Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)


Youth – feeding the future. Addressing the challenges faced by rural youth aged 15 to 17 in preparing for and accessing decent work

Rural youth are the future of food security and rural poverty reduction. They are also the present as there are more young people today than ever before – 1.8 billion between the ages of 10 and 24 – most of them living in less developed countries and in rural areas. However, youth in rural areas of developing countries face enormous challenges in preparing for and accessing decent work, including in agriculture. These challenges are even greater for youth under the age of 18.

This online consultation invites you to help identify the solutions that can address these challenges. Your contributions will inform the policy and programme recommendations issued by the international expert meeting “Youth – feeding the future: Addressing the challenges faced by rural youth aged 15 to 17 in preparing for and accessing decent work” that will be held by FAO later this year. Selected contributors to the online consultation could also be invited to participate in the expert meeting. (See concept note and participation request form).

Why are we concerned, and what opportunities do we see?

Many youth are working poor, and the youth underemployment situation will continue to worsen if left unaddressed, as millions of young people enter the labour market. At the same time, there is the problem of child labour, with 59% of all child labour taking place in agriculture. Many youth in rural areas see few income and employment opportunities ahead of them. Hence, many are leaving agriculture and their communities to migrate, in search of opportunities in urban areas or abroad.

Yet, with ageing farm populations worldwide, agriculture needs young people. To make agriculture and livelihoods sustainable and achieve food security, better and more environmentally friendly practices need to be introduced. Youth can be the drivers of agricultural and rural transformations that create more inclusive and sustainable food systems. Yet, youth need to see agriculture-related activities as viable and attractive livelihoods that are profitable and match their aspirations for a better future.

What are the challenges facing rural youth aged 15-17?

Rural young people in agriculture face challenges in accessing 1) knowledge, information and education; 2) land; 3) finance; 4) decent jobs, including green jobs; 5) markets; and 6) participation in policy dialogue and rural organizations. These challenges apply broadly to all rural youth in developing countries. Youth under 18 face additional, or different, challenges in accessing decent jobs or becoming successful entrepreneurs. For example, their status as minors can lead to discrimination in hiring and impede access to productive resources and services, such as finance, or their membership in representative organizations. Adequate vocational training is often not available in rural areas and support for the school-to-work transition is weak. Many in this age group work in agriculture and often are exposed and vulnerable to health and safety hazards. When youth aged 15-17 are engaged in hazardous work, this work becomes child labour according to international and national law.

  • Based on your experience, what are the specific challenges rural youth aged 15-17 face (different from those over 18) in making a (current or future) living in agriculture and related activities?*

How can these challenges be addressed?

Particular attention needs to be paid to youth under 18 who have reached the minimum age for employment as this stage in life is typically decisive in how youth will transition from school to work and for the likelihood of transiting out of poverty. Many others are already out of school and are trying to provide for themselves and their families. Yet, youth under 18 are often excluded in the design or implementation of policies and programmes supporting youth employment.

We invite you to share your experience on how policies and programmes can address the challenges faced by rural youth, in particular those under 18.

  • How can policies and programmes overcome the challenges faced by rural youth in a cost-effective manner? If they target older youth, how could we apply them to support those under 18? Please share relevant examples and lessons from your experience.
  • What are the most binding capacity constraints that you or your institution/organization encounter when designing, implementing and evaluating policies and programmes aiming to address the issues affecting rural youth under the age of 18? What are the data gaps regarding the challenges affecting rural youth employment and livelihoods that you periodically encounter?
  • How can education and vocational training in rural areas be improved to support rural adolescents and youth to productively engage in agriculture or related activities? What are the skills and support they need? What does the school-to-work transition for rural youth aged 15-17 look like and what works to effectively support rural youth during this transition?
  • What approaches are most effective in overcoming the additional challenges rural youth under the age of 18 face in accessing decent jobs, including (decent) green jobs (e.g. skills mismatch, health and safety conditions, discrimination, exclusion) or becoming entrepreneurs (e.g. barriers in access to finance, producers organizations and markets)?

We are particularly interested in policies and programmes that have demonstrated results and achieved scale, and in the role that specific stakeholders can play.

We look forward to a lively and stimulating discussion!

Jacqueline Demeranville

Decent Rural Employment Team


* In “agriculture and related activities” we are including farming, livestock, fisheries and aquaculture, forestry, and natural resource management and green jobs, financial and extension services, and transport, processing and marketing within the agrifood system.


This activity is now closed. Please contact [email protected] for any further information.

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Beatrice Okello


Dear Jacqueline,

Indeed youth (un)employment is one of the major policy challenges facing Uganda’s economic growth and development, and as you may be aware, Uganda’s Economy heavily relies on the Agricultural sector which employs 59 % of the working population of which 63 % are youth, mostly in rural areas where agriculture is the major economic activity. A number of state and non-state initiatives have been put in place to solve this challenge e.g. the Youth Venture Capital Fund (YVCF) and Youth Livelihood Program (YLP), among others. Despite the interventions, youth unemployment remains a very big challenge currently estimated at 11.1%, which is higher than the national average unemployment rate of 9.4%. In support to Government efforts, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Uganda is providing strategic support for the promotion of decent jobs for youth in the Agricultural sector.

FAO is currently providing technical support to the Government of Uganda in the development of a Strategy for Youth in Agriculture. The strategy is aimed at conveying more logic in different interventions of different actors on youth engagement in rural areas especially in the agricultural sector. The government considers the development of the Youth strategy in Agriculture essential in order to ensure the adequate inclusion of youth priorities in existing large-scale plans for the agricultural sector. For that FAO Uganda has recently employed a National Consultant to steer this process.

But aside from that, we have some interesting stories/articles on decent youth employment ………


The youth in Uganda will benefit from the current efforts by Government of Uganda and FAO to create descent rural employment in the agriculture sector. FAO's Integrated Country Approach for Decent Rural Youth Employment programme (ICA-DRE) launched in 2015, was designed to support activities relevant to knowledge generation and policy/strategy and capacity strengthening for relevant stakeholders to implement youth employment programmes in the agriculture sector. It will support and contribute to the policy agenda of decent work for young men and women in Uganda’s agriculture sector. The programme is implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF), the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MGLSD) and the National Planning Authority (NPA). To ensure effective coordination during programme implementation, a Technical Working Group (TWG) was formed to steer the project activities and thus ensure that relevant knowledge is generated on youth employment issues which will be used as a basis for policy and strategic planning and capacity development. The Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries plans to develop a strategy for youth in agriculture as indicated in its Agriculture Sector Strategic Plan (draft) (ASSP) 2015/16-2019/20.


Walter Odot’s first two attempts at fish farming in 2011 and 2013 failed miserably and consequently killed his enthusiasm to invest time and his meagre resources in any agricultural activity. Having returned from an Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camp where he lived for close to twelve years during the Lord's Resistance Army insurgency in Northern Uganda, Odot sought the easy way out – gambling and petty jobs in Lira town – his home district. While the fish farming venture failed due to lack of technical guidance and affordable and good quality feed and fingerlings, Odot and a group of his friends constructed a fish pond, which remained idle until 2015 when the African Solidarity Trust Fund (ASTF) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) funded a project in Uganda on “Promoting Sensitive Agricultural Diversification to Fight Malnutrition and Enhance Youth Employment in Eastern Africa,” and his group was selected for support in fish farming.

“Initially, I organized friends I grew up with in the IDP camp. We constructed a pond and put in 2,000 fish fingerlings but they all died because we didn’t know how to manage the pond. The feed was also expensive and the group members could not raise money to buy feed,” says Odot. With funding from the ASTF, FAO has since January 2015, been implementing fisheries and aquaculture interventions in 6 districts in Uganda. Odot and his friends who hail from Lira district in Northern Uganda, seized the opportunity and re-organized themselves into a formal group of 18 members. They were trained by FAO technical personnel on pond construction and management after which they received 3,000 catfish and 2,000 tilapia fingerlings.

“For the first time, we are optimistic about fish farming because in a very short time of the implementation of the project, we are already seeing results. Our youth who have been idle for years are now engaged. Some of the youth not directly involved in fish farming are earning from pond construction. The challenges in getting quality seed and feed, and proper pond construction and management skills have been addressed. For this, we are very grateful to FAO. We request for more support so that these activities can be scaled up across the district and beyond,” says the District Fisheries Officer for Lira District. The group expects to harvest 2500 kgs of fish that will earn them about US $6,000. They started harvesting their fish in March 2016, and agreed to share part of the profit from the sale of the fish and use the rest of the money to expand with two more ponds.

This support has not only benefited small farmer/youth groups, but also schools such as the Lira Integrated School where fish farming is a taught subject for all students, and the fish provides nutrition for the school goers. While the school has been carrying out fish farming for years, before this support the productivity had not been as high as after the FAO intervention. Three modern hatcheries in Lira and Soroti districts, aimed at producing quality, accessible and affordable fish seed for farmers were also supported and have now boosted fish seed production, which has been a challenge for a long time.

“We were gambling with fish farming. We lacked knowledge. Our hatchery was as good as non-existent, but what is coming out of our ponds now is inspiring. Our student’s morale to work on the farm has been boosted because they see returns.”

One of the biggest challenges discouraging farmers and especially the youth from venturing into fish farming was the lack of accessible and affordable fish feed. This is now being addressed by supplying feed mills to farmers and enterprises to enable them produce feed.


Fishing is a major economic activity and a major source of livelihood for communities around Lake Albert in Uganda. Butiaba landing site, along the shores of Lake Albert in Buliisa District in Western Uganda, is not any different. There are male and female youth who rely mainly on fish catches from the lake for their livelihoods. As the population at this landing site continues to increase, there is a growing pressure on this lake shared by Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The lake is over fished on both sides of the border with little control of illegal fishing. As a result, fish stocks have significantly reduced – so much that the fisher folk spend days and nights fishing on the lake and catch very small fish which they sell to factories that produce fish and chicken feed. This leaves many youth idle and unemployed.

With funding from the ASTF, FAO has engaged the youth in the communities around the lake in cage fish farming in zoned areas on Lake Albert. This was prompted by the fact that the targeted youth did not have land to practice aquaculture. They were organized in groups of twenty members each and trained on cage fish farming by FAO technical personnel, and given ten cages, fish fingerlings and feed to cater for the first phase. The cage fish farming interventions on Lake Albert are under a cost sharing basis with the groups in a four phase process i.e. 75:25, 50:50, 25: 75 by FAO and the groups. In the final phase the groups will be meeting 100 percent of the costs of the activity. This move is aimed at creating ownership for sustainability after the project ends – an arrangement that the members of the two groups agreed to and are in support of.

Oscar Uvon Mohamed, a member of BUFITA, says that he had abandoned fishing to ply the ‘boda boda’ (motorcycle taxi) trade because there was no more fish in the lake. Now he looks forward to the first harvest of the fish in the cages for his group. “We plan to sell our fish once matured, and we will use the money to acquire more cages. I am also saving my earnings so that in future I can buy my own cages and continue fish farming because the money I earn from ‘boda boda’ is not enough,” says Uvon.

The Fisheries Officer for Buliisa district concurs with the timeliness of this support in engaging the mostly young men and women who have been unemployed. Under the project, more groups will be supported under the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Plan that seeks to make Butiaba an aquaculture park that make fish feed because all the raw materials required are within, have a hatchery to produce fish seed, and be able to restock Lake Albert.

I hope these are useful information in the discourse for ‘Youth – feeding the future’.

Best regards,

OKELLO A. A. Beatrice (Ms)

Senior Programme Officer/Manager

Uganda Country Office

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Dear all,

Thank you for this timely opportunity to contribute. Young people do face many challenges in working in agriculture – particularly in the age range traditionally associated with transiting from formal education to regular work. Some of these relate specifically to young people’s position and attributes; however, many also reflect (or are) broader challenges and structural problems for rural communities throughout the global South.

While many rural young people aspire to urban livelihoods, we see the problem of young people in agriculture as also reflecting a broader crisis of farming and economic peripheries. We also see a number of common misconceptions about the agency of young people. As members of a working group of researchers at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) studying youth and employment (and further Richard Longhurst's and Jim Sumberg's blogs; below) we would like to point out some key issues:

What kind of agrarian change? Inevitably a discussion on “decent jobs” for rural young women and men requires asking what kind of rural development is envisaged, and how it fits with societal needs and expectations. We wonder for instance, is the figure of “young agri-businessman/woman” coherent with existing social norms and forms of organisation? Does it cater for immediate food security, household reproduction, and future opportunities for the many (not the few)? Given references to securing employment in agriculture as well as “engagement in profitable agri-business”, broader questions about export-oriented commodity agriculture fuelled by foreign demand and FDI must be asked, and the issues of enhancing local demand, promoting family farming and decreasing age-related inequalities should not be neglected.

Entrepreneurship and demand. Interventions for youth employment, particularly among the adolescent age group, very often focus on education, skills-building, and training for entrepreneurship. This tacitly assumes that what young people have to offer in labour markets must be enhanced, but neglects where demand for their skills and services is to come from – whether as employees or as entrepreneurs. For example, business training and access to finance can be ineffectual or even harmful in environments where few business opportunities are available. The same may apply to skills training and education for farming, where young people have no access to land, which is often the case due to gerontocratic ownership, socioeconomic inequalities, or encroachment by agribusinesses.

Non-linear and muddled transitions. Scholars find that young people often pass back and forth between various “life stages” based on different circumstances. Policies that consider young people, particularly those who are out of school, as transitioning on a discrete “continuum” (assuming they have forever completed the step from school to work) will often miss their mark. Programming needs to focus on providing young people with work that corresponds to their specific needs and desires at the time. Particularly, since most rural youth under 17 are nowadays in school, programming must work better to combine school and employment.

Situated agency. Despite the established evidence on “social embeddedness” of young people, this is often still insufficiently reflected in policy approaches. Young people’s agency to find, finance and secure rural livelihoods is not individualistic, but strongly influenced by their embeddedness in family and kinship networks, and even friends. This is especially true for the 15-to-17-year cohort. Family members and peers may facilitate opportunities, placements and apprenticeships, and affect destinations for labour migration, or restrict young people’s choices and possibilities. Engagement in work importantly also creates opportunities to engage in new social networks, which may be attractive to young people. This calls for an understanding based on “situated agency” in addressing young people’s social relationships in a way is conducive and enabling.

Youth-problem or structural problem? It is crucial finally to flesh out what issues are truly youth-specific and what issues cover broader demographics. With lack of access to things like land, finance, and markets, it does not immediately follow that youth-specific programming (such as land banks for young men and women, or youth-directed credit) are most helpful. Shifts in customary arrangements which mean that young people are no longer assigned land by their elders to work on also cannot be addressed by targeting youth. Currently at IDS, in a project funded by CGIAR, we are exploring different factors that constrain agricultural livelihoods, to find which ones truly require a ‘youth-specific lens’ and which should be captured in broader structural policy processes.

In short, we welcome how many projects around the world are engaging with youth and agriculture. But with the portfolio of work at IDS on Rural Futures and future agriculture, and also food systems, young people’s employment, and finance, we are also keen to contribute broader, challenging questions about inequality, power distributions and the functioning of markets to discussions around the futures of young people in agriculture.

Justin Flynn

Philip Mader

Marjoke Oosterom

Santiago Ripoll

English translation below

Au Sénégal, la question de l’emploi demeure actuellement la première priorité des politiques publiques. Avec Douze Millions Huit Cent Soixante Treize Mille Six Cent Un (12 873 601) d’habitants en 2013, le Sénégal connaît encore une forte dynamique de croissance démographique (2,7%). La population, à dominante jeune est confrontée au chômage, au sous emplois et à la précarité.

Le secteur agricole occupe plus de la moitié de la population et une partie importante de la main d’œuvre est constituée de jeunes âgés de moins de 18 ans exerçant des activités laborieuses parfois dangereuses pour leur santé et pour leur éducation.  

Si toutes les politiques et stratégies mises en œuvre depuis plusieurs décennies pour résoudre la question de l’emploi des jeunes, s’accordent sur le fait que l’agriculture est le moteur du développement, il faut tout de même admettre que cette fonction assignée à l’agriculture ne peut se concevoir, sans une contribution significative de l’agriculture familiale qui représente 90% des exploitations agricoles, couvre près de la moitié des besoins alimentaires du pays.

En majorité répertorié dans les zones rurales, l’agriculture familiale se caractérise par : la petitesse de la taille des exploitations, dépendance à la pluviométrie avec une forte variabilité et faiblesse de la productivité.

Toutefois , la grande majorité des exploitations agricoles familiales associent culture de rente comme l’arachide, le coton, la tomate et l’oignon à la culture vivrière (mil, riz, maïs, sorgho, etc.). 

C’est un ensemble de facteurs limitant qu’il convient de lever pour faire de l’agriculture une opportunité de création d’emplois durables et respectueux de l’environnement. Pour cela il convient de prôner un modèle qui intègre le schéma de production existant  et orientée vers une modernisation des infrastrucures, de la gestion du crédit/financement, le choix des spéculations , les itinéraires techniques…c’est dans cette perspective que l’ANIDA a initié la programme des « Fermes Familiales Naatangué » »

Les « Fermes Familiales Naatangué » relèvent d’un croisement entre ces « Tôkkoor » une tradition agricole sénégalaise et l’expérience brésilienne des fermes PAIS (Production Agroécologique Intégrée et Soutenable).

Intégrant le maraichage, l’arboriculture, l’aviculture, la pisciculture,  l’introduction de la maîtrise de l’eau par la petite hydraulique et de nouvelles technologies permettraient de s’affranchir de la vulnérabilité, d’améliorer la productivité, d’intégrer les productions végétales et animales, mais aussi d’associer les productions pluviales et de contre saison. Le paquet technique offert par ANIDA intègre le mécanisme de financement et un programme de sensibilisation et de renforcement de capacité.

Ces fermes génèrent des effets directs en milieu rural : accroissement de la production et des revenus, amélioration de la nutrition……

Pour les jeunes : possibilité d’exercer des activités compatibles avec leur développement physique, leur bonne éducation, réduction du temps de travail et allègement des travaux et leur préparation à un travail décent du fait que ces jeunes  auront la formation scolaires qu’ils devraient avoir ainsi qu’une formation agricole suffisante pour un emploi futur. Lequel devrait assurer un revenu considérable, une sécurité suffisante et une viabilité certaine

Merci je reste à vous pour continuer sur ce sujet ou pour contribuer sur d’autres thèmes.

Mame Bineta Fall

Chargée d'études socioéconomiques

In Senegal, the question of employment remains at present the first priority of public policies. With twelve million eight hundred and seventy three thousand six hundred and one (12 873 601) inhabitants in 2013, Senegal is still growing demographically (2.7%). The population, mainly composed of the youth, is facing unemployment, or under employment and poverty.

The agricultural sector gives employment to more than half of the population and an important part of the work force is made up of young people of less than 18 years old, carrying out hard laboring activities sometimes dangerous for their health and education.  

Even if all the policies and strategies implemented for decades to solve the question of employment for the youth agree that agriculture is the engine of development, it is necessary even so to admit that this function assigned to agriculture cannot be brought about without a significant contribution from family farming which represents 90% of the farming activity, and assures almost half of the food needs in the country.

Principally based in rural areas, family farming is characterized by: the small size of the farmed land, its dependence on rainfall with great variability and inadequacy of productivity.

Nevertheless, the majority of family farms combine production of cash crops such as peanuts, cotton, tomatoes and onions with subsistence crops (millet, rice, maize, sorghum, etc.). 

It is a set of limiting factors that need to be eliminated to make agriculture an opportunity for creating lasting employment and respect for the environment.  For that it will be useful to advocate a model which integrates the existing production scheme, guided towards a modernization of infrastructures, credit management, choice of risk ventures, technical itineraries ... it is with this perspective that ANIDA has started the program « Fermes Familiales Naatangué » [Family Farms Naatangué]

The Family Farms Naatangué derives from a cross between "Tokkor" a Senegalese agricultural tradition and the Brazilian experience of PAIS farms (for its acronym in Portuguese) [Agroecological Production Integrated and Sustainable].

Integrating market gardening, arboriculture, aviculture, pisciculture, introduction of water control with a small pump and new technologies that allow for freedom from vulnerability, improving productivity, integrating vegetable and animal production but also integrating rain fed and off-season production. The technical packet offered by ANIDA integrates the financial mechanism and a program of awareness and reinforcement of capabilities.

These farms generate direct effects in rural areas: growth in production and income, improvement of nutrition...

For the young: the possibility to carry out activities compatible with their physical development, their good education, reduction of working time and easing of work and their preparation for proper work, so that these youth will have the school education that they should have as well as enough agricultural training for future employment. This should ensure a considerable income, a sufficient security and a sure sustainability

Thank you.  I remain with you to continue this topic or to contribute on other themes.

Mame Bineta Fall

In charge of socio-economic studies.

Juvencio Ayosso

Université d'Abomey-Calavi

Contribution posted on the FSN Forum in West Africa

English translation below

L'accès aux ressources (foncier, capital financier, eau), la faible mécanisation des activités agricole, l'insuffisance des appuis technique, etc., sont entre autres difficultés auxquelles sont confrontés les jeunes de la tranche d'âge de 15 à 17 ans (surtout dans les milieux ruraux). Ce qui brise très tôt leurs rêves et les convainquent de ce que le meilleurs se trouve ailleurs dans les villes. Ce faisant la main d'œuvre devient de plus en plus rare au même rythme que le vieillissement des agriculteurs et chefs d'exploitation eux-mêmes. En effet, les jeunes constituent la main d'œuvre la plus active au service des exploitations agricole familiales dans le monde rural. Au Bénin malheureusement, aucune politique spécifique n'a été élaborée pour les jeunes de cette tranche d'âge de nourrir d'ambition pour l'avenir. La solution envisageable réside d'une part dans l'amélioration des conditions de vie, de travail en milieu rural. Au Bénin par exemple, il y a des localités dans lesquelles les TIC et outils associés sont toujours un luxe. La précarité est à un niveau inquiétant: l'exemple de la commune de Djougou où les jeunes sont obligés sous le regard parfois impuissant de leur parent, d'abandonner les villages en période de juin à octobre pour les villes notamment coton ou, Parakou ou encore le Togo pour travailler afin d'assurer leur scolarité de l'année suivante et autres fourniture scolaires. Pourtant cette période coïncide notamment avec certaines activités agricoles de grande importance. Cependant la formation professionnelle est un pôle essentiel pour as soir les base d'un développement harmonieux surtout pour renforcer la capacité des jeunes à entreprendre dans le secteur agricole. Ainsi il urge de rendre plus opérationnel les jeunes de cet âge à travers des programmes spéciaux de formation professionnelle de concert avec le gouvernement, les partenaires, les organisations paysannes et les exploitants qui sont eux aussi parents d'enfants.

Getting access to resources (land, financial capital and water), limited mechanization of agricultural activities, insufficient technical support, etc. are, among others, the difficulties faced by the youth between 15 and 17 years old (particularly in the rural areas). This very soon destroys their dreams and convinces them that what is best is somewhere else in the towns. As a consequence of this, the work force becomes more and more scarce while at the same time farmers and production managers themselves are ageing. In fact, the youth are the most active work force engaged in family farming in the rural world. Unfortunately in Benin no specific policy has been designed for the youth in this age group to encourage ambition for the future. The possible solution rests partly on the improvement of living and working conditions in the rural areas. In Benin, for example, there are some places where information technology and its associated tools are always a luxury. The precariousness of life is at a worrying level: take the example of the community of Djougou where the young are forced, in the period from June to October under the sometimes helpless eyes of their parents, to abandon the villages for the towns, in particular for Cotonou, Parakou or even for Togo in order to work to secure their schooling and other school requirements for the following year. However, this period coincides particularly with certain agricultural activities of great importance. Nevertheless, professional training is pivotal in securing the foundations of balanced development, above all to strengthen the youth’s abilities to set about working in the agricultural sector. Thus, it is strongly urged that the youth of this age should be made more ready for work through special professional training programs jointly with the government, partners, rural organizations and farmers who are also parents of children.

K. Sémanou DAHAN


Contribution posted on the FSN Forum in West Africa

English translation below

Je pense de même que, la sécurité foncière, instauration des espaces de culture, jardinage dans l’école primaire (à la base), instauration des politiques dans les zones rurales pour réserver des domaines bien sécurisé à cause des problèmes de sécurité foncière en Afrique de l'ouest. Ainsi la production sera fait par les plus jeunes déscolarisée ou non scolarisées avec l'accompagnement des âgés ou de leurs pairs dans le sens de le suivi et évaluation et aussi la capitalisation des acquis. Il y a aussi le problème de gestion des produits issus de leurs cultures car en Afrique de l'Ouest et précisément dans nos zones rurales, les jeunes qui la plus part vulnérables font face aux problèmes de conservation. Et tout ça à cause des affres du changement climatique. Sur ce, il urge que les politiques pussent aussi accompagner les structures et organisations des jeunes sans oublier les services décentralisés locales cela les permettra de développer les outils à travers les plans de contingence afin d'aider vraiment les efforts individuels que auraient fournis les jeunes.

I also think that land tenure, introduction of crop areas, gardening in primary schools. the establishment of policies in rural areas to save land from tenure problems in West Africa. With these interventions, uneducated youth will be more involved in production and mentored by the elderly or their peers to monitor and evaluate and to capitalize the knowledge. There is also the problem of management of products, because of conservation and storage problems that vulnerable youth face. This is also due to to the ravages of climate change. With that, it is urgent that policies can also support youth structures and organisations without forgetting local decentralised services that enable them to develop tools trough contingency plans in order to really help individual efforts provided by youth.

Mikhail Antonenko

Institute of System Research in Agroindustrial Complex of NAS



Following the collapse of the USSR, which is a geopolitical catastrophe of the late 20th century, in the political map of the world appeared 15 new states, including the Republic of Belarus. Each new state began to carry out its own agrarian policy. The main resource in agriculture - land, in Belarus it became constitutionally owned in 1996 by the state. Agricultural organizations received free permanent farmland. In Belarus, it continues to be the largest commodity.

Agriculture in Belarus is composed of more than one thousand large-scale agricultural enterprises, in which there are more than 250 thousand high-performance workplaces  The collective and state farms have been transformed into joint stock companies and unitary enterprises, but are still controlled by the state authorities. Therefore, agricultural organizations are not independent entities, they are state-run agricultural production organization – colonies.

The wage conditions of young people working in these colonies does not meet their human capacities. Therefore, a critical problem arises in agriculture – the increase in labour turnover, which reaches 25-28%. It is particularly high among young people. Attempts to solve administrative measures have not been successful.

The main objective of the labour collectives of the agricultural organizations, including youth and their owner, is to resolve the existing problems of staff turnover. They are solving this problem, and the necessary legal framework has been created. The relations of production "employer - employees" are replaced by the relations between the two entities – "customer" and "contractor". The current legislation currently allows this.

The legal basis for the creation of the enterprise (the contractor), and the change of agricultural organizations into an enterprise (the customer), is effective from January 1 of 2016 – under a new "National Classifier of Economic Activities" (Registered in the National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus 16 February 2012 N 8/24941). It provides a new kind of civil contract – an outsourcing contract, between "customer" and "contractor".

According to the new contracting system, a business entity (the customer) enters into a contract with another business entity (the contractor) to produce goods and services, and provide manpower or support functions, according to a free and under a contract.

Between the customer and the contractor (who provides the workforce), it is a contract outsourcing. According to the agreement, the contractor can provide the whole process of production of goods and provision of support functions (accounting, transportation, storage, sales promotion, harvesting, repair and maintenance).

Moreover, under a contract of outsourcing, the power is transferred from the customer; the contractor must take the role of management, according to the Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus (Art. 103 and Art. 113).

Labour relations in the company of the contractor are based on membership, as it is created in the form of a production cooperative. Under this new labor law, the labor force will not become simply a commodity. Wage labor will be replaced by social labor in this contractor company. New employees will be selected by human resources. The turnover problem will be solved among the youth.

Such mechanism are being developed, and interested parties are invited to discuss.

Проблема текучести кадров молодежи в сельском хозяйстве и ее решение

После разрушения СССР, которое является геополитической катастрофой конца 20-го столетия,  на политической карте мира возникло 15 новых государств, в том числе и Республика Беларусь.  Каждое новое государство стало проводить свою аграрную политику. Основной ресурс в сельском хозяйстве – земля, в Беларуси была конституционно закреплена в 1996 г. в собственность государства. Сельскохозяйственные организации получили сельскохозяйственные угодья в бесплатное постоянное пользование. В Беларуси сохранено крупное товарное производство.  

Сельское хозяйство Беларуси представлено более одной тысячей крупных сельскохозяйственных предприятий, в которых имеется более 250 тысяч высокопроизводительных рабочих мест. Колхозы и совхозы преобразованы в акционерные общества и унитарные предприятия, но которые по-прежнему управляются органами государства. В силу этой особенности сельскохозяйственные организации представляют собой не самостоятельные субъекты хозяйствования, а управляемые государством  сельскохозяйственные производственные «колонии». 

 Условия оплаты труда молодежи в этих производственных «колониях» не соответствует уровню их кадрового потенциала. В силу этого в сельском хозяйстве имеется острая проблема – рост текучести кадров, которая достигает 25-28 %. Особенна она высока среди молодежи. Попытки ее решить административными методами не привели к успеху.

Главной задачей трудовых коллективов сельскохозяйственных организаций, в том числе молодежи,  и их собственников является разрешение имеющейся проблемы текучести кадров. Они в состоянии ее решить, так как для этого создано необходимое правовое поле. Существующие производственные отношения «работодатель – наемные работники» экономически целесообразно заменить отношениями двух субъектов хозяйствования – «заказчика» и «подрядчика». Действующее законодательство сегодня позволяет это сделать.

Правовой основой создания предприятия-подрядчика, а также превращения сельскохозяйственной организации в предприятие-заказчик, является вступивший в силу с 1 января 2016 г. новый «Общегосударственный классификатор видов экономической деятельности» (Зарегистрирован в Национальном реестре правовых актов Республики Беларусь 16 февраля 2012 г. N 8/24941). В нем предусмотрены новый вид гражданско-правового договора – договор внешнего подряда, а также лица, которые его заключают – «заказчик» и «подрядчик (исполнитель)».

Согласно классификатору заказчик – субъект хозяйствования, заключающий договор с другим субъектом хозяйствования (подрядчиком) с целью выполнения последним определенной части (или всего) процесса производства товаров (оказания услуг), предоставления услуг по найму рабочей силы или обеспечения вспомогательных функций.

Подрядчик (исполнитель) – субъект хозяйствования, выполняющий по заданию другой стороны (заказчика) определенную часть (или весь процесс) производства товаров (оказания услуг), предоставление услуг по найму рабочей силы или обеспечение вспомогательных функций. Деятельность подрядчика определяется как деятельность за вознаграждение или на договорной основе.

Правилами классификации отдельных видов деятельности установлено, что заказчик, передающий во внешний подряд весь процесс производства товаров, классифицируется так, как если бы он сам осуществлял весь процесс полностью только в том случае, если ему принадлежат исходные материалы производственного процесса (и, таким образом, конечная продукция ему также принадлежит). В сельскохозяйственном производстве такими материалами являются семена, саженцы, скот, пчелы и др. Они принадлежат заказчику, который в силу этого классифицируется по данным видам экономической деятельности.

Между заказчиком и подрядчиком, который создан трудовым коллективом, заключается договор внешнего подряда. По договору передается весь процесс производства товаров и обеспечение вспомогательных функций (бухгалтерский учет, перевозка, хранение, стимулирование сбыта, уборка урожая, ремонт и техническое обслуживание).

Одновременно по договору внешнего подряда передаются полномочия исполнительного органа заказчика (акционерного общества или руководителя унитарного предприятия). В этой связи подрядчик выполняет полномочия управляющей организации, предусмотренные Гражданским кодексом Республики Беларусь (ст. 103 и ст. 113).

Трудовые отношения на предприятии подрядчика (исполнителя) основываются на членстве, так как оно создается в форме производственного кооператива (артели). Это будет предусмотрено уставом артели. В силу этой нормы трудового права рабочая сила не будет превращаться в товар. Наемный труд будет заменен социальным трудом работников подрядной организации. Подбором новых работников будет заниматься кадровая служба артели. Проблема текучести кадров среди молодежи будет успешно  решена. Такой механизм разработан, а заинтересованные лица приглашаются к обсуждению. 

Saydagzam Khabibullaev

Land of Plenty Agro Distribution



An amazing statement – youth. In fact, they are the present and they deserve to be considered separately. They should not be treated as someone simply young and not experienced. Their greatness must be highlighted, and their individuality must be recognised given their importance for other people, countries, and humanity.  With this attitude is how every conversation about youth should start!

 I agree that they are the future breadwinners, but this needs to be taught not at the age of 15 years, but much earlier. According to the logic of a certain wise person, the work of children was turned into slave labour. No, not a hard-working teenager – this is the mistake of people, communities and humanity. Because he is not interested in what people earn! However, there is no slave labour, if the child is habituated to the fact that s/he should work to achieve his/her goals. And we must teach this to children the sooner the better! A child playing in the sand pleases the eyes of many, but in fact, the child who sees what comes out after planting a tree is even more pleased! Children should plant from an early age to feel what the tree produced as his/her own production. Many may not like this idea, but the future of the land and agricultural units, depends on the such personal attachment/ownership of youth. This is what is required! Children will never have a rich personality if they do not know/learn the value of their work and effort.

In fact, at the age of 15-17 years, let them define their goals for the future. But not many do so! Very few people view this youth as partners. It is what makes them fail in society.

What causes our concern and what opportunities do we see?

Believing that – they are young and they still need to grow up – leads to the worst results. Why? You simply need to look at the people that live in the urban areas, who may be richer to those in rural areas. However, they do not know under what conditions they work or for what they get paid, instead they do know that money will get them a house and a car. Here is where value is lost. Values, there is no other way! Young people do not recognize the value of life, health, private equity, property, etc., but they can openly enjoy it! It is important that this material of youth have meaning, for instance, having their own property. 

For example, a man owns a hive of honey bees and the woman owns a cow, which was born in front of her own eyes, and she knows her calf. Therefore, this couple, who own these resources (property), are getting richer in comparison to people who do not own property or other resources.

What are the challenges facing rural youth aged 15 to 17 years ?

Rural youth has more privileges than urban youth, who allegedly live in luxury and abundance. Off course not all urban youth of the world are privileged, but they do have easy access to knowledge and information. Urban youth consider themselves more civilized – it is their mistake and inferiority! In rural areas there are obstacles, but there are more opportunities to create your own business than in the city. MORE!

  • Based on your experience, what are the specific challenges rural youth aged 15-17 face (different from those over 18) in making a (current or future) living in agriculture and related activities?*

Personally, I can prove it, because even if I am living in the city, I have my business in the agro-industrial areas outside the bustle of the city! And at the same time I try to create it with the help of children from the village.

How can we solve these problems ?

I see only one problem here – human opinion. It is impossible to divide people into successful and loser! It is impossible, because every man has the opportunity to achieve its goal. In fact, purpose and responsibility are very important, youth must be given an incentive to reach their potential, regardless of their level of achievement.

  • How can policies and programmes overcome the challenges faced by rural youth in a cost-effective manner? If they target older youth, how could we apply them to support those under 18? Please share relevant examples and lessons from your experience.

Do not politicize their movement, it is important to teach youth to look after their own property, or award them in return for their labor in their property. This will create a class of owners, and youth who return this property can get a certain benefit for achieving their goals, which are defined not by them, but in conversation with older mentors, teachers, and business partners. It is the recognition of their ability to be successful people in the future should take place through conversations with business partners. Not the most successful, but still the more senior level, for example with the farmers who have more than 20 people working under them, etc.

 On the other points, I did comment, however this is a very important topic that must be studied further from different angles and from an intellectual standpoint, to assess the problems and solutions.

Being an optimist I always want to be helpful! Thank you for the opportunity to express our own opinions on such important factor – attracting young people to the development of business in rural areas.

Sincerely, President of the Group Habibullaev SS

Удивительное утверждение - молодёжь. На самом деле это нашти современники и они достойны быть признанным индивидуальностью. К ним нельзя относится как нек-то молодой и не опытный. Подчёркивание их удивительности, не повторимости и уникальности и особо подчеркнуть их индивидуальности создаёт в них некое признание и подчёркивает их важность в судьбе других людей, страны, человечества. Именно с этого мыления необходимо начинать всякий разговор с молодёжью!

Молодежь – будущие кормильцы Решение проблем, с которыми сталкивается сельская молодежь в возрасте от 15 до 17 лет при подготовке и получении достойной работы

Я согласен с тем, что они будущие кормильцы, но их к этому необходимо учить не с 15ти летнего возраста, а намного раньше. По логике некого умного человека труд детей превратили в рабский труд. Нет же, не трудолюбивый подросток - это враг народа, общественности и человечества. Потому что ему неинтересно кто чем зарабатывает! Нет никакого рабского труда, если ребёнка приучить к тому, что он должен трудиться ради создания своего же капитала ради достижения своей цели. И это надо делать чем раньше, тем лучше! Ребёнок игращийся в песке радует многих глаз, а на самом деле, ребёнок получивший в результате своего труда плод с дерева или томат на кустарнике радует ещё больше! Когда сажают саженцы разделите их по детям, которые в течении всей своей жизни будет смотреть на это дерево как своё собственное производство. Эта идея может не нравится многим, но будущее села, аграрной единицы, аграрного управления ресурсами именно за этим присвоением личностной маркировки среди молодёжи. Именно в этом! Иначе не имение собственности в селе может стать началом безимущественности и привязания будучи удачливого человека к своему родному месту. Личность обогащённая имуществом с детских лет никогда не станет тем, кто не знает ценность своему усилию и труду. 

Именно в возрасте 15-17 лет давайте им определение своих целей в будущем. Но, этого мало кто делает! Мало кто в этой молодёжи видеть партнёров. Именно этот фактор приводить к их кучкованию в разные собственные общества, которые в итоге приводят к совршения глупостей в составе неких организаций.

Чем обусловлена наша обеспокоенность и какие возможности мы видим?

Приведение в исполнение решения: они молоды и им ещё надо расти! - приводить к наихудшему результату. Почему? Просто посмотрите чем люди в провинции живут, кто из них богатеет от того, что кто-то вне страны присылает им деньги, при том же молодёжь не видеть в каких условиях они трудятся, за что им платят деньги, но знает, что деньги позволяют их старшему поколению строит дома, жить в достатке или даже купить транспортное средство, которая является роскошью, хотя она должна была служить элементом интерьера жизни. Вот где пропадает важность определения ценности. Именно ценности, но никак иначе! Молодёжь не признающий ценность жизни, здоровья, частного капитала, имущества и всего-всего другого в будущем может спокойно покущаться на неё! Важность подачи этого материала молодёжи должно иметь влиятельные факторы, такие как собственное имущество.

Пример: У парня собственное улье медоносных пчёл. А у девушки корова, которая родилась при её глазах и она знает её с телячего возраста. Так, эти люди в совместном прибывании в обществе становятся богаче чем кто бы не был рядом с ними, и по сравнению с такими же людьми, у которых нет собственного имущества. Эти личности с детства знают как ухаживать за собственными питомцами. 

С какими проблемами сталкивается сельская молодежь в возрасте от 15 до 17 лет?

Сельская молодёжь имеет больше привелегий, чем городская молодёжь, которая якобы живёт в роскоши и обилии. Нет, у городской молодёжи не все благодати мира есть, кроме как быстрого доступа к знаниям. Но, они себя считают более цивилизованными - это их ущербность! На самом деле цивилизация там, где тебе даётся ресурс для существования. Для создания в сельской местности собственного бизнеса есть преграды, да, возможно, но, там больше возможности, чем в городе. БОЛЬШЕ! 

  • Исходя из вашего опыта, каковы конкретные проблемы, с которыми сталкивается сельская молодежь в возрасте от 15 до 17 лет (отличные от существующих для тех, кто старше 18 лет) в процессе зарабатывания (текущем или будущем) в области сельского хозяйства и связанной с ним деятельности?*

Я лично могу доказать это, потому что живя в городе всегда стараюсь создавать своё бизнес на агропромышленных территориях, вне городской суеты! И при этом стараюсь её создавать с помощью уникальных ребят в селе. 

Именно признание их собственных преимуществ дают возможность создания бизнеса, которая в даьнейшем будет их вовлекать в общество, как полноценных, самодостаточных, самореализованных личностей. Всё другое - это убогие старания быть полезным ни себе и не другим.

    Как можно решить эти проблемы?

    Я вижу здесь лишь одну проблему - собственного определения мнения о человеке. Нельзя делить людей на удачливых и лузеров! Нельзя, ибо за каждым человеком стоит неимоверная роскошь достичь своей цели. Именно цели и дожны быть определены при общении, и давать им стимул достигать своё вне зависимости от их степени достижения.

    • Каким наиболее экономически эффективным образом политики и программы могут способствовать преодолению проблем, стоящих перед сельской молодежью? Если они ориентированы на молодежь более старшего возраста, то как их можно применить для оказания поддержки молодежи до 18 лет? Мы просим вас поделиться с нами соответствующими примерами и уроками, извлеченными из вашего опыта.

    Умение не полтизировать их движение, умение не предавать их действиям краску лидерства важно обучать их ухаживать за собственным имуществом, или же присудить им взамен их труда именно подобные имущетва. Этот путь приведёт к зарождению молодёжи и класса собственников, кто взамен этого имущества может получить некое преимущество при достижении своих целей, которые определяются не самими ими, а в беседе с более старшими наставниками, учителями, бизнес партнёрами. Именно признание их умения быть успешными людьми в будущем должно проходить через беседы с бизнес партнёрами. Не самыми удачными, но всё же имущественниками более старшего уровня, к примеру с фермерами, у кого под рукой работают более 20ти человек и т.п.

    На другие пункты я не стал останавливаться, ибо изложение своего мнения и путей решения проблем касающихся проблем с молодёжью не только по возрастным, но и по актуализированному привлечению в процесс становления села в объект агропромышленной единицы всегда требует многостороннего и конечно же взвещанного подхода к путям решения, через интеллектуально правильно направленных факторов оценивающих их благополучие или крах.

    Будучи оптимистом всегда хочу быть полезным при любых начинаниях, пусть хоть кого бы исходиа инициатива! Благодарю за возможность высказаться собственных мнений по поводу этого наиважнейшего фактора - привлечения молодёжи в процесс становления бизнес среды в сельской местности.

    С уважением, президент группы компаний Хабибуллаев С.С.

    Ovezdurdy Dzhumadurdyev

    Adaptation Fund Project



    In contemporary situations, when the rural society is undergoing a difficult period of social change – democratization and the inclusion of market relations in the system – problems emerge in the training and preparation of rural youth to actively participate in the communities, when forming their social and cultural competence and preparation to independence.

    In many developing countries, given the economic situation, government agencies have provided limited support to ensure a decent standard of living. Men are responsible for their own life, and only the active people are able to adapt successfully to the social space and are able to take responsibility for their present and future, for the happiness of their own family. Overcoming the social passivity of rural youth is key to achieving development of rural areas in these modern times.

    Today's rural youth – future land users. By shaping their social action, they can ensure their participation in sustainable land management and environmental protection. Their action will contribute not only to the preservation of the environment, but also to the improvement of its social features. This will create the conditions for life that are more in line with human nature, the conditions which allow them to be free and creative. This will ensure the sustainable development of rural areas.

    The priority is education for rural youth aged 15-17 years, which allows them to speak, to shape their own life, to strive for meaningful participation in various spheres of social practices. Therefore, it is crucial to intensify the work of the school and other social institutions in the organization of social activities for students, in order to develop the social identity of the person, prepare them for social activities, and to familiarize the younger generations to innovation in the current transformations.

    Currently, in rural areas, it is very difficult to influence the formation of social action of youth aged 15-17 years old. Moreover, there are yet no social institutions and agencies with this knowledge and skills. In the current stage of development of the rural areas, in my opinion, it is necessary to develop the formation of social activity of youth through ecological/environmental education. Unfortunately, there is no system of environmental education. Therefore, the greening of the educational services, through international projects, is highly relevant.

    To enter into the practice of educational cooperation services, mutual aid, mutual testing, and highly organized work, in the study of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology, it is necessary to conduct group training activities. Such work can be carried out through the implementation of the environmental components in mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology. Ecological/environmental knowledge affects the vital interests of young people, and reflect the real processes and phenomena of the world. The problem can be partly solved by intensifying public educational institutions together with private organizations providing green services.  

    Green and environmental education can be provided by private companies, fostering youth’s ability to evaluate the state of natural resources and phenomena, and also the positive and negative effects of human action in the natural as well as the social environment. Collective work and efforts to address the environmental challenges, provide an opportunity to discuss the matters of the environment, its concerns, environmental management, restoration and the enhancement of its natural resources.

    В современных условиях, когда сельское общество переживает сложный период социальных перемен, демократизации, включения в систему рыночных отношений, на первый план выдвигаются проблемы подготовки сельской молодежи к сознательному участию в жизни села, формирования его социальной и культурной компетентности, готовности к самостоятельному жизненному выбору.

         Во многих развивающихся странах сложившаяся экономическая ситуация,   система социальной поддержки населения привели к ограниченному участию государственных органов в обеспечении достойного уровня жизни населения. Становится очевидным, что ответственность за судьбу человека находится в его собственных руках и только активная личность, способная успешно адаптироваться к социальному пространству, в состоянии нести ответственность за свое настоящее и будущее, за счасье своей семьи. Преодоление социальной пассивности сельской молодежи выступает как первостепенное направление развития  сельского общества в современных условиях.

              Сегодняшняя сельская молодежь – будущие землепользователи. Формируя у них социальную активность, можно обеспечить их участие в устойчивом управлении земельными ресурсами и охране окружающей среды. Их активность будет вносить вклад не только в сохранение окружающей среды, но и в улучшение общественного ее компонента. Чтобы создать такие условия для жизни, которые бы больше соответствовали природе человека и давали возможность для его реализации как творческой, и свободной личности. Это обеспечит устойчивое развитие села.

          Приоритетной становится задача воспитания сельской молодежи в возрасте 15-17 лет  способной выступить творцом собственной жизни, стремящейся к осознанному участию в различных сферах социальной практики. Это, в свою очередь, приводит к пониманию необходимости активизации работы школы и других социальных институтов в организации социально значимой деятельности школьников с целью создания условий для становления социальной направленности личности, формирования готовности к социальным действиям, приобщения подрастающих поколений к деятельности, направленной на творческое преобразование окружающей действительности.

          В настоящее время в  сельской местности - повлиять на формирование социальной активности молодежи в возрасте 15-17 лет - очень сложная задача. Так как пока ещё не созрели необходимые социальные институты и соответствующие к этому знаниия и навыки. В настоящем этапе развития сельского общества, на мой взгляд нужно действовать процессу формирования социальной активности молодежи через экологическое образование.   К сожалению, пока нет  система постоянно действующих экологических образований. Поэтому экологизация образовательных услуг, оказываемые международными проектами являются актуальными.

         Чтобы ввести в практику образовательных услуг сотрудничество, взаимопомощь, взаимопроверку, организовать высокоэффективную работу при изучении математики, физики, химии и биологии, необходимо проводить групповую учебную работу. Такую работу можно проводить через внедрение экологического компонента в математику, физику, химию и биологию. Экологические знания затрагивают сферу жизненных интересов молодежи, отражают реальные процессы и явления окружающего мира. Наряду с государственными образовательными учреждениями активизация образовательных услуг, предоставляемые частным структурами путем экологизации услуг, может быть вкладом в решение этой проблемы.

           Экологизация образовательных услуг, предоставляемые молодежи частными структурами, создает условия для развития умения давать количественную оценку состояния природных объектов и явлений, положительные и отрицательные последствия деятельности человека в природном и социальном окружении. Групповые работы по решению экологических задач дают возможность для раскрытия вопросов о среде обитания, заботы о ней, рациональном природопользовании, восстановлении и приумножении ее природных богатств.  

    Dear Jacqueline,

    On behalf of my colleague Jim Sumberg at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), I would like to share three blog posts Jim Sumberg and colleagues have written on rural youth, food and work, which are relevant to the present discussion.  

    We would be happy to have these considered as part of the consultation, and incorporated in the write-up.

    Best wishes,


    Dear Ms Demeranville,     

    Thank you for the opportunity given to me to join the FSN forum. It is such an honor for me.

    Current condition in Indonesia the number of farm households by the year 2013 as many as 26.13 million, down 5.04 million families from 2003 or 10 years ago, down to 16%. Serious attention should be taken on Agricultural sector in order to be attractive to the young generation. Agriculture does not considered providing immediate results that can be enjoyed (if compared to work in the city) and less attractive jobs and cool (fancy technology) for the youth.

    While the problem of child labor in the agricultural sector is a major challenge in the developing countries. A lot of work in agriculture in developing countries that engage children at risk, but on the other hand we have to realize that their work provide is a livelihood for the child and his/her family. Problems identified in the involvement of children in agricultural work is that they have low education levels, lack of skills and knowledge, as well as access to information is limited. While the youth themselves they are expecting a job that gives them direct wages, as well as involving the machine so it looks fancy and interesting for them.

    So as to involve children in agricultural activities should look for solutions that youth can get direct result/wages (eg by involving the youth as paid labor after school or during holiday that does not interfere with their study), (1) introduce and use agricultural machinery in agricultural work to the youth will improve security for youth employment in the agricultural sector as well as make agriculture attractive and cool to the youth; besides a need in (2) increasing youth capacity who are engaged in agriculture with course and training and providing them some science-related such as climate study and using agricultural modeling to make decisions in the development of agriculture. This helps teenagers develop their explorative soul towards a positive and useful for their future. 

    (3) Organizing youth into youth organizations as peer learning groups will provide opportunities for them to increase their organizational capacity and have their voice heard and taken into account in the decision making organization give youth courage to speak, learn and act in developing agriculture.

    So, that's all my idea for youth feeding the future.