Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

The multidimensional crisis at the global level, caused by the irrational action of human beings when using natural resources above the planet's capacity, in this new era called the Anthropocene, leads to the urgent need to seek options for sustainable development and greater resilience of actors in the face of climate change. For this reason, I propose Social Neocapital (unpublished topic, topic of published doctoral thesis) as a mechanism of polycentric governance and an important alternative to sustainable development, also very pertinent to this Forum related to the contribution to scientific-normative interfaces. The proposal (doctoral thesis and several articles already published in indexed journals) is based on hermeneutic phenomenology, from the experience of the actors of the Rangel municipality, as well as specialized economic literature, from authors such as Elinor Ostrom, Jean Tirole, Edgar Morin, Oliver Williamson, Robert Putnam, James Coleman, among others. However, when a phenomenon is difficult to summarize in a key word or a master word, which cannot be traced back to a simple law or idea, as is the case with social capital, the idea of ​​Edgar Morin's complexity paradigm is reinforced. . Even in the municipality, producers have been moving, over several decades, from the self-organization of irrigation committees - where they have managed to generate their own institutions and maintain their cultural heritage - to evolve towards a higher stage of self-eco -organization as proposed by the same author. In this sense, by making use of Biotechnology and Biomimicry, producers have strengthened an agricultural production system, with criteria of equity, social inclusion, agroecological practices and responsible consumption, which invites us to rethink the role of the State and consider the articulation inter-institutional coordination of actors as a starting point for public policy reforms in the face of climate change or other adverse events, which allows the preservation of the environment, sustainable food systems and therefore of life itself.