Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)


Towards the Development of the Programme on Sustainable Food Systems (SFSP)

Dear all,

Pursuant to the enhanced Memorandum of Understanding signed on September 24th 2014 between the Director-General of FAO and the Executive Director of UNEP, FAO and UNEP are jointly developing a programme on sustainable food systems under the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns (10YFP), based on the experience and work under the FAO-UNEP Sustainable Food Systems Programme.

This follows a decision by the Agri-food Taskforce on Sustainable Consumption and Production of the FAO-UNEP Sustainable Food Systems Programme, the approval of the 10YFP Board of a preliminary proposal presented by FAO and UNEP, and the recommendation of the Committee on Agriculture of FAO at its 24th session.

As part of this process, a public consultation is being organized in order to:

  1. take stock of information on initiatives of relevance for the development of the Programme, particularly to avoid duplication and facilitate synergies and partnerships [please use this form]
  2. collect comments and input on a short draft concept note, for the further development of the Programme [please use this form]
  3. collect potential expressions of interest of entities to participate in the the Programme as Lead/Co-leads and/or as member of the Multi-stakeholder Advisory Committee (MAC) and/or work area coordinators and/or simple partners [please use this form].

The results of the consultation will be used to further develop the concept note. A Multi-stakeholder Advisory Committee (MAC) will be constituted, with Lead/Co-leads.

The Lead/Co-leads, together with the MAC will finalize the concept note and develop a full programme proposal, which will be submitted to the 10YFP Secretariat for formal validation of the 10YFP Board. More details on the process are available on the Web site of the 10YFP (

We thank you in advance for your interest, support and efforts, and for sharing your knowledge and experiences with us.

We look forward to your contributions.

Ms Maria Helena Semedo

FAO Deputy Director-General

Mr Ibrahim Thiaw

UNEP Deputy Executive Director


Please use the forms provided to send us your feedback and upload them below as attachment to your comment.

You need to be logged in to post. If you are not yet a member of the FSN Forum please register here.

Alternatively please send the filled in forms to [email protected]


This activity is now closed. Please contact [email protected] for any further information.

* Click on the name to read all comments posted by the member and contact him/her directly
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Mettre fin à la pauvreté sur toutes ces formes et partout et mettre fin à la faim, assurer la sécurité alimentaire, améliorer la nuitrition et promouvoir le développement agricole durable nous oblige à prendre de nouvelles dispositions pour répondre aux besions alimentaires pour les 9 Milliards de personnes d'ici 2050.

Pour y arriver, nous avons besoin d'une réforme mentale à tous les niveaux pour un changement de mentalité.

Selon le rapport de l'IPCC, les terres cultivables sont de 60% en Afrique et les 40% sont répartis en Asie, en Europe, en Australie et aux USA. Or l'agriculture africaine demeure toujours traditionnelle avec une population toujours galopante. Actuellement Il y a 805 millions de personnes de part le monde souffrant de la famine selon la déclaration du président de l'ECOSOC en 2015.

Un programme pour lutter contre la faim devient un défi à relever. Et pour répondre aux besoins alimentaires quantitatives et qualitatives des populations, il est recommendé de priviléger l'agriculture NAMAs, l'adaptation climatique, égergie, développer les industries de transformation, éviter le gaspillage alimentaire, promouvoir le transfert de la technologie, des connaissances et du savoir faire. Pour ce faire, le gouvernement, la société civile et le secteur privé doivent impérativement mener des actions inclusives, ne laissant personne de côté, pour le développement de l'économie verte, de la sécurité alimentaire et nuitritionnelles. Un accord programme est signé etre le gouvernement Togolais et l'ONG: ADET à cet effet.

Fruit Juice CSR Platform


Dear Sir/madam,

It is with great interest that we took note of the Sustainable Food Systems Programme.. We would hereby like to provide information on an initiative for sustainable food systems that we coordinate: The Fruit Juice CSR Platform. Please find attached the required form filled out for the initiative

We would also like to be informed on any further developments in the Programme. Let us know if you need any further information.

Kind regards,

Janine Dortmundt 

Advisor responsible sourcing

Bonjour tout le monde. Hello, everybody,

Dieu créa le ciel et la terre, les arbres, la biodiversité et l'homme. Il cré des relations entre les choses crées. Ainsi, la forêt intervient dans le cycle de l'eau qui à son tour arrose le sol pour l'agriculture pour alimenter l'homme, les animaux et autres.

L'homme , lui créa du feu, de grandes usines pour produire du gaz à éffet de serre qui détruit la couche d'ozone, ou coupe les arbres pour alimenter le feu qui lui permet de préparer les repas.

Les conséquences de ces comportement humains sont la déforestation et la destruction de la couche d'ozone qui engendrent le rechauffement chimatique nuisible pour la production agricole, pour la nuitrition dans le monde. Ainsi, pour une population de 7Milliards de personnes, 805 millions souffre des problèmes de nuitrition et de la faim sur la planet terre selon le président du conseil économique et sociale des Nations Unies.

Pour corriger ce problème il faut un partenariat multiforme: Nord-Sud, Sud-Sud, Partenariat publique-privé, implication active de la société civile, les chercheurs, les scientifiques, les communautés locales, les gouvernements locaux, taxer les usines à  production de carbonne. Tout faire pour réduire à 2°c la température. Adaptation climatique, energie pour tous, modernisation des moyens de cuisson en Afrique.

Le changement climatique est un frein pour le développement agricole durable: Exemple de Vunuatu, où presque tout a été détruit même les greniers. Il est mieux de se concentrer sur l'adaptation climatique, bien sur que celà ne  sera pas non plus sans conséquence, mais une fois le climat stabilisé, l'avenir que nous voulons sera rassurant avec la production et la consommation agricole satisfaisantes pour l'hummanité.

REF: consultation draft concept SFSP

Dear colleagues and moderators

pls find attached my suggestions for the important 10 year program on Sustainable Food Systems, to be lauched at Expo Milano 2015. I mainly suggest to open up the sector for larger segments and sub-systems of society, particularly law, media, education and science.

The concept of food system must also be cleared: it contains local up-to global systems. This difference has to be made explicit.

best, Gian Nicolay

(FiBL Switzerland)

Dr. Dr. Santosh Kumar Mishra

Population Education Resource Centre, Department of Lifelong Learning & Extension, S.N.D.T. Women’s University, Mumbai, India (Retired)

Dear Ms Maria Helena Semedo and Mr Ibrahim Thiaw,

Warm greetings from the S. N. D. T. Women's University (SNDTWU), Mumbai, India

I am submitting herewith my contribution for e-discussion on: Towards the Development of the Programme on Sustainable Food Systems (SFSP) in the form provided by you.

I hope you will find my inputs useful. I am confident that the FAO and the UNEP will be able to develop a more effective programme on sustainable food systems (SFSP) in the years to come. Kindly acknowledge receipt of this email as well as enclosed contribution.

With best regards,

Dr. Santosh Kumar Mishra (Ph. D.),

Technical Assistant,

Population Education Resource Centre (PERC),

Department of Continuing and Adult Education and Extension Work,

S. N. D. T. Women's University,


This is the Small Innovation of me for whole world.Please respect it and think over it.

I am suggesting that for achieving the SDG we have to frame a concrete livelihood plan for our sustainable consumption and production in food, goods or anything needed to everyone. So the policies must be compatible with people, planet and for profit. So Climate Budget (Green Tax) should be proposed in every Asian, African, European, Russian country and all over world in order to save our mother earth and nature from disaster, hazards or any type of future calamities. So, please introduce Climate Smart Education in every country in each curriculum. This is my research feelings and contribution to the world as a young Ph.D  esearch Scholar and activist.

Awake arise aware

Reserve-recycle-re use


Thanking you all

If you can dare
