Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Call for submissions

What are your experiences in the use and application of the CFS Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems (CFS-RAI) for improving food security and nutrition?

A global thematic event (GTE) will be organized during the October 2022 Plenary Session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) to share experiences and good practices in the use and application of the CFS Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems (CFS-RAI) endorsed in 2014.

The CFS-RAI are a framework to guide the actions of all stakeholders engaged in agriculture and food systems by defining principles that can promote much needed responsible investment, enhance livelihoods, and mitigate risks to food security and nutrition. The objective of the Principles is to contribute to the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food security. The Principles aim to be universally applicable, acknowledging the particular role and needs of smallholders and other stakeholders worldwide in addressing food security and nutrition, and considering all sectors and stages of agriculture and food systems.

The implementation of the CFS-RAI is primarily the responsibility of States who are encouraged, with the contribution of all stakeholders, to apply them in developing their strategies, policies, programmes and legislation for achieving food security and nutrition objectives. The CFS-RAI seek to mobilize high-level political commitment and promote coordinated multi-stakeholder processes, including the review of progress and sharing of lessons learned.

The global thematic event will enable an interactive multi-stakeholder dialogue that aims to share experiences and good practices, in the use and application of the CFS-RAI. In particular, the event seeks to:

  • foster the adoption, adaptation and scaling up of good practices and learning from experiences in implementing the CFS-RAI;
  • monitor progress (qualitatively and quantitatively) in implementing the CFS-RAI at national, regional and global levels;
  • draw lessons to improve the relevance and effectiveness of the CFS-RAI;
  • increase awareness and understanding of CFS and its products.

CFS has consistently encouraged stakeholders to voluntarily share their experiences and good practices in applying CFS policy products through reporting individual (direct) experiences by one group of stakeholders or through reporting the results of multi-stakeholder consultations or events  (organized to discuss experiences) by several groups of stakeholders [1]. To inform the global thematic event on the CFS-RAI, CFS invites you to share your experiences by completing one or several of the two following submission forms: 

  1. the form for reporting “individual” experiences in applying the CFS-RAI by one group of stakeholders (e.g. a member state, civil society, or the private sector); 
  2. the form (for organizers of events) to share the results of multi-stakeholder events organized at national, regional and global levels to discuss experiences and good practices in applying the CFS-RAI.

You are invited to complete any of the two forms most appropriate to your experience, and/or to submit multiple forms, respectively, in case you have had multiple experiences. In identifying and documenting good practices, please consider the values promoted by CFS, as applicable:  

  • Inclusiveness and participation:  all relevant actors were involved and participated in the decision-making process, including those affected by the decisions;
  • Evidence-based analysis: the effectiveness of the practice in contributing to the objectives of the CFS-RAI was analyzed on the basis of independent evidence;
  • Environmental, economic and social sustainability: the practice contributed to achieving its objectives, without compromising the ability of addressing future needs;
  • Gender equality: the practice promoted equal rights and participation of women and men and addressed gender inequalities;
  • Focus on the most vulnerable and marginalized people and groups: the practice benefitted the most vulnerable and marginalized people and groups;
  • Multi-sectoral approach: all main relevant sectors were consulted and involved in the implementation of the CFS-RAI;
  • Resilience of livelihoods: the practice contributed to building resilient livelihoods of households and communities to shocks and crises, including those related to climate change.

The input received will contribute to monitoring progress on the use and application of the CFS-RAI and will be compiled into a document made available for delegates at CFS 50 in October 2022. Following a panel discussion that will take place during CFS 50, a draft conclusion of the session will be submitted to CFS members for agreement.

The Committee on World Food Security

The vision of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) is to be the foremost inclusive international and intergovernmental platform for a broad range of committed stakeholders to work together in a coordinated manner in support of country-led processes towards ensuring food security and nutrition for all. CFS strives for a world free from hunger where countries implement the Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems to support the progressive realization of the right to adequate food.

[1] Terms of Reference to Share Experiences and Good Practices in Applying CFS Decisions and Recommendations through Organizing Events at National, Regional and Global Levels (CFS 2016/43/7).

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Adolfo Cazorla Catedrático del Área de Proyectos en la UPM. Experto en Gestión de Políticas Públicas. Desarrollo Rural -Liderazgo de la mujer- y Buen gobierno en las Universidades. Doctor Ingeniero Agrónomo y Doctor Honoris Causa por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Perú). Es el coordinador responsable de la Red de 20 Universidades de 10 países comprometidas con las difusión de los Principios CSA-IRA y responsable del desarrollo de las Cartas de Acuerdo FAO-FGUPM (2016-2022).

Ms. Maud Oustry

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Dear CFS Secretariat,

I'm pleased to submit on behalf of FAO RAI team our experience in the use and application of the CFS-RAI in Sierra Leone entitled "A road map for more responsible investment that empower women and promote gender equality in agriculture and food systems".

With this participatory capacity assessment, FAO supported key stakeholders from Sierra Leone - including representatives of governments, CSOs and private sector - in strengthening their knowledge on RAI and gender-responsive investments, analysing their national context and elaborating a roadmap with priority actions to enhance gender-responsive investments in Sierra Leone. 

Some priority actions of the roadmap are now being implemented by FAO and its partners, contributing further to the application in particular of CFS-RAI principle 3.

Best regards.

Dear CFS Secretariat,

We are pleased to submit for your kind consideration our experience entitled "Creating an enabling environment for responsible investment in agriculture and food systems – Blended Learning Programmes for Six Western African Countries". 

The RAI blended learning programmes were carried out for policy makers, parliamentarians, and technical government staff from Guinea, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal and Sierra Leone, with the generous support of the Federal Republic of Germany, the French Republic, and the Swiss Federal Office for Agriculture. 

The programmes had positive and encouraging impacts on the application of the CFS-RAI at country level, as presented in detail in the attached form.

With kind regards,

Yannick Fiedler, FAO Programme Officer

(for the FAO RAI Team)

Estimada Secretaría del Comité de Seguridad Alimentaria Mundial:

Desde el Frente Parlamentario contra el Hambre América Latina y El Caribe  -FPH ALC- nos complace presentar en el documento adjunto nuestras experiencias y resultados aplicando los principios CSA-IRA en el trabajo parlamentario.

Saludos cordiales,

Diputado Jairo Flores

Coordinador Regional ALC

Frente Parlamentario contra el Hambre 

Estimada Secretaría del Comité de Seguridad Alimentaria Mundial, quiero tramitirles un mensaje de la Senadora Silvia GIACOPPO que es la presidente del Parlamento Latinoamericano y Careibeño: 

"Desde el PARLATINO ALC nos complace presentar nuestras experiencias y resultados aplicando los principios CSA-IRA en el trabajo parlamentario.

Somos el mayor parlamento regional de ALC, hace casi 58 años que contribuimos a la armonización legislativa del continente asistiendo a nuestros 23 Congresos Nacionales miembros.

Nuestro plan de trabajo con FAO nos ha permitido informar de manera certera nuestros debates, contar con evidencias científicas y generar legislación modelo para nuestra membresía.

Esperamos que nuestra experiencia sea de utilidad para la generalización de los principios CSA-IRA.

Le dejo un cordial saludo en testimonio de nuestro afán por profundizar el trabajo conjunto."

Adolfo Cazorla Catedrático del Área de Proyectos en la UPM. Experto en Gestión de Políticas Públicas. Desarrollo Rural -Liderazgo de la mujer- y Buen gobierno en las Universidades. Doctor Ingeniero Agrónomo y Doctor Honoris Causa por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Perú). Es el coordinador responsable de la Red de 20 Universidades de 10 países comprometidas con las difusión de los Principios CSA-IRA y responsable del desarrollo de las Cartas de Acuerdo FAO-FGUPM (2016-2022).


Dear CFS Secretariat,

It is my great pleasure to send you our response on the open call for experiences in the use and application of the Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems (CFS-RAI) for improving food security and nutrition.

This is a project in which different strategic planning tools were developed to catalyze young agri-entrepreneurs’ investments and ensuring their sustainability. The tools were tested and applied in eleven African countries. The technical partnership between FAO, the Swiss Federal Office for Agriculture, the Swiss National Committee of FAO (CNS-FAO), and Bern University of Applied Sciences - School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences (HAFL) set in motion a creative dynamic linking technical, political and development perspectives.

We hope to be able to enrich with our submission the global thematic event (GTE) that will be organized during the October 2022 Plenary Session.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Best regards

Madeleine Kaufmann