Call for submissions

Call for experiences, best practices and scalable solutions for the integration of biodiversity into agriculture

Biodiversity is the cornerstone of sustainable production and food security. It contributes to the health of ecosystems, the sustainability of food production and the resilience of livelihoods. The agricultural sector - plant and animal production, fisheries, aquaculture, and forestry - depends on biodiversity and the ecosystem services it provides, but it is also the sector with the greatest influence on biodiversity.

The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework adopted in December 2022 sets the course for global biodiversity action over the next six years and beyond. It includes 23 targets to achieve by 2030, several of which specifically concern the agricultural sector. Its implementation will require the involvement of stakeholders in the agricultural sector. 

This challenge will be the subject of the International Symposium "Agriculture, Biodiversity and Food Security: From Commitments to Actions", to be held in Quebec City, Canada, from April 30 to May 2, 2024.[1] The Symposium will discuss technical recommendations to facilitate the agricultural sector's commitment to achieving sector-relevant targets. These recommendations will build on efforts already underway to integrate biodiversity into agriculture, and will take into account the opportunities, constraints, and challenges, for food producers and all other stakeholders, that need to be addressed to better integrate biodiversity into agriculture.

Through this call for submissions, the steering committee of the Symposium and its co-chairs are inviting stakeholders to submit contributions on experiences and best practices, and concrete, scalable solutions concerning biodiversity and agriculture, in order to inform the Symposium and facilitate the development of recommendations.

A first version of the recommendations (Zero Draft) serves as a reference for completing the template for submissions.

The call is open until 18 March 2024.

How to take part in this call for submissions:

To take part in this Call for submissions, please register to the FSN Forum, if you are not yet a member, or “sign in” to your account. Please download the submission template (English, French or Spanish) and upload the completed form in the box “Post your contribution” on this webpage. Please keep the length of submissions limited to 1,500 words and feel also free to attach relevant supporting materials. For any technical support regarding downloading or uploading the submission form, please send an email to [email protected].

We look forward to receiving your contributions, which will undoubtedly enrich the Conference and its outcomes.


Julie Bélanger, Natural Resources Officer (Biodiversity), Office of Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environment, FAO

[1]The International Symposium "Agriculture, Biodiversity and Food Security: From Commitments to Actions" is co-organized by the Laval University (UL), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), and the Ministry of International relations and La Francophonie (MRIF) of the Government of Quebec.

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Dear Madam, Dear Sir, 

In response to the Call, we are pleased to submit a contribution in the attached file with a proposal from the brazilian Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock for a National Policy on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture - PNRGAA, considering its strong interface with the objectives of integration of biodiversity into agriculture.


Luis Pacheco

Coordinator - Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Dear Sir/Madame, In response to the Call, we are pleased to submit a contribution from the work Participatory Natural Resource Management and Rural Development Project in the North, Centre-North and East Regions (Neer-Tamba Project) designed to run for 8 years (2014-2022), with the development objective of sustainably strengthening the autonomy and capacities of 266,125 direct beneficiaries (50 percent women and 30 percent young people) in 166,328 poor rural households in the North, Centre-North and East regions of Burkina Faso. The project was structured around four components: (i) Small-scale village land development, aimed primarily at improving the resilience of households/family farms to climatic hazards, but also helping to create or strengthen their financial autonomy; (ii) Intensification of small-scale farms and enhancement of their production through the dissemination of best practices and the financing of local initiatives and innovations likely to improve the economic autonomy of target populations in the long term; (iii) Structuring of stakeholders and their networking; and (iv) Project management.  Thank you for the opportunity and looking forward to the feedback. Best, regards

Dear Sir/Madame,

In response to the Call, we are pleased to submit a contribution based on the experience and work under the programme "NATURE+: Nature-positive Solutions for Shifting Agrifood Systems to More Resilient and Sustainable Pathways," part of the OneCGIAR Portfolio.

The Initiative adopts a holistic approach, encompassing five areas of work: 1) Conservation of agrobiodiversity, utilizing both in situ and ex situ approaches; 2) Management of agrobiodiversity, where agrobiodiverse farms cultivate locally adapted crops and develop value chains for local crops; 3) Restoration, involving agroforestry systems and the integration of local trees into the production system; 4) Circular Economy, focusing on the management of rural waste to create economic value and reduce environmental impact; 5) Engagement, through the assessment of the true cost of food production on the environment and the study and research of policies that can support agrobiodiversity in the production system for an evidence-based policy transition.

A practical application of the Nature+ principles can be seen in Kenya, where, in response to challenges such as land degradation, fragmentation, and declining production efficiency, NATURE+ has designed an innovative approach to unify small farm plots into larger aggregated farms. By applying nature-positive principles, these aggregated farms will enable producers to achieve economies of scale, diversify production, and create new value chains.

We thank you for this opportunity to contribute to the discussion and look forward to the outcomes.

With best regards,




Franco Torres

Fondazione Proclade Internazionale Onlus
جمهوريّة الكونغو الديمقراطية

La communauté de Proclade intenazionale onlus remercie cette nouvelle opportunité de participation. Le sujet du colloque est pertinent et le draft exprime des espoirs et des préoccupations qui sont aussi les nôtres. Néanmoins, tout en partageant une expérience qui nous semble significative, nous avons aussi fait quelques observations à propos des politiques publiques et du rôle des organisations paysannes.

Dear Madam, Dear Sir, 

FAO's Knowledge Platform on Emergencies and Resilience (KORE) supports the generation and dissemination of evidence-based learning and knowledge to support resilience to food crises. KORE is pleased to submit the attached good practice on Innovative agriculture, livestock, and natural resource management in Somalia, implemented by FAO and its partners with support from the government of Canada. This good practice presents scalable solutions harnessing the potential of agrifood systems and alternative livelihoods pathways to prevent food crises while conserving, restoring and sustainably using biodiversity. 

Thanking your for your attention and looking forward to your feedback.

Best regards


Équiterre est fière de participer à l'appel à contribution dans le cadre du Colloque ABSA. 

Nous présentons le Projet Haricot, qui vise à accompagner les institutions publiques et les producteur(trice)s de la chaîne d’approvisionnement des haricots secs. Cette culture engendre des effets régénérateurs pour les sols, alors que les institutions offrent des opportunités de mise en marché fondées sur les circuits courts. Notre travail consiste à faciliter le développement de maillages, l’organisation de rencontres, de visites à la ferme et d’activités de sensibilisation aux grandes cultures locales.

L'adoption de la culture du haricot et de culture de couverture constitue des actions favorables à la protection et l'intégration de la biodiversité dans le secteur agricole. 


SOCODEVI est heureuse de prendre part à cet appel à contributions afin d'accélérer l'intégration de la biodiversité dans l'agriculture dans le but d'assurer, notamment, la sécurité alimentaire des populations. Pour l'occasion, nous avons choisi de parler d'apiculture et d'expériences tirées du Sénégal (projet SAGA/CasaMiel), puisque SOCODEVI a identifié la pratique de l’apiculture comme un moyen pour renforcer la résilience des membres des certaines coopératives face aux changements climatiques et favoriser la biodiversité. 

«Les abeilles et autres pollinisateurs sont des petites créatures très actives dont la contribution à la bonne santé de la planète et à nos conditions de vie est précieuse. Ils jouent un rôle vital pour le maintien des écosystèmes, contribuent de manière essentielle à la production alimentaire et aux moyens d’existence et établissent un lien direct entre les écosystèmes sauvages et les systèmes de production agricole.» - FAO, 2022

À SOCODEVI, nous soutenons l'accroissement des bénéfices liés de la conservation des écosystèmes par et pour les femmes vulnérables et leurs communautés via le développement d’activités génératrices de revenus respectueuses de la nature et le renforcement organisationnel (coopératives et autres groupements). Nos activités visent, entre autres, à réduire la pression sur les ressources naturelles en renforçant les capacités des groupes/coopératives/associations, en particulier féminins, à diversifier leurs sources de revenus, à partir de solutions productives fondées sur la nature, intelligentes face au climat, soutenant l’économie circulaire et la biodiversité.  

L’apiculture permet une entrée dans l’économie formelle pour bon nombre de femmes et de jeunes appuyées par SOCODEVI en Afrique comme en Amérique latine. Avec une formation, c’est possible de démarrer des activités apicoles à court terme sans investissements majeurs. Ce n’est pas long pour obtenir une première récolte : environ trois mois. Si on n’a pas accès à la terre, on peut parfois même s’occuper d’une colonie d’abeilles installée dans la parcelle de quelqu’un d’autre. Le miel offre aussi un revenu d’appoint plus facile d’accès pour les personnes plus marginalisées lorsque l'équipement utilisé est facilement manœuvrable.

Au plaisir de collaborer pour faire progresser ces enjeux, 

Andrée-Anne Côté-St-Laurent, conseillère en politique et plaidoyer, SOCODEVI

Abou BA PhD, conseiller en environnement et adaptation aux changements climatiques, SOCODEVI