
توظيف الشباب في الزراعة حلا قويًا للقضاء على الجوع والفقر المدقع في أفريقيا

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the Government of Rwanda and the African Union, are co-organizing a regional conference on “Youth Employment in Agriculture as a Solid Solution to ending Hunger and Poverty in Africa: Engaging through Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and Entrepreneurship” on 20 and 21 August 2018, to promote an exchange among stakeholders on knowledge and good practices regarding the interface between agriculture, youth employment, entrepreneurship and ICT innovations in agriculture and rural development. The conference will focus on the following three major cross-cutting themes related to youth issues:

  • Youth and Entrepreneurship focusing on sharing experience, challenges, exploring solutions and new opportunities for youth entrepreneurship, particularly how to develop and sustain youth-led, or youth-focused, business products and services geared towards agriculture and ICTs.
  • Digital Innovation to overcome agriculture value-chain related constraints focusing on innovative solutions to support youth-related digital innovation and modern production technologies in agriculture, youth-focused networking and engagement around entrepreneurship, innovation and agriculture.
  • Future of Work in Rural Economy focusing exploring the future face of agriculture, its impacts and opportunities for youth, and how international organisations, governments, the private sector, civil society and all other development actors, can leverage expertise and contribute to the groundwork already laid out.  

For more information visit the conference website.

As part of the preparations for the conference, this online consultation is being held to collect broad views around the major thematic areas of the conference and provide an opportunity to youth engaged in agriculture and rural development across Africa, especially those who may not travel to Rwanda, to:

  • Share experiences, successes stories, lessons learned, and good practices of youth led entrepreneurship and digital innovations in agriculture;
  • Ask/raise questions on youth employment in agriculture and entrepreneurship, digital innovations and future of work in agriculture to be addressed/answered during the conference.

To contribute to the conference, we invite you to share your experience and views by replying to the following questions:

1. Experience as a Youth in the Agriculture Sector

  • How would you describe your experience as an Africa youth engaged in the agriculture sector in your country? What motivated you to engage into the agriculture sector?

2. Major Achievements and Success Stories

  • What have been your major achievements? Do you have any experience or innovative ways that have helped you in your work that you would want to share? Do you have a success story – either your own or any other that you are aware of - of youth engaged in agriculture in your country? What is the story?

3. What the Rwanda Youth Conference Should Address

  • If given an opportunity, what question would you ask the experts at the Rwanda Youth conference on each of the three sub-themes – a). Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship, b). Digital Innovation to Overcome Agriculture Value-Chain Constraints, and c). Future of Work in Rural Economy - of the conference?

We look forward to your contributions and thank you very much in advance for your time.

Bukar Tijani

Assistant Director General/Regional Representative for Africa

Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO)

Regional Office for Africa (RAF)

Accra, Ghana

تم إغلاق هذا النشاط الآن. لمزيد من المعلومات، يُرجى التواصل معنا على : [email protected] .

* ضغط على الاسم لقراءة جميع التعليقات التي نشرها العضو وتواصل معه / معها مباشرةً
  • أقرأ 89 المساهمات
  • عرض الكل


1. En tant que jeune et malgré notre formation en Agronomie, nous sommes aussi confrontés aux mêmes situations et difficultés que les autres. Les erreurs et les problèmes de débutants ont été les mêmes. Le manque de ressources financières et la non disponibilité de la ressource humaine étaient aussi au rendez-vous. Pour moi il s'agit de commencer pas à pas avant de passer à emblaver une grande superficie.

Nous sommes engagés parce que nous croyons aux potentiels de la terre, et dans un contexte de précarité et d'insécurité alimentaire dans lesquels nos pays sont plongés. Le secteur agricole alors devient une solution ultime pour nous relever

2. Pour la réalisation nous avions mis en place une plateforme web d'analyse de données pour l'Afrique qui fait actuellement son bout de chemin. (agribusinessdata.com)

Au Bénin, nous avons vu le groupe Rioko qui regroupe plusieurs jeunes et entrepreneurs qui produisent et commercialisent la viande de lapin. Malgré les difficultés ils arrivent à satisfaire la clientèle et aussi à vouloir se réaffirmer à l'international.

3. A1. Comment pensez vous que les jeunes doivent faire face aux problèmes de financement agricole?

A2. On nous parle chaque fois de projet innovant, alors que de simple producteurs de volaille et autres n'arrivent pas à desservir à eux seuls leurs communautés, alors qu'on nous demande de projets innovant avant d'être financer. Que faire face à cette situation?

B1. Concernant les médias en ligne du domaine agricole, quel business model devons nous adopter pour survivre?

B2. Le problème d'acquisition de smart phone et mieux encore de connexion internet ne rendent pas difficile l'accès aux innovations numériques à certaines couches?

C1. Selon eux pourquoi malgré tous les efforts de la communauté internationale, des pays et surtout des jeunes, l'Afrique ne d'école toujours pas dans le secteur agricole.

C2. N'est il pas important d'incorporer les cours de développement durable et agricole ainsi que l'entrepreneuriat dans les plus petites classes depuis les cours primaires?

1. As a young person and despite our training in Agronomy, we are also faced with the same situations and difficulties as others, with the same mistakes and problems as beginners. The lack of financial resources and the non-availability of human resources were also present. In my opinion, this means starting step by step before moving on to a large area.

We are committed, because we believe in the potential of the land, and in a context of precariousness and food insecurity in which our countries are plunged. The agricultural sector then becomes the ultimate solution to lift us up.

2. For the implementation we had set up a web platform for data analysis for Africa that is currently making its way. (agribusinessdata.com)

In Benin, we have the Rioko group which brings together several young people and entrepreneurs who produce and market rabbit meat. In spite of the difficulties, they manage to satisfy their customers and also to reaffirm their international presence.

3. A1. How do you think young people should deal with agricultural financing problems?

A2. We often hear about innovative projects, when simple poultry producers and others cannot alone serve their communities, while we are being asked for innovative projects before being funded. What to do about this situation?

B1. Regarding online agricultural media, what business model do we need to adopt to survive?

B2. The acquisition problem of smartphones and even better, of internet connection do not hinder access to digital innovations at certain layers?

C1. Despite all the efforts of the international community, countries and especially young people, Africa is still not taking off in the agricultural sector.

C2. Isn't it important to incorporate sustainability and agricultural development courses as well as entrepreneurship since primary school for lower classes?



Houéfa Flora ADIDO est mon nom. Je suis juriste spécialisée en droit financier et droit bancaire, et passionnée du manger sain d'où la création de mon entreprise Blessings Valley spécialisée en conception et livraison de paniers de légumes et fruits issus de l'agriculture agro-écologique et en fruit carving qui est une nouvelle discipline en Afrique. Nous faisons de la sculpture sur fruits et légumes pour des plateaux et montages de fruits et légumes à prendre en famille ou au cours des événements.

Bonjour à tous et à toutes!! Je suis bilingue mais je préfère m'exprimer en français ici.

1- Experience en tant que jeune dans le secteur agricole

Avec la maladie de ma mère quand j'étais au cours primaire et les explications du médecin sur la nécessité de manger sain, j'ai été marquée par l'importance de l'agriculture agro-écologique sur la vie des populations. Cela s'est donc fait naturellement quand j'ai voulu créer mon entreprise, je me suis orientée vers l'agro-business. Il s'agit de mettre à la disposition des ménages béninois des fruits et légumes issus de l'agro-écologie. N'ayant pas encore la norme bio au Bénin, avec les producteurs locaux, nous travaillons à cultiver des fruits et légumes de qualité sans engrais chimique et sans pesticides. Nous utilisons ces fruits au sein de Blessings Valley pour faire des coffrets aux ménages et surtout pour faire du fruit carving. Nous sensibilisons aussi la population et offrons des formations sur les méthodes alternatives de cuisson des aliments (sans cube et sans tomate en boîte) afin de garder une meilleure santé. Autrement dit, en maîtrisant la production de nos fruits et légumes, nous protégeons nos clients. 

2- Principales réalisations et histoires de réussite

Aujourd'hui, nous avons de plus en plus de personnes qui s'interessent au manger sain. Au début, avant même l'entegistrement de l'entreprise, beaucoup de personnes nous ont découragés sur l'aboutissement de ce projet. Pour la plupart, aucun béninois n'accepterait dépenser un peu plus que ce qu'il ne paie d'habitude pour acheter des légumes et fruits cultivés par nos partenaires et travaillés par nos soins. Aussi, pour le carving, personne ne paierait pour cet art. Aujourd'hui, nous accroissons de plus en plus notre visibilité et nous sposorisons les actions eco-citoyennes (exemple de #ecorunning2) organisées dans notre pays. Mieux, il existe actuellement une pléthore de concurrents dans la production et la livraison de légumes et fruits issus de l'agro-écologie. C'est l'exemple du Centre Songhaï au Bénin qui nous a encouragés et permis d'avancer.

3- Questions que la conférence de la jeunesse rwandaise devrait aborder

a- Comment reconditionner les jeunes africains à l'entreprenariat agricole et non aux emplois salariés? Il s'agit ici de permettre aux jeunes de comprendre qu'ils sont la solution à leur continent. Identifier le problème et trouver une solution de qualité. Pour cela, il faut un reconditionnement. Est ce le système éducatif qu'il faille changer ou...?

b- Comment vulgariser les innovations dans le domaine agricole au sein de tous les pays africains et les rendre accessible aux jeunes entrepreneurs?

c- Comment moderniser l'agriculture en Afrique tout en préservant la santé des populations? Une chose est de moderniser l'agriculture, une autre est de mettre en place des pratiques qui protègent la santé des populations.

Houéfa Flora ADIDO is my name. I am a lawyer specialized in financial and banking law, and passionate about healthy eating, hence the creation of my company Blessings Valley specializing in the design and delivery of vegetable and fruit baskets from agro-ecological agriculture and fruit carving which is a new discipline in Africa. We carve fruit and vegetables for trays and fruit and vegetable arrangements to take with the family or during events.

Hello to all!! I am bilingual but I prefer to speak French here.

1- Experience as a young person in the agricultural sector

With my mother's illness when I was in primary school and the doctor's explanations about the need to eat healthy, I was marked by the importance of agro-ecological agriculture on people's lives. So it happened naturally when I wanted to create my company, I turned towards agro-business. The aim is to make fruit and vegetables from agro-ecology available to Beninese households. Since we do not yet have the organic standard in Benin, we work with local producers to grow quality fruit and vegetables without chemical fertilizers or pesticides. We use these fruits within Blessings Valley to make boxes for households and especially to make fruit carving. We also raise public awareness and offer training on alternative methods of cooking food (without stock cube and tomato cans) to maintain better health. In other words, by controlling the production of our fruits and vegetables, we protect our customers.

2- Main achievements and success stories

Today, more and more people are interested in healthy eating. At the beginning, even before the company was registered, many people discouraged us about the success of this project. Most Beninese would not spend a little more than they usually pay to buy vegetables and fruit grown by our partners and worked by us. Also, for the carving, no one would pay for this art. Today, our visibility is increasing and we are proposing eco-citizen actions (example of #ecorunning2) organized in our country. Better still, there is currently a plethora of competitors in the production and delivery of vegetables and fruit from agro-ecology. It was the example of the Songhaï Centre in Benin that encouraged us and enabled us to move forward.

3- Issues that the Rwandan Youth Conference should address

a- How can young Africans be re-skilled for agricultural entrepreneurship and not for wage employment? The aim here is to enable young people to understand that they are the solution to their continent. Identifying the problem and finding a good solution. This requires reconditioning. Is it the education system that needs to be changed or...?

b- How to popularize agricultural innovations in all African countries and make them accessible to young entrepreneurs?

c- How to modernize agriculture in Africa while preserving the health of populations? One thing is to modernize agriculture, another is to put in place practices to protect the health of populations.

Two challenges facing new  farmers:

• Capital to buy inputs,equipment and infrastructure. E.g poultry house construction and capital to buy feeds. E.g capital to buy dairy cow and feeds management.

• Market sourcing a market will be a challenge for new farmers but in time and with resilience one gets to know way through. Alternative online market platforms come in handy.

Due to a lack of storage and market options, most smallholder farmers will sell their produce at harvest, when prices are at their lowest

Crop production and livesock  management can be learned and the diligent learner will be successful. Disease control and vaccinations need disciplined and timely.


Dear all

I am GASANA Jean Pierre from Rwanda the host of conference, greetings to the members and facilitators.

1. Experience in agriculture

Since I was in high schools, I used to help my family in banana production, but it was so tradition and poor. And this created the curiosity in me and asked my self why?. After high schools, I studied soil sciences at University of Rwanda College of Agriculture Animal science, and Veterinary Medicine and I improved my family banana production by teach them how to use the Organic amendment and chemical fertilizers, and now the production Improved.

2. Success in Agriculture

I have struggled to overcome the poor banana production which was too poor by start using amendments and fertilizers and the production improved, the eastern province of Rwanda have a hot climate but I have mulched and the production improved.

3. Questions to expert

How Rwanda and africa in general can overcome to relay on rainfed agriculture?

How the soil of the tropical region can be conserved against the high rain?

Thank you.

Dear all,

I can share my experience with how I started to get involved in farming.

Since my childhood, I was very interested in farming for small animals like chickens and goats so that I complete my parents for my needs like paying schools fees .However, my parents and neighbours discourage me and say that the only way to get to success is going to school being graduated and find a job. I agree with them but after my graduation at university, to find a job was not easy for me.

The only way to come out of the situation was turning back to the fatherland and starting to farm. However the challenge we the youth have nowadays is that we hurry up to get money whereas farming requires endurance (to be patient and persistent).

Actually I’m dealing with hen farming and start expending the production of eggs.so, neighbours, friends and relatives especially youth begin little by little to be inspired and changing their mind.

Question to the Experts

What advice would you give to youth, parents, neighbours and relatives who despise getting involved in farming, demonize the farming sector?

What should the governments do for the youth who are engaged in farming sector?


Solutions pour les jeunes :

Sur base del analyse  faite dans mon premier exposé, ici. J’abordé la question des leçons tirées.. Solutions innovantes.

1. Leçons tirées

  • les jeunes constituent la force motrice dans l’agriculture car ils sont 70% de la main d’ouvre,
  • les jeunes peuvent s’engager dans l’agriculture si on leur presente un modèle agricole sexy (concept agriculture sexy) pour attirer les jeunes. Ypard rdc est un modelé et attiré plus de jeunes. 3 jeunes en juillet 2016, 95 jeunes en juillet 2016 et plus de 450 en lignes.
  • les jeunes africains peuvent tripler le rendement si on leur accompagnent en formations pratiques à travers des visites ou voyages d’echanges, et appuyer en fonds de  démarrage
  • les jeunes peuvent apprendre de leurs pairs africains et devenir des modèles
  • intégrer l’usage de web2.0' pour renforcer la coopération et collaboration participative


- cartographier les jeunes amoureux de la terre;

- reformuler le programme universitaire d’agronomie

- renforcer les compétences managériales (soft skills) pour ceux ayant fini les études

- augmenter le budget de l’agriculture et intégrer les jeunes dans le programme agricole

Suite de ma contribution:


2. Success stories.

A. Climate Smart Agriculture: Building community résilience.

Ce projet est une histoire de succès pour les jeunes congolais dans ce sens, il a été récompensé par la Ministre française de l environnement et de la mer en.2016 parmi les 100 meilleurs projets ou idées dans.le cadre du concours  a vote. En.bref, The CSA Batéké project is a project manage by Young Professionals for Agricultural Development ( Ypard ) in Democratic Republic of Congo ( DRC). It's focused on community resilience, must reach 75 farmers or households with goals to experiment, identify the risks due to the effects of climate change in optic to fight poverty. The Project has to support 50 young in entrepreneurship and in using of modern ICT technologies and drones UVAs for small areas for field data collection and decision making using UAVs, high-definition satellite images, and data collected in a participatory manner from operators’ smart phones. These data can then be combined with traditional assessment methods, enabling officials to speed up the assessment of harvest damage and to estimate yields more accurately. It will also enable farmers living in low-density areas and/or in shortage rainfall to map their crops in order to use precise fertilizer, water and crop protection products and consequently, a better estimate of yields and favorable times to harvest. Finaly, Young must revolution agriculture and agriculture helps Young to fight and reduce poverty by training, learning and accessing on knowledge.


B. Cassava project d Eden.Clients, membre de Ypard drc and Country Représentative of Yes green drc

Le présent projet sera installé en R D Congo dans la vile province de Kinshasa, district de Lukunga, Commune de Mont-Ngafula.


Description du projet

Le projet « Cassava project »  est une idée d’entreprise d’une unité de transformation de feuilles de manioc émincées «  SAKA-Nutris ». Le projet consiste à mettre la disposition des consommateurs  des feuilles de manioc, des feuilles de manioc émincées, épicées et fortifiées à l’état frais prêt à préparer. 

La capacité de production de l’unité de transformation sera de 130 Kg par jour. Nous envisageons produire 40,56 tonnes au cours de la première année, puis augmenter progressivement dans les années avenirs. 


Objectif général

Contribuer à l’éradication de la faim et à la sécurité alimentaire en République de Démocratique du Congo.

Objectifs spécifiques

Mettre sur le marché de Kinshasa et le marché extérieur des feuilles de manioc fraiches émincées et sèches à haute valeur gustative et nutritive ;

Donner une valeur ajoutée aux feuilles de manioc ;

Promouvoir la filière de transformation des feuilles de manioc émincées et sèches.


Impacts du projet

3380 ménages atteints mensuellement, soit 40 560 annuellement diversifient leur alimentaire grâce au saka-nutris ;

Valorisation de la filière manioc.

contribution à la création d’emplois ;

Bénéficiaires directs et indirects

Les consommateurs de SAKA feuilles ;

Les producteurs de manioc des communes perurbaines ;

Les travailleurs de l’unité de fabrication ;

L’Etat congolais à  travers les impôts et taxes ;

La banque et l’assurance ;

Les revendeurs des produits saka-nutiris.


3. Questions aux experts

En matière d emploi des jeunes:

A. On assiste à un copié collé africain sur l engouement africain en.matière d entrepreneuriat des jeunes. Pensez vous que les jeunes africains doivent suivre le même modèle entrepreneurial pour sortir de la pauvreté?

B..Pensez.vous que la formation universitaire actuelle est en adéquation avec les besoins de jeunes sinon que faut il faire?

C. Pensez vous que la pauvreté de l Afrique est une cause de la pauvreté des jeunes? Et l agriculture à lui seule peut sortir le jeune de la.pauvreté dans le changement structurel profond?


En matière de politique:

A. On dit que la politique et le politique impactent la vie sociale, ne pensez vs pas qu' il faut changer le politique et la politique au niveau de l Afrique pour changer la donne?

B. Le Rwanda est devenu un modèle géostratégique...En.matière des assises internationale. Ne pensez vs pas que la crise du leadership africain au sommet met en.péril les efforts des jeunes?

Solutions for young people:

Based on the analysis made in my first presentation, I address the issue of lessons learned.. Innovative solutions.

1. Lessons learned

  • Young people are the driving force in agriculture because they account for 70% of the workforce
  • Young people can get involved in agriculture if they are offered a sexy agricultural model (sexy agriculture concept) to attract young people. Ypard rdc is a model and attracted more young people: 3 young people in July 2016, 95 young people in July 2016 and more than 450 online
  • young Africans can triple the return if they are given practical training through visits or exchange trips, and support with start-up funds
  • young people can learn from their African peers and become role models
  • integrating the use of web2.0' to strengthen cooperation and participative collaboration


  • to map the young people who love the land;
  • to reformulate the university agronomy program
  • to strengthen managerial skills (soft skills) for those who have completed their studies
  • to increase the agricultural budget and integrate young people into the agricultural programme

2 Success stories.

A.Climate Smart Agriculture: Building community resilience.

This project is a success story for young Congolese. in this regard, it was awarded by the French Minister of the Environment and the Sea in 2016 among the 100 best projects or ideas in a voting contest. In short, The CSA Batéké project is a project managed by Young Professionals for Agricultural Development ( Ypard) in the Democratic Republic of Congo ("DRC").


En bref:

The CSA Batéké project is a project manage by Young Professionals for Agricultural Development ( Ypard ) in Democratic Republic of Congo ( DRC). It's focused on community resilience, must reach 75 farmers or households with goals to experiment, identify the risks due to the effects of climate change in optic to fight poverty. The Project has to support 50 young in entrepreneurship and in using of modern ICT technologies and drones UVAs for small areas for field data collection and decision making using UAVs, high-definition satellite images, and data collected in a participatory manner from operators’ smart phones. These data can then be combined with traditional assessment methods, enabling officials to speed up the assessment of harvest damage and to estimate yields more accurately. It will also enable farmers living in low-density areas and/or in shortage rainfall to map their crops in order to use precise fertilizer, water and crop protection products and consequently, a better estimate of yields and favorable times to harvest. Finaly, Young must revolution agriculture and agriculture helps Young to fight and reduce poverty by training, learning and accessing on knowledge.


Project Description

The "Cassava project" is a business idea of the SAKA-Nutris cassava leaf processing unit. The project consists in providing consumers with fresh cassava leaves, minced, spiced and fortified cassava leaves ready for cooking.

The production capacity of the processing unit will be 130 Kg per day. We plan to produce 40.56 tons in the first year, then gradually increase in the future years.


General objective

To contribute to the eradication of hunger and to food security in the Democratic Republic of Congo.


Specific objectives

To provide the Kinshasa market and the external market with fresh sliced and dried cassava leaves with high gustative and nutritional value;

Adding value to cassava leaves;

To promote the processing of sliced and dried cassava leaves.


Project Impacts

3380 households reached monthly, that is 40, 560 annually are diversifying their food thanks to saka-nutris

Enhancement of the cassava sector

Contribution to job creation

Direct and indirect beneficiaries

Consumers of SAKA sheets

Cassava producers in perurban communes

The workers of the manufacturing unit

The Congolese State through taxes and duties ;

Banking and insurance

Dealers of saka-nutiris products.


3. Questions for experts

With regard to youth employment:

A. We are witnessing an African copy-paste in the African enthusiasm for youth entrepreneurship. Do you think that young Africans should follow the same entrepreneurial model to get out of poverty?

B. Do you think that the current university training is in line with the needs of young people? If not, what should be done?

C. Do you think that poverty in Africa is a causal factor of youth poverty? And agriculture alone can lift young people out of poverty in profound structural change?


In the political arena:

A. It is said that policy and politics impact social life, don't you think that it is necessary to change policies and politics at the level of Africa to change the deal?

B. Rwanda has become a geostrategic model...In terms of international foundations. Don't you think that the crisis of African leadership at the summit is jeopardizing the efforts of young people?

I am Alfred Godwin Adjabeng, founder and executive director of Reach Out to Future Leaders Movement, a youth-led non-profit start-up in Ho, Ghana, West Africa.

Our organization’s flagship project School Farms, empowers local community schools to be food secured by helping them grow their own food, through community-driven farms whilst using the same space to gain skills in agriculture through our Agriculture Skills Development Program for Rural Young People (ASDPYP). Since 2014, we have piloted our project in the Northern, Upper West and Volta regions of Ghana, in four (4) schools and have served close to 20000 students. 

Rural schools in Ghana are increasingly faced with the challenge of funding school meals due to limited government support, the rise in food cost and market failures. This challenge is affecting school attendance, retention and active teaching and learning activities in schools.

Also, despite the huge arable land in rural areas coupled with the opportunities that the agriculture sector presents in these areas, rural young people continue to migrate to urban areas in pursuit of ‘unexisting’ jobs. Rural young people are the future of food security, yet around the world, few young people see a future for themselves in agriculture or rural areas.

School Farms program recognize the link between education, nutrition and skill development and we are improving access to all. School Farms is a rural community-based school feeding support program that empowers local community schools to grow their own food whilst creating a space to help students gain practical skills and explore opportunities in Agriculture.

Our Agriculture Skills Development Program for Rural Young People empowers rural young people for local agriculture development through our AgroMentoring, Best Student Farmers and Agriculture Skills Development Handbook initiatives. We are mainstreaming rural young people in agriculture.  According to Ghana's Ministry of Food and Agriculture, the average age of a farmer in Ghana is 55. This is a threat to the future of food security. 


In our fours years of working with rural young people, we have recognised that until we empower rural young people to add value to agriculture produce, connect them to the urban market, help them adopt sustainable agriculture technologies and increase access to capital, we may be underestimating their potential of promoting local agriculture development. Our school farms program is empowering more rural young people to desire for themselves a career in agriculture. 


Merci beaucoup pour cette opportunité offerte aux jeunes de participer à cette conférence en ligne. En effet, je suis jeune congolais Dr la RDC passionné du développement agricole depuis bientôt 18 ans. J’ai longtemps travaillé en zones rurales de la RDC dont l’ex province du Bandundu et j’ai aussi travaillé à Kinshasa rural et voyagé au Kongo Central. Je connais bien.la problématique de l’engagement des jeunes dans l’agriculture et le développement agricole dans la partie ouest de la RDC. Mon expérience de terrain est consolidé par des missions et projets auxquels j’ai coordonnés en tant que chef de projet de 2002 à 2010 et puis 2017_2018 et comme assistant au projet et rédacteur des projets de 2011-2016'.

Depuis novembre 2016 je suis le Représentant pays de Ypard (Jeunes professionnels pour le développement agricole) un réseau dont en juillet 2016 à sa création, nous étions 3 jeunes et à ce jour, nous sommes plus de 93 jeunes professionnels participants aux activités agricoles et plus de 450 interagissant en ligne à travers des échanges et partage d’expérience.

Sur base de mon expérience avec les jeunes, le vrai problème des jeunes africains, c’est le manque de modèle réussi ou de référence à laquelle les jeunes peuvent copier et servir de modèle. Ceci est un vrai problème. Longtemps, on a présenté l’agriculture comme activité de pauvres et des ruraux. Pourtant, Ypard Rdc à travers des visites d’apprentissage, de formations pratiques en agrobusiness et visite des modèles parviennent à drainer des jeunes dans ce secteur longtemps abandonne. Tout le modèle présenté est copié de l’occident. Pourtant c’est un contexte difficile à dupliquer en Afrique. Les jeunes africains doivent apprendre de leurs pairs africains.

Mais aussi, des politiques n’accompagnent pas des jeunes africains et congolais pour réussir dans l’agriculture. Ceci crée une fracture.

En dernier, il n’existe pas de politiques d’emploi des jeunes ruraux et ceux travaillant dans l’agriculture.

Thank you very much for this opportunity for young people to participate in this online conference. Indeed, I am a young Congolese Dr. from RDC who has been passionate about agricultural development for almost 18 years. I worked for a long time in rural areas of the DRC including the former province of Bandundu and I also worked in rural Kinshasa and travelled to Kongo Central. I am familiar with the issue of youth engagement in agriculture and agricultural development in the western part of the RDC. My field experience is reinforced by missions and projects that I coordinated as project manager from 2002 to 2010 and then 2017_2018, and as project assistant and project writer for 2011-2016'.

Since November 2016, I am the Country Representative of Ypard (Young Professionals for Agricultural Development), a network in which, at its creation in July 2016, we were 3 young people. To date, we are more than 93 young professionals participating in agricultural activities and more than 450 interacting online through exchanges and experience sharing.

Based on my experience with young people, the real problem of young Africans is the lack of a successful role model or reference which young people can copy and wich can be used as a role model. This is a real problem. For a long time, agriculture was portrayed as an activity of the poor and rural people. However, through apprenticeship visits, practical training in agribusiness and visiting models, Ypard Rdc manages to attract young people in this sector long abandoned.  The whole model shown is copied from the West. Yet it is a difficult context to replicate in Africa. Young Africans must learn from their African peers.

But also, policies do not accompany young Africans and Congolese to succeed in agriculture. This creates a fracture. 

Finally, there are no employment policies for rural youth and those working in agriculture

1. Experience as a Youth in the Agriculture Sector
I am involved in agribusiness among youths particularly at incubation of youth and women owned SMEs. We offer training, shared processing facility and incubation to enable them have a soft landing.

2. Major Achievements and Success Stories
We have many successful businesses in peanut, spices, fruits and vegetables etc.

3. What the Rwanda Youth Conference Should Address
Agribusiness marketing, role of governments in agribusiness

Dear all,

Greetings and kudos to the facilitators and all contributors.

1. Experience as a Youth in the Agriculture Sector:

I have been engaged in maize and rice cultivation and in extending good agricultural practices in farm school sessions for farmer associations in North West (Ndop plain), West (Foumbot area), and Center (Tonga and Nanga Eboko) regions of the Republic of Cameroon. I have from 2013 been engaged in agribusiness for these two crops and market gardening (tomato cultivation). With the IRAD team, we carried out a series of nutrient ommision trials and the introduction of mechanical weeders in rice fields. These activities were coordinated by Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice, Cote D'Ivoire) and were simultaneously carried out in her member state countries among which Cameroon, Nigeria, Benin, Ghana, Cote D'Ivoire etc. I studied rice processing (upgrading domestic rice quality) in college and is involved in the training of farmers on the conversion of rice residues to valuable products like briquettes through densification of husks, biscuits production using broken grains, and to mushroom production through sterilization and fermentation of appropriated proportions of husk and bran. My interest in Agriculture stems from childhood, where as a kid I followed the family to our maize, beans, potato and plantain farms which were grown for subsistence. With the objective of helping the family after graduating from college, I had agriculture as the first option. I am filled with passion to get enriched and enrich others with the potential of agriculture to transform lives in rural communities.

2. Major Achievements and Success Stories:

I defended my M.Sc. thesis in 2013 on used of optimum parboiling conditions to produce quality milled rice and have contributed to the training of  over 2000 women and youths on agricultural techniques in the North West, West, and Center regions of Cameroon. Rice and maize yields in farmer fields have increased since the introduction of GAP. Currently partnering with youths in tomato cultivation, where the turn over is really high and fast and the youths though not educated are satisfied.

3. What the Rwanda Youth Conference Should Address:

From my experience and contact with youths interested in agriculture, the Rwanda Youth Conference should consider:

i. Educating youths in rural areas on applied agricultural techniques specific to their region.  Most youths (the workforce) in rural areas have not been  to school and have agriculture as the major source of livelihood. They have little income (or none) to venture in agriculture. So for those who try and fail, they are discouraged. Educating them about innovative techniques through practice will contribute to the success and draw more youths.

ii. Policy : There is a need to protect youths in agriculture at all levels in the supply chain. Imported products in our domestic markets (the case of rice and wheat products) are dominating local products enormously. The conference committed should table proposals in this regards to policymakers in Africa (AU and other institutions).

iii. Loans and follow-up: Drawing banks and financial institutions closer to youths and vice versa.