Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)


Consultations, moderated by the FSN Forum with thematic facilitators, aim to capture the widest possible audience and provide a public platform for transparent and open sharing of ideas and information. They are launched to gather input for policy processes but can also be organized to collect feedback to help facilitators validate and support their technical work. Consultations usually take place over three to six weeks and are complemented with background materials that inform the exchange. For each consultation, a proceedings document containing all contributions received is made available on the Forum website. Forum members receive regular updates on the latest comments and feedback from the facilitator(s). The FSN Forum team then prepares an impartial, analytical summary of all contributions received. The results of the consultations generally feed into policy documents, such as CFS Voluntary Guidelines and global and regional policy frameworks related to the SDGs. 


Towards improved reporting on primary forests

A particular type of forests are the so-called primary forests, which are rich in native tree species, biodiversity while showing no visible indicators of human activities

FAO's Global Forest Resources Assessment provides essential information for understanding the extent of the world’s forest resources, their condition, management and uses.

This online consultation contributes to improvements of guidance and methods for reporting comparable global information for primary forest area and its changes.


Promoting youth engagement and employment in agriculture and food systems - e-consultation on the Report’s scope, proposed by the HLPE Steering Committee

During its 46th Plenary Session (14 – 18 October 2019), the UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS) requested its High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE) to produce a report entitled “Promoting youth engagement and employment in agriculture and food systems”, to be presented in 2021. To implement this CFS request, the HLPE is launching an open e-consultation to seek views and comments on the scope and building blocks of the report.

International Digital Council for Food and Agriculture

Towards the establishment of an International Digital Council for Food and Agriculture

Countries and international organizations from around the world committed to use the potential of digitalization to increase agricultural productivity and sustainability. To advise governments and other relevant actors on digitalization in the agricultural sector, FAO and partner organizations are developing a concept for an international Digital Council for Food and Agriculture.


The Future UNIDROIT-FAO-IFAD Legal Guide on Agricultural Land Investment Contracts (ALIC)

UNIDROIT, in collaboration with FAO and IFAD, is preparing a future Legal Guide on Agricultural Land Investment Contracts (ALIC), to cater for the needs of legal counsels working on the leasing of agricultural land from States and local communities. This online consultation invites you to share your views and comments on the document's Zero Draft. 

CFS Voluntary guidelines on food systems

CFS policy process on the development of the Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition

The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) is undertaking a policy process which will lead to the development of Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition. This e-consultation outcomes will contribute to the preparation of the First Draft of the Voluntary Guidelines.


Improving Public Private Partnerships in Africa’s agricultural sector – the case of Zambia

This consultation invites you to provide your experiences and insights on the development of agri-PPPs in Africa. It will serve to enrich the roundtable dialogue with additional insights for policy makers and expand the inclusiveness of the exercise. This particular consultation focuses on agri-PPPs in Zambia. 

SDGs - Forum

Sustainable Development Goals - your story of creating a food secure world

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has been formulated to guide the actions of the international community over the 15 years period from 2016 to 2030. 

With the implementation phase now in full swing, we would like to hear about your first-hand experience on how the SDGs have changed your work and life and what impact they have had so far in your countries.


Effective multi-stakeholder dialogue and collaboration to improve the design, implementation and impact of Public-Private Partnerships in Africa’s agricultural sector

This consultation will serve to enrich the roundtable dialogues FAO and AUC will organize in Ghana and other selected African countries to discuss opportunities for the promotion of agri-PPPs. Its aim is to provide additional insights for policy makers and allow a broad range of stakeholders to share their experiences and vision on the development of agri-PPPs in Africa.