Reports and briefs

التقارير والموجزات

E-Government in Support of Sustainable Development

The UN E-Government Survey 2016 on “E-Government in Support of Sustainable Development” offers a snapshot of trends in the development of e-government in countries across the globe. According to the Survey more governments are embracing information and communication technologies (ICTs) to deliver...

التقارير والموجزات

Local Food for Global Future

Nowadays it is generally recognized that the post World War II industrial agriculture and food in Western countries was succesful with regard to profit, but unsuccesful with respect to people and planet. The underlying structure was a linear economy and a poor interpretation of the sustainability...

التقارير والموجزات

Innovative markets for sustainable agriculture

Between 2013 and 2015, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) undertook a survey of innovative approaches that enable markets to act as incentives in the transition towards sustainable agriculture in...

التقارير والموجزات

The right to adequate food and decent rural employment: joining forces

This advocacy brief explores in practice the linkages between the right to adequate food and rural decent employment and how they can mutually reinforce each other and maximize the results achieved with national and local partners. Its objective is to focus on raising awareness and increasing...

التقارير والموجزات

2025 تقرير التوقعات الزراعية من إعداد منظمة التعاون الاقتصادي والتنمية ومنظمة الفاو للأعوام من 2016 إلى

التوقعات على المدى المتوسط للزراعة العالمية ليُلبي هذا القطاع الطلب المتزايد على الغذاء والأعلاف والمنتجات الخام للاستخدامات الصناعية، هناك حاجة إلى زيادة الإنتاج بنحو كبير. وهذا التوسع يجب أن يتم في مواجهة تراجع توفر الأراضي والمياه في مناطق كثيرة من العالم، والمتضاعفة بسبب آثار تغير المناخ. وهذه...

التقارير والموجزات

Key Recommendations for Improving Nutrition through Agriculture and Food Systems

Food systems provide for all people’s nutritional needs, while at the same time contributing to economic growth. The food and agriculture sector has the primary role in feeding people well by increasing availability, affordability, and consumption of diverse, safe, nutritious foods and diets,aligned...

التقارير والموجزات

FAO’s Response to the 2015–2016 El Niño

From Early Warning to Early Action The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has been monitoring forecasts for the current El Niño since early 2015. It is using early warning information to design and implement early actions knowing that anticipatory action can mitigate or...
