed ecosystem to its original state or improving its functionality. This approach focuses on reestablishing the natural vegetation, water systems, and ecological processes that support a diverse range of species.

Here are some key aspects of habitat restoration that make it highly effective:

  1. Biodiversity Conservation: Habitat restoration aims to recreate or enhance habitats that support a wide variety of plant and animal species. By restoring native vegetation, removing invasive species, and reintroducing key species, the overall biodiversity of the area can be significantly increased. This helps to preserve and protect ecosystems and their invaluable ecological services.
  2. Ecosystem Services: Restored habitats provide essential ecosystem services such as water purification, carbon sequestration, soil stabilization, and flood control. These services contribute to the overall health and resilience of the environment, benefiting both wildlife and human communities.
  3. Ecological Connectivity: Restoration projects often focus on reconnecting fragmented habitats to create corridors for wildlife movement. This allows for the migration of species, gene flow, and access to resources, which is crucial for maintaining healthy populations and promoting ecological resilience.
  4. Water Management: Habitat restoration can include restoring wetlands, riparian zones, and watersheds, which play a vital role in water filtration, flood mitigation, and maintaining water quality. Restoring these areas helps to regulate water flow, reduce erosion, and create valuable aquatic habitats.
  5. Community Engagement and Education: Successful habitat restoration projects often involve engaging local communities, raising awareness, and fostering a sense of stewardship. By involving the community in the restoration process, there is a greater chance of long-term success and continued support for conservation efforts.
  6. Adaptive Management: Effective habitat restoration involves ongoing monitoring and adaptive management. This means assessing the progress of the restoration project, making adjustments as needed, and continuously learning from the results. Adaptive management allows for the implementation of evidence-based practices and ensures the long-term success of the restoration efforts.

It's important to note that the most effective form of natural land ecological enhancement may vary depending on the specific ecological context, such as the type of ecosystem, its level of degradation, and the presence of any unique or endangered species. Tailoring restoration efforts to the specific needs and characteristics of the area is crucial for achieving the best possible outcomes.

Overall, habitat restoration is a powerful tool for enhancing and promoting ecological health. By restoring degraded ecosystems, we can support biodiversity, ecosystem services, and ecological connectivity, ultimately leading to a more sustainable and resilient natural environment.

A less-popular, more effective approach to enhancement, carbon conversion and food production that not many know about is Rudolf Steiner's biodynamic Agriculture.

If every human being on the planet worked to produce Rudolf Steiner's biodynamic Agriculture, it would have significant implications for the global agricultural system and the environment. biodynamic agriculture is an organic farming approach that seeks to integrate the spiritual, ecological, and ethical aspects of food production. Here's an overview of some potential outcomes:

  1. Ecological Sustainability: biodynamic agriculture places a strong emphasis on soil health, biodiversity, and ecological balance. It promotes practices such as composting, crop rotation, and the use of natural fertilizers and pest control methods. If implemented on a global scale, biodynamic agriculture could contribute to the restoration and preservation of soil fertility, reduction of chemical inputs, and enhanced biodiversity.
  2. Regenerative Land Management: biodynamic practices, such as cover cropping, enhance soil structure, water retention, and carbon sequestration. The widespread adoption of these methods could help mitigate climate change by sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and promoting sustainable land management practices that reduce soil erosion and improve water quality.
  3. Enhanced Food Quality and Nutrition: biodynamic agriculture emphasizes the production of nutrient-dense, high-quality food. The avoidance of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) can result in healthier, more nutritious crops. This can have positive effects on human health and well-being, potentially reducing the risks of certain diseases associated with pesticide exposure and poor nutrition.
  4. Local and Sustainable Food Systems: biodynamic agriculture often advocates for localized food production and distribution systems. If universally practiced, this could lead to the development of more resilient and self-sufficient local food networks, reducing dependence on long-distance transportation and minimizing the carbon footprint associated with the global food trade.
  5. Cultural and Spiritual Connection to Food: biodynamic agriculture encourages a deeper connection between farmers, consumers, and the land. It emphasizes the role of agricultural practices in fostering a sense of reverence and respect for nature, as well as recognizing the spiritual and cultural dimensions of food production. This holistic approach could contribute to a more mindful and sustainable relationship with the food we consume.

However, it's important to consider the practical challenges and limitations of implementing biodynamic agriculture on a global scale. biodynamic practices often require significant knowledge, labor, and time investment. The transition from conventional agriculture to biodynamic methods may be more challenging for larger-scale industrial operations. Additionally, regional variations in climate, soil conditions, and cultural contexts would need to be taken into account.

Overall, if every human being on the planet worked to produce Rudolf Steiner's biodynamic Agriculture, it would likely result in a more sustainable, regenerative, and spiritually connected approach to food production. However, achieving such widespread adoption would require a collective commitment, education, and supportive policies to overcome the practical challenges and ensure the long-term viability and scalability of biodynamic farming method.

We have experiemented at some starting length introducing the idea, of enhancing life and "cultivating a green motive" using some of the digital video game technologies of today.



Dear Preet, Mona and team,

Please find attached the proposal from FAO division of Digitalization and Informatics (CSI) for the case study of the Digital Services Portfolio (DSP) for the Science and Innovation Forum 2023.

Thank you for the opportunity and looking forward to your feedback,

Best regards,


Dear Sir/Madam

Kindly find attached our contribution for FAO Science and Innovation Forum 2023.

Our contribution focuses on Small scale Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) and Aquaponics innovations for (peri-)urban areas in Nigeria: A Climate Action and Agrifood system tool

Please let us know if you have any questions or comments regarding our conversations. We would be happy to discuss it further with you.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Warm regards