السياسات والاستراتيجيات والخطوط التوجيهية

التقارير والموجزات

Climate Change and Food Security in Pacific Island Countries

With increasing global temperatures, rising sea levels and more frequent and intense extreme weather events, Pacific islands countries, especially those in warmer latitudes, are the most vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. Their populations are expected to be among the first that...


Policy outreach and communications - what works for improving food security and nutrition at the country level?

The degree to which the Food Security and Nutrition information produced is actually used by decision makers, and influences policy making, remains unclear. Through this discussion we would like to explore the factors that contribute to our evidence and knowledge actually being used in policy making processes.

التقارير والموجزات

Cash Transfers and Resilience: Strengthening Linkages Between Emergency Cash Transfers and National Social Transfer Programmes in the Sahel - Discussion Paper

This discussion paper has been inspired by the exchanges that took place during the course of the learning event. It seeks to extend the discussion to include other actors working within the region, as well as in other regions confronted with the same questions. It proposes an initial approach to...

التدريب والأدوات وقواعد البيانات

Regional Learning Event: “Links between emergency cash transfer programming and social safety nets in the Sahel” - Final report

Cash transfers are nowadays widely used in response to the food and nutrition crises that affect the Sahel. Since the crisis of 2012, many stakeholders (including governments, United Nations agencies, international or local non-governmental organisations) have made use of them – at scale, in some...


Invitation to an open discussion on the ICN2 Framework for Action zero draft to implement the Rome Declaration on Nutrition

To follow up on two rounds of online discussions on the draft Declaration of the Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2) held earlier this year, we now invite you to share your comments and inputs on the zero draft of the Framework for Action (FFA). This open consultation gives you an opportunity to contribute to the Conference and to its outcome.


Renew the commitment: Ten-Year Retrospective on the Right to Food Guidelines

10 years ago FAO member states produced and adopted The Right to Food Guidelines, which provide practical guidance on how the human right to adequate food can be realized. The goal of this online discussion is to learn from the first ten years of using the Right to Food Guidelines to get better for the future.


Nutrition education as a strategy to strengthen family farming households and improve people's diets

The aim of this forum’s discussion, organized jointly with the ICEAN network, is to identify potential action points and initiatives whereby nutrition education can improve the diet of family farmers and create demand for nutritious local produce among the general public, thus both generating income for farming households and enhancing the nutrition of the public.