Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)


Hacia la creación de un Consejo Digital Internacional para la Alimentación y la Agricultura

La necesidad de un enfoque inclusivo y de múltiples interesados para debatir las tecnologías digitales en la agricultura y la alimentación quedó reflejada enero de 2019, durante el Foro Mundial sobre la Alimentación y la Agricultura (GFFA, por sus siglas en inglés) [1], en el que cerca de 74 ministros de Agricultura de todo el mundo y representantes de alto nivel de organizaciones internacionales se comprometieron a utilizar el potencial de la digitalización para aumentar la producción y la productividad agrícolas, mejorando al mismo tiempo la sostenibilidad, el uso eficiente de los recursos, las oportunidades de empleo y empresariales, y las condiciones de vida, en especial en las zonas rurales.

Sobre la base del Comunicado Ministerial de 2019 [2], los ministros de Agricultura pidieron a la FAO que redactase, consultando con  las organizaciones se incluyen el Banco Mundial, el Banco Africano de Desarrollo, el FIDA, el PMA; la OCDE, la OMC, la UIT, la OIE y el Centro Técnico de Cooperación Agrícola y Rural ACP-UE (CTA) una Nota Conceptual para la creación de un Consejo Digital Internacional para la Alimentación y la Agricultura que ayude a todas las partes a aprovechar las oportunidades que ofrece la digitalización.

Se han identificado coordinadores del GFFA en cada una de las organizaciones para que operen como un grupo operativo que una sus esfuerzos para elaborar una Nota Conceptual para la creación de un Consejo Digital Internacional para la Alimentación y la Agricultura como un primer paso dentro de esta iniciativa. Trabajando en colaboración, este Consejo debatirá y elaborará directrices voluntarias, prestará asesoramiento a los encargados de la formulación de políticas y mejorará el intercambio de conocimientos sobre las mejores prácticas que contribuirían a la agricultura sostenible y al desarrollo rural durante la transformación digital.

Hasta la fecha, la FAO, junto a las organizaciones internacionales:

  • Alberga un proceso de consulta abierta en el que participan las múltiples partes interesadas relevantes para desarrollar la propuesta para la creación del Consejo Digital para la Alimentación y la Agricultura;
  • Trabaja para elaborar una Nota Conceptual basada en un enfoque participativo consensuado que defina los términos de referencia (objetivo, alcance, funciones, roles y responsabilidades legales, y modelo operativo) para crear el Consejo Digital para la Alimentación y la Agricultura, junto a una hoja de ruta para la implementación; y
  • Identificar la formación, mecanismos y calendario para la creación e implementación del Consejo Digital Internacional para la Alimentación y la Agricultura

Teniendo en cuenta estos antecedentes, el objetivo de esta consulta es involucrar a las partes interesadas y a personas individuales en el desarrollo y mejora de la Nota Conceptual.

El borrador actual está siendo desarrollado por la FAO, con el apoyo de Deloitte y la participación de los coordinadores del grupo operativo a través de una serie de reuniones de consulta. Tras la realización de esta consulta en línea, la FAO y los coordinadores se reunirán de nuevo para discutir el resultado y elaborar la versión final de la Nota Conceptual. Para esta consulta, compartiremos algunas partes clave de la Nota Conceptual para las cuales todavía necesitamos aportes y sugerencias por parte de ustedes.

Para entender mejor los puntos de vista hacia la creación de un Consejo Digital, le invitamos a considerar las siguientes preguntas:

  1. ¿Cuáles son los posibles puntos de partida para que el gobierno aborde los desafíos y promueva el desarrollo de la agricultura digital?

    (Haga clic aquí para ver la sección pertinente de la Nota Conceptual)
  2. ¿Cómo puede la creación del Consejo Digital abordar las numerosas barreras para la adopción de estas tecnologías?

    (Haga clic aquí para ver la sección pertinente de la Nota Conceptual)
  3. En su opinión, ¿Considera que las funciones identificadas para el Consejo Digital son adecuadas para hacer frente a los desafíos de los sistemas alimentarios antes mencionados?

    (Haga clic aquí para ver la sección pertinente de la Nota Conceptual)
  4. ¿Qué estructura de gobernanza debería implantarse para que el Consejo pueda cumplir su propósito?

    (Haga clic aquí para ver la sección pertinente de la Nota Conceptual)
  5. Por favor, añada cualquier otro comentario o contenido relevante que crea debe incluirse en la Nota Conceptual.

Le agradecemos su valiosa contribución al desarrollo de la Nota Conceptual para un Consejo Digital para la Alimentación y la Agricultura, y por ayudar al grupo operativo en la elaboración de un documento de carácter exhaustivo, que tenga en cuenta las opiniones y experiencias de todas las partes implicadas pertinentes.

Un cordial saludo,

Samuel Varas, FAO

Meng Zeng, FAO

Esta actividad ya ha concluido. Por favor, póngase en contacto con [email protected] para mayor información.

*Pinche sobre el nombre para leer todos los comentarios publicados por ese miembro y contactarle directamente
  • Leer 109 contribuciones
  • Ampliar todo

Dele Raheem

Arctic Centre / University of Lapland

In order to address challenges and foster the development of digital agriculture it will be important not to have a generalized concept to address these challenges in different geographical zones. An analysis of a case by case study that takes a critical look at both the opportunities and challenges should be carried out. Apart from the enormous opportunities of digitalisation, a recent policy report on "Digital transformation of European industry" clearly identified risks such as how automation and digitalisation risk polarising work and labour market inequalities, challenges to taxation and social equality systems, escaled shortages in digital skills across the economy, the competitiveness of firms dependent on mastery of digitalisation, issues of privacy and ethics.

How can the establishment of the Digital Council address the numerous barriers to adoption of these technologies?

Digital Council can play a pivotal role in identifying the various adoption issues at a local level and try to give solutions at the local level. Depending upon the resource availability at various locations we should try to give solutions.

  • Council can make it mandatory that the communication should be bidirectional, there should be a scope of the feedback system by which we can improve our self.
  • By technological support, the Council can give solutions which will be real-time solutions or there should be a minimum time lap.
  • Council can Help in merging various governmental, international and other parties to a single platform which caters their most of the needs making it an Inevitable "high utility" Need.
  • Council can check duplication and Multiplicity of platforms from many such organisations.
  • Council can give regulations for the interface, Data interpretability etc. To make it more easy for common operations and usage.


A case study "Farming Methods That Thrive in a Decarbonized World"

Technology is transforming nearly every aspect of our modern lives, and farming is no exception. The produce on your table tonight will have gotten there faster, fresher and more cost-effectively thanks to leading-edge technology in agriculture. However, farmers and farming face great threats including the production uncertainty of a changing climate and ecosystem impacts on the health of soils.

Agriculture research and the application of technology will become increasingly computerized in the decades ahead. Moisture sensors, drones, smart irrigation, terrain contour mapping, self-driving and GPS enabled tractors, advances in ecosystem services, and better soil management can help farmers produce food more sustainably.

See a presentation of the case here: 

Digital technology in agriculture should be driven by the need to make science based decisions.  The ecosystem service approach will help advance DT through data mining, modling and marketplace development in a way to meet the MEAs. The ESP has capitalized a substantial body of knowledge and tools that could be shaped to fit with precision farming. Creating an open team within ESP members is recommended.

What are the potential entry points for government to address challenges and foster the development of digital agriculture?

In many countries government has a good network of agricultural research institute, universities, marketing agencies and others. These organisations are working for many decades and they know about the local requirements and the other dynamics related to agriculture. They have collected huge data and other information. If that data can be utilised by converting into digital format for getting the in-depth information then it will be a better option. There are many issues  when we are working with governments especially in the case of developing countries corruption, education, political instability, economic inequality are very common. If the present plan is Implemented in a proper way along with giving proper training to the participating staff members. Then the Council will be able to drop at successful in achieving their objectives


To Q1, I propose some differentiation and new elements to highlight the challenges:

- digital literacy for skills development should address better cooperation with mobile companies (PPP), vocational schools as well as well organised farmer organisations, ideally at national a/o local level.

- the rural/urban divide should be added in bullet 6

- research and science-based information (in the form of R&D) can enhance the trust of information, hence the need to cooperate with research institutes interesetd in promoting education and skills for farmers.

To Q2, the principles highlighted may still be improved. My proposal:

- to add: (i) be accountable; (ii) subsidiary, i.e. the higher level of the Council should only intervene if the lower is not capable to do it; (iii) The main production systems should be differentiated, as the required knowledge/information need is often very specific to the production system. At least the distinction between industrial/big farming and agroecology/organic/smallholder farming should be made.

- the DC should operate more as a network than a hierarchical structure and so encourage the open sharing of experiences between regions and countries. The focus of the DC should be on enhancing the framework conditions by taking a leadership role, promoting pilotes and communicate effectively.

- under "neutral": the DC has not to accelerate digital agriculture, but to assure that the sector makes best use of it.

- under "be accessible". It is not the role (and competency) of DC only to make DA available and affordable, but together with the private sector (service providers) and the farmers communities.

To Q3, I think that the 3 key ecosystem gaps are fine for defining the roles for the DC. But what I miss is the distinction into the anticipated 4 levels, i.e. local, national, regional and global. See above my comment on decentralization and subsidiarity principles.

To Q4: An alternative model would be a network architecture, where the Secretariate would provide and receive information from the regional and national nodes, and the EC just be responsible for strategic decisions. All operational decisions should be regional, national and local. Desigend as it is, the public sector has too much weight and risks to end in a bureacratic and static organisation, not following the fast technological and social developments.

In order to be successful, we must take in account the digital divide that exists in the country side and farm lands.

Agricultors, farmers and land workers must have access to the internet and to basic digital technologies.

If we want innovation, we must think in creative ways to close the digital gap between users in cities and the farms.

Do the farmers have access to the internet?

Do the farmers have access to electricity, solar, wind, batteries, etc?

Do the farmers have the skills to navigate the electronic frontier with laptops or phones?

How are we to integrate the high level decisions from planners and governments to the farmer?

Community Health Workers around the world have been looking for practical solutions the integration of technology and primary health care.

Marco Meneses


Establishing an international digital council for agriculture and food can be an extremely important tool for sharing information, networking, researching markets, pricing and sharing projects of successes, lessons and challenges.

I fully agree with this FAO mechanism to lead this process, as digitization will drive and revolutionize increased production and productivity to ensure food security.

I would like to call on FAO to create ways that in developing countries this concept will be broader even in rural areas and for Mozambique, where about 80% of the population depends on agriculture could create a new approach and stimulus.

Dear all,

We would like to draw your attention to the recording of the webinar “Towards the establishment of an International Digital Council for Food and Agriculture”, which you can access here:

The webinar complemented this online discussion and took place last week. It featured a presentation by Mr. Samuel Varas, Director of the Information Technology Division at FAO. His presentation was followed by a question and answer session moderated by Ms. Meng Zeng, Information Technology Officer at FAO. 

Your FSN Forum Team

Dele Raheem

Arctic Centre, University of Lapland

Contribution received through the e-Agriculture platform

Question 1

The challenges are definitely inconclusive.... As an on-going initiative that seek inputs from stakeholders, the needs for different communities are expected to change over time. An important aspect for the council will be to effectively liaise with national governments to build their "analog infrastructures" that will support the envisaged digital solutions in the new 'Digital Council for Food and Agriculture'. How close the operations of the Council be to the end users will be crucial in its delivery.

Question 2

Perhaps an opportunity for cross-fertilisation of ideas through trainings and workshops on a regular basis (in both virtual and real platforms). It will be ideal to have branches of the Digital Council in strategic locations that are close to the people geographically.