Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)


Consulta del HLPE sobre el borrador cero del informe: Agua y Seguridad Alimentaria: Agua y seguridad alimentaria

En octubre de 2013, el Comité de Seguridad Alimentaria Mundial (CSA) pidió al Grupo de Alto Nivel de Expertos en Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (HLPE, por sus siglas en inglés) preparar un informe sobre el Agua y la Seguridad Alimentaria. Los resultados finales del estudio se incorporarán al 42º período de sesiones del CSA en octubre de 2015.

Como parte del proceso de elaboración de sus informes, el HLPE busca ahora aportaciones, sugerencias y comentarios sobre el presente borrador cero (en inglés). Esta consulta electrónica será utilizada por el grupo de expertos para avanzar en la redacción del informe, que luego será sometido a la revisión de expertos externos, antes de su finalización y aprobación por el Comité Directivo del HLPE.

Los borradores cero del HLPE se presentan deliberadamente en la etapa de trabajo en curso -con su gama de imperfecciones- de forma bastante temprana en el proceso, cuando queda tiempo suficiente para examinar con la debida atención las opiniones recibidas para que puedan ser realmente útiles y jugar un papel relevante en la elaboración del informe. Es una parte clave del diálogo científico entre el Equipo del Proyecto y el Comité Directivo del HLPE y el resto de la comunidad del conocimiento. En ese sentido, el presente proyecto identifica las áreas para las recomendaciones en una etapa muy inicial, y el HLPE agradecería cualquier sugerencia o propuesta basada en evidencias. También apreciamos si este borrador no se cita o se utilizan extractos hasta que esté finalizado.

Con el fin de fortalecer las partes relacionadas del informe, el HLPE agradece  que envíen sus comentarios y aportaciones sobre los siguientes aspectos importantes:

  1. La dimensión del tema del agua y la seguridad alimentaria es muy amplia. ¿Cree usted que el borrador cero ha delineado adecuadamente la diversidad de los vínculos entre el agua y la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición? ¿Hay evidencias importantes o aspectos que el presente borrador no ha logrado cubrir?
  2. ¿Abarca el informe de forma adecuada la diversidad de enfoques y cuestiones metodológicas, en particular en relación con los datos y mediciones para el agua y la seguridad alimentaria? ¿Qué mediciones le parecen especialmente útiles y cuáles no?
  3. La seguridad alimentaria implica el comercio de productos agrícolas, y un comercio virtual del agua. El comercio agrícola interactúa con el agua y la seguridad alimentaria de diversas maneras, y de manera diferente para los países importadores de alimentos, los países exportadores y los que tienen escasez de agua en comparación con los que tienen en abundancia. ¿Cree usted que el borrador cero ha cubierto adecuadamente la cuestión?
  4. En este informe, se considera el potencial para ampliar el derecho al agua para abarcar también los usos productivos. ¿Qué tipo de desafíos prácticos y de políticas traería esto?
  5. Qué acciones/soluciones/enfoques sistémicos serían las más eficaces para mejorar la gobernanza y la gestión del agua y su uso para la seguridad alimentaria?

Somos conscientes de que todavía no hemos cubierto adecuadamente -en el borrador cero-, algunas cuestiones de importancia. Les invitamos a sugerir ejemplos, incluyendo los exitosos y lo que los hizo posible, estudios de casos, datos y materiales relevantes en las áreas de: 

  1. Rendimiento comparativo del agua (productividad y resiliencia) para la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición de los diferentes sistemas agrícolas, y los sistemas alimentarios, en diferentes contextos
  2. El uso del agua en la elaboración de alimentos
  3. El agua para la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional en contextos urbanos y peri-urbanos
  4. Gobernanza y sistemas de gestión del agua capaces de integrar mejor los retos de la seguridad alimentaria, mientras que abordan el equilibrio entre los usos y los usuarios del agua de manera equitativa, con igualdad de género y deliberativa. Estamos particularmente interesados en los ejemplos que han mejorado la justicia social y que también han beneficiado a los grupos marginados.
  5. También agradecemos ejemplos sobre cómo se tiene en cuenta el papel del agua para la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición en la gobernanza, gestión y uso de la tierra, incluidos los vínculos entre la tenencia de la tierra y los derechos al agua.

Esta actividad ya ha concluido. Por favor, póngase en contacto con [email protected] para mayor información.

*Pinche sobre el nombre para leer todos los comentarios publicados por ese miembro y contactarle directamente
  • Leer 116 contribuciones
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Florence Egal


Thanks for eliciting contributions on a really timely initiative.  I’m sorry however my comments do not seem to fit with the suggested questions.

In a way this draft is still very supply-dominated. Water is essentially perceived as an input for commodity (in particular cereal and meat/dairy products) production. A lot of attention to value chains, not enough on food systems. Agro-ecology and local governance come at the end. One of the problems probably being that we departed from local governance in the first place (the role of colonization is well acknowledged in the document). An initial section retracing historical changes in water use could be useful.  

More attention should be given to community dimensions. The attention to rain fed agriculture is well appreciated but the need to protect subsistence agriculture and/or accompany change where relevant should be explicitly mentioned. Access to water is not only important for health and hygiene, but also in terms of time management and social linkages.

The projections of water demand are flawed by the simplistic prevailing economic modeling, which does not take into account necessary dietary changes (in particular reduction of animal protein consumption) and reduction of food waste. The promotion of sustainable diets (healthy, safe, environmentally friendly and socially equitable) can bring consumers back to the governance table. The importance of health and nutrition education and communication should therefore be emphasized.

The draft covers the impact of climate change on water availability, but the impact of production systems and related use of natural resources (including forests and water) on climate change would need to be more explicitly mentioned. It is urgent to plan production systems on an environmental basis, rather than adapt the environment (e.g. through irrigation) to standard commodities.

Water use for food processing is certainly an important dimension. It would be important to have a better understanding of small-scale vs. industrial processing. The impact of contaminated effluents on local food production (including subsistence agriculture) should be extended to non-food industrial processing (e.g. mining, textile industry…) and linked to the right to food.

The attention given to right to food is well appreciated. “Successful” hydrological management (Sénégal river, Mekong basis) have led to changes in local diets and livelihoods, and erosion of local biodiversity and indigenous food systems, resulting in increased food insecurity and malnutrition of the local population. It is important not to limit impact evaluation to “beneficiaries” but  also assess indirect impacts at community and local level (third party effects). [shouldn’t the reference to Jordan be extended to Occupied Territories along the Jordan valley?]. 

This draft points out yet again to the importance of territorial planning/watershed management (including city-regions food systems) to deal with complexity and promote sustainable development. Adopting an eco-system approach would help deal with cross-border and trans-boundary issues, as well as conflicts over access to water and other natural resources (e.g. pastoralists vs. sedentary farmers).

With best wishes for the next stage, I remain at your disposal for any clarification.

Lizzy Igbine

Nigerian women agro allied farmers association. (Niwaafa)

Water is life and so water forms part of our every day life. Water is life to man , animals and plants.

Water is a landmark and demarkates borders. We will be contributing shortly what water is both to man ,animal and plant with emphasis on Agriculture and livelihood.. We have text cases and models to discuss.

Lizzy Igbine mrs


Amadou Tall

freelance consulrtant
Côte d'Ivoire

Different UN MDGs are water-related, health and education as well as gender equality in our education system. The most difficult MDGs have been those related to infant and material mortality – often linked to infectious diseases and lack of access to clean water.

Globally the objectives are to cut by 50% the proportion of people unable of accessing potable water and 100% access by 2025. In Africa, a number of about 330 million African peoples have no access to potable water and 600 million no access to sanitation.

Many water initiatives have been taken to improve food security in Africa. The African Development Bank Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Initiative aims at meeting the basic water and sanitation needs of rural peoples – at least 80% – by 2015. Further, the African Water Facility, established in support of African Water Ministers, has the goal to enhance water management and enhance the investment environment. Furthermore, the NEPAD/AU Water and Sanitation program has the goal on the preparation of bankable projects for investment both by the public and private sector.

 In Africa, food security is compromised by inadequate infrastructure for water storage, water management; and management and protection of our river basins, trans-boundary waterways, such as the Nile, the Congo, the Niger, the Zambezi, and Mano River. In the same vein, the Lake Chad is shrinking and farmers cultivating agricultural products around this Lake are recording famine. The Lake Victoria is showing high rate of pollution and its populations are recording low agricultural production.

At the continent level, several water programs  to be implemented both in rural and urban areas, concern building new water storage capacity, water supply systems, rehabilitating networks and protection of our lakes, rivers and river basins, for water access and sanitation in order to contribute better irrigation, hydro power and other economic utilizations. All these activities to enhance nutrition and food security.

George Pulikuthiyil

Thank you very much indeed for this info.

Surely, we all at JANANEETHI, are interested in participating in the consultation proposed. Let us see the proposals emerged in the consultations. We hope we too will have to contribute from our experiences and policy changes drastically happening in the country in favour of the corporate lobbies endangering the future of the generations to come.

George Pulikuthiyil

Executive Director


Subhash Mehta

Devarao Shivaram Trust
Wishing you all a very happy 'Divali'.
A simple technology assures continuous moisture supply for agriculture in water-scarce arid and rain fed areas.
K.S. Gopal's presentation Youtube:
Also attached is a doc on re charging of 'Bore Wells', solving the ground water problem.
Warm regards

Jose Goldemberg

University of São Paulo

Comments on the report “Water and Food Security”

The description of the work of the World Commission on Dams is accurate.

What is inaccurate is the paragraph that followed.

“The World Bank, which was a founding member of the WCD, rejected its conclusions alongside key dam-building nations such as India, China and Turkey as well as the International Commission on Large Dams and the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage”.

and particularly the statement “In recent years dams have made a comeback”. In reality only China and Turkey ignored the recommendations of CDM.

The World Bank reacted to some recommendations but followed others and never abandoned financing of dam construction. In any case the WB loans where only part of the money needed and the rest comes from local resources.

The paragraph referring to Ansar et al clearly misrepresents the reality

“A recent study by Ansar et al (2014) draws upon cost statistics for 245 large dams built between 1934 20 and 2007. Without even taking into account social and environmental impacts, the study finds that "the 21 actual construction costs of large dams are too high to yield a positive return" (Ansar et al., 2014: 44). This study also found that dam construction costs were on average more than 90% higher than initial budgets, while 8 out of 10 suffered a schedule over-run, thus seriously questioning their economic/financial viability (ibid)”.

The evidence that the WCD amassed shows that some projects costed more than anticipated but this is a common characteristic of large infrastructure projects over the world.

The fact that 40-80 million people have been displaced by large dams has to be weighted by the fact that at least 1 billion people have been greatly benefited from the electricity supplied by large dams as shown clearly in the WCD Report.

Sao Paulo, 21 October 2014

Jose Goldemberg

Nicholas Senyonjo

Uganda Environmental Education Foundation (UEEF)

We do think the topic is very imprtant especially to Africa where many go without food. We propose that we have done many intervections on food security and our our organisation is wiling and ready to work with you in this noble cause.

Nicholas SSenyonjo


Uganda Environmental Education Foundation.

Mohamed Yassin

University of Udine

The Nile Basin Territories has witnessed significant demographic growth, since its independence, its popualtion went from around 60 million to the current 450 million and the projections for 2100 is expected to reach around 888 million persons.....this demographic growth combined with rapid urbanization put major demands and pressures on the ecological foundation (Land, Water, Climate, biodiversity etc)....which make imperative wise-management of the Nile Basin territorail capital on sound priciples of sustainablity and responsible investments in all capitals.

The university of Udine is conducting research in food security (food wastage), urban waste and resource amangements and will be happy to share its experience, accumulated knowlodge and research findings.

Feel free to share this video containing interviews conducted with key informants during the 4th Nile Basin developemt forum.....

For more information, link with this forum or the NBDF or send an email to: [email protected]



Kuruppacharil V. Peter


Right to food and water is right to life and living. To quote Gandhiji "hunger is shame to humanity and a curse to mankind". Availability, Access and Absorption of food are vital for civilised living.

Availability is ensured by good agricultural practices. Agricultural production is art and science involving appropriate government policy, use of science and technology and efforts of farmers. Marketing and demand-supply economics have made food production a specialised occupation. Area under farming is getting reduced, irrigation water dwindling and farm labour and energy costly' food production is becoming a challenging avocation with a lot of challenges and opportunities as well. Green Revolution during 1962 onwards made India self sufficient in food production, but the purchasing power of people being low, subsidised food has to be made available. Minimum Support Prices have made producer-farmers sure about an income in a world of economic uncertainty. Even with a reasonable food buffer stock and subsidised food, about 260 million people in India go to bed without a meal.

A hungry stomach is a violent stomach leading to violence. Any talk on food security should take into consideration level of education, health care and population density.WTO should be consumer friendly and pro-poor.